Madoka Magica is a show that works on every level. The animation is gorgeous, the writing is tight, the performances are memorable and the soundtrack is iconic. Everything came together on this project in a way that you just don't see very often.
The animation and designs are the most striking thing about Madoka. The character designs are unique and endearing and makes the characters effortlessly sympathetic. It contrasts nicely with the darkness of the story without ever feeling out of place or gimmicky. The surreal witch labyrinths are where the creativity of the animators really shines. They've crafted a series of trippy nightmare worlds that
Oct 7, 2020
Beastars is a fantastic series with a lot going for it. It's themes are well realized and the animation is stunning.
The inner turmoil of the main characters is fantastically realized. Every character is struggling against themselves in some way and their arcs all compliment each other thematically. Louis and Lugosi each of complimentary but opposite arcs. Lugosi struggles to hide his true nature from the world and plays a meek facade. Louis is insecure about his lack of strength in a world dominated by carnivores and so projects confidence that he doesn't believe he possesses. Haru wants to feel in control of her life despite being ... Jul 21, 2020
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
I went into this show with low expectations, but it still managed to surprise me with its sheer appalling tastelessness.
The constant over sexualization and over-the-top violence make it clear that this show is meant to be an edgy teenage jerk-off fantasy, and as such, I'm sure it does it's job effectively. Where it gets me is the attempts at discussions of real-world issues like terrorism, war, child soldiers, sex slavery,torture, abuse, and trauma, resulting in some of the most jarring tonal shifts I have ever experienced. Its pretensions towards some level of depth and seriousness just make it all the more laughable. The main character, ... |