After re-watching this movie for the… Don’t know how many times – I finally decided to leave a review and to bring up all the reasons why THIS is easily the best Studio Ghibli movie of all time.
Story 10/10
I’m going to be completely honest here, when I watched this movie for the first time, I was a young teenager and I didn’t understand most of it but I ended up loving it anyway. It was also the very first Ghibli movie I ever watched and kind of (but not really) first introduction to anime. So you might think I’m biased (which is fair
and maybe even true)… So saying I didn’t understand the story completely would be a point of criticism, right? Not in this case though. Because I feel like the beauty of this movie is that the more you watch it, the more you can appreciate its beauty and the message behind it. Because you start to notice more details and then you realize how amazing the writing of this movie is, that everything just fits perfectly as fit for a masterpiece. You might think now: “This person watched other movies, rated them worse after only watching them once and might never return to them to appreciate them even more.” But let me tell you this: if a story is captivating you so much that even though you don’t fully understand, you come back to it and then once you do understand it gets even better, that’s great writing and storytelling right there.
But let’s focus more on the story itself. It might be because I’m a hopeless romantic but this story has everything a fantastic love story needs: interesting setting, lovable characters (we will get to that) and a story with a good pace. Just the premise of a young girl turning into an old lady and then joining a wizard in his moving castle (along with other eccentric characters) sounds cool. But there is much more to it. I’m not going into detail but once you realize that everything that happens is actually all set in full circle it’s mind-blowing and I simply love writing like this. Simply put: Howl giving his heart to a fire-spirit and making a contract with it and Sophie has to lift the curse while also resolving her own, is more complex than you’d think while simultaneously also being easier. Oh right, and at the same time a war is going on. I do admit that they could have done more to explain the world-building and lore but at the same time I think it’s good they didn’t as it would have shifted the focus too much. And while they do give us just a little bit of information, I think it’s kind of fitting how Howl put it with one statement: that whichever side of the war it is, there is no difference and that’s powerful and deep. By the way, this isn’t the only thing that’s deep. There are many iconic lines in this movie that really hit deep and also metaphors or other events such as the first encounter between Howl and Sophie up until the very end, when Sophie asks for Howl’s heart to the witch of the waste and even the castle itself which I just found out recently, actually also could have a deeper meaning into Howl’s mindset and feelings (this movie really doesn’t need to go this deep but it does). So I will leave it up to you to explore the story in full detail and still find some precious and beautiful meanings. But I could go on for hours…
Characters 10/10
Well-written characters are the most vital ingredient for every good story and I firmly believe that without them, the other is simply not possible. Regardless of how good an idea or concept is, if the characters involved fall flat, so does the story. The same goes the other way around (but it is kind of possible to like a bad story a little because of the likable characters but more unlikely to like a good story with badly written characters). But great characters do not mean you love and accept everything about them from the start and I think that’s another aspect I love about this movie (but I will get to that).
Let’s start with our main character Sophie who is an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life who obviously lacks self-confidence. To me she has always been one of the most relatable characters out there. Like there is this once scene when she talks to her sister (after her first encounter with Howl) and says she wouldn’t have been worried about him eating her heart, since she is not pretty and her sister snaps and reminds her that there is a war going on outside. Normally you would think that maybe her sister is right and she shouldn’t concern herself with that and while I do agree that it’s of minor importance compared to that, her sister who says that is also obviously “the pretty and popular” one. And even if she doesn’t shove it into Sophie’s face, it’s kind of showing what it’s like to live in one of your sibling’s shadow (by the way I absolutely think that Sophie is beautiful, especially later – I will get to that too!). But it doesn’t even show it like Sophie wouldn’t be concerned about her environment (she left the shop to look after her sister while their mother was gone because she was worried). And even when Sophie turns old because of the spell, she only concerns herself with that in certain situations. She’s very relatable, just trying to get by and giving her best. But she is also the one who helps Howl and who tears down his walls (and his shallowness) – even literally. Another thing I love about her character is that unlike many other stories where the ordinary girl turns out to be extraordinary, it’s not the same for her. She does change and in a way breaks Howl’s spell and her own spell as well (although I think they both contributed to that), the story never focuses on how much she has done alone. She is a very strong female character who has a great character-development clearly seen by the way she changes at times, showing her determination to help Howl which she tries even before she realizes she is in love with him. So while her motivation might be love, it’s implemented so naturally, that I feel like it’s very rare to see in storytelling (especially these days). Also look how she draws people… Turnip Hat, Witch of the Waste, Heen and even Calcifer. From the first time I watched this movie, I couldn’t help but love her character. Which is surprisingly complex for an ordinary girl.
Speaking of complex characters… There is another one and that’s Howl. And while I didn’t dislike him in the beginning, I do think his character starts out rather shallow (which I think is done on purpose). He’s one of the few examples I like to mention when I talk about characters who start out as orange flag (maybe not entirely red) but turn into a green flag due to character development (Sophie has also great character development). Howl’s character has to start out like this for the story and character development to work. I mean… I’m not going to lie and say his first encounter with Sophie didn’t melt my heart (even more so now after I know the story even better) but he really does come off as shallow and not really trustworthy. Although I wouldn’t say he is a coward for staying away from war. But this all changes once Sophie enters his life. Which he allows (for a very particular reason) but even he doesn’t know the impact she has on is life which thanks to her he can see from a new perspective and change. But he also helps Sophie to get out of her shell. He realizes that some things are too shallow and of minor importance when it comes to the true nature of people. And maybe it’s because he was alone and lonely when he was younger as it’s implied. I do think there would be more interesting aspects about his character to learn such as details about the contract he made with Calcifer. But I don’t think it takes away from the story that they didn’t include this. I also think he contributes to Sophie’s change and lifting her curse since he helps her to see herself for who she truly is and in his eyes she has always been beautiful. I think it’s a beautiful lesson because maybe to the world someone can feel less beautiful and confident and maybe it doesn’t matter to others but the person… But then there is someone that can show them the beauty inside themselves and maybe about life. Sophie did enjoy being with Howl and the others. She came to love the place and the people. At the same time Howl found someone to fight for and he wasn’t lonely anymore. To him it was always Sophie who could save him out of the darkness. Yet they helped each other. And that’s what a beautiful love story is about.
There is probably more I could say about our lovable main characters but I better stop here and briefly mention the supporting character who while not being as deep and interesting, still contributing their parts. I’ve got to admit the first times I watched this movie I didn’t like Markl ( since I felt he was annoying) but now I think he is helping around to take away from the serious tone where it has to. And even the witch of the waste does her part and undergoes an interesting character development and redemption arc. It would have been interesting to see more how she looked and was before all of that…. Also I love sassy Calcifer. Turnip Head is also not bad but him turning out to be… you know, was a little bit random. But I liked that when Sophie sarcastically asked him to bring her a home, he quite literally brought her Howl’s castle. So she actually owes all of this to this guy. Turnip Head is a real one… I need one too in my life to lead me to my Howl… (Just kidding, or maybe not… :). Other characters contributed to the story as well without taking the spotlight from our main characters which is also rare since there is usually at least one supporting character who will steal my heart.
Animation 10/10
The love for detail in this movie is insane… Even more so the more you watch. And I think it also makes up for the lack of world-building and building of the lore since you can actually see many details that are not explained. Visuals make a huge part for every movie and it’s especially true for Ghibli movies. From the scenery to the character designs and Howl’s castle… Everything about this movie and its animation is simply stunning and just pure perfection. And while I didn’t like every of Howl’s hairstyles they did a good job representing the different stages of his life. (Same with the interior of his castle). I’m still wondering how Calcifer ended up cuter than Heen (sorry I’m not hating on the dog, it’s not his fault).
Soundtrack 10/10
“Merry Go Round of Life” is one of my favorite Soundtracks of all time. I just love this song and could listen to it all the time. It’s easy to recognize and very fitting. But also the rest of the music sets the atmosphere perfectly. Even the ending song grew on me more and more. Same as with the animation, they set the atmosphere.
Overall 10/10
Personally I think there are not many movies that deserve the label to be fit for a “masterpiece” and often it’s connected with a bias. But in this case I actually didn’t rate this movie so high even after watching it several times… But the more I watch it, the more I love it. As with the blossoming love between Howl and Sophie. The message doesn’t seem ground-breaking yet it is. There is much room for interpretation but not too much to leave the viewers hanging. And yes, I know it’s very different from the book. But I have a confession to make… I did try to read the book once (and maybe I will try again) but because it’s so different I couldn’t get through it because I didn’t like the characters which I heard is supposed to be this way but while I know it’s a classic… I think you you have to give your audience something, which they did with this movie. So I’m actually glad about the changes they made to the story and the characters because it lead to this beautiful story. So I’m going to say something that I only said about another movie based on a book (and probably only in these two instances because usually that’s impossible)… By admitting that the movie is better than the book (there, I’ve said it!). It will always be my favorite Ghibli movie and one of my all time favorite movies in general. There is so much beauty, so much to discover. So yes, I would 100% recommend it. I don’t know if you will end up loving it as much as I do… But if you give it a chance and you like it on your first watch, I think the value of this movie increases the more you watch it. And that’s beautiful storytelling and a masterpiece.
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Jul 19, 2024
Howl no Ugoku Shiro
After re-watching this movie for the… Don’t know how many times – I finally decided to leave a review and to bring up all the reasons why THIS is easily the best Studio Ghibli movie of all time.
Story 10/10 I’m going to be completely honest here, when I watched this movie for the first time, I was a young teenager and I didn’t understand most of it but I ended up loving it anyway. It was also the very first Ghibli movie I ever watched and kind of (but not really) first introduction to anime. So you might think I’m biased (which is fair ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jul 19, 2024
Mononoke Hime
Mixed Feelings Spoiler
I know people will flame me for my take on this movie, but please hear me out… This is why I personally think this movie is overrated despite having decent characters and stunning animations/music.
Characters 6/10 This time I will start with the characters because I feel like it’s easier to explain my point if I get this out first. So we have our main character Ashitaka from a distant land who is forced to go on a long journey due to a curse he is trying to break so it won’t consume and kill him. I really like the way his character is established ... by showing how he is putting protecting his village/people above all else, even putting himself in danger, yet despite his (initial) abilities he is actually against fighting as shown later (which is also in contrast to another character who while showing to care for her people lacks to protect them). Personally I like that his goal isn’t to fight or taking sides but trying to make peace BUT that’s also where the problem with this story lies (or one of them). But up until a certain point it’s really easy to emphasize with him because many people today feel the same way. And throughout this movie he keeps on stating how it isn’t a solution to fight hate with hatred which in itself would be a good and beautiful message. However, later it fails to deliver and his later actions kind of defeat the purpose of establishing this kind of character, making it seem rather hypocritical (even though I can’t blame him for everything and there is something true about there is as much as we can do individually). But I really, really like the foundation of his character and think it’s very unique and in contrast to many other characters in this movie. So he’s easily one of the points I could like about this movie (if it wasn’t for other stuff). Minus the plot armor (and it is strong here!). Next is our other main character princess Mononoke/or San… If I remember correctly she is only referred to as “princess Mononoke” once in the entire movie which makes the title a little bit misleading (even the original Japanese title ‘Mononoke Hime’) which is a minor issue for me… The concept for her character in itself is not bad. She was raised by wolves (but they are spirit beings?) and hates humans because they want to destroy their forest… Which honestly would be a good setting for character development but then in the end she ‘still hates humans’ anyway… So there goes that. She develops a relationship with Ashitaka but it’s very unclear of what kind this relationship is and the movie also falls flat into showing how they could even develop this bond except for one or two scenes where they save each other, but they don’t really talk (almost nothing in this movie is resolved by talking but only by exaggerated action scenes). The main issue is that she is simply there, on one side of the opposing teams. It’s totally understandable why she would want to save the forest and preventing it or the forest spirit from getting harmed but for the length of this movie she didn’t receive any kind of substance you would expect. Especially given she is one of the main characters and the source of the title of the movie. We learn a little bit about her background and why the wolves adopted her but it’s basically just a sentence added somewhere and might as well would have been able to be put into any other fighting scene. As for the supporting characters, while they also have a solid existence, their force or motivation is mostly unclear, leading to the biggest issue I have with this movie and its story. There is also another common problem when you see so many supporting characters and they all get their little side-plots and characteristics… You will be able to remember them for that but they don’t really contribute to the story. For example there is this one town woman Toki, who makes very clear (from the moment Ashitaka saves him and brings him back to irontown), that she only thinks of her husband negatively and that he is useless. Even if it was implemented as a joke they keep repeating it, adding so many lines about it that once they were keeping the Samurai from entering their town, I just rolled my eyes when Toki said something about her “useless husband” (I get it, he is useless to you!). I know that it wasn’t their intention on portraying marriage with this movie but it was still pointless in my opinion to add it so many times. I did like that they added Eboshi’s concern for people, especially the women she helped and the lepers she took care of, adding to her character, not making her plain evil but it doesn’t justify her actions and makes her force and motivation for acting even less understandable. Like if she cares so much about this town she built and the people she helped why taking this huge risk? Aside this from being completely wrong. My favorite character is Yakul and he probably got the most personality and motivation (strangely enough) without even saying a word. He is Ashitaka red elk and loyal to the core. Flawless character writing right there (and I’m not even joking). Even in the face of danger he sticks to Ashitaka. It’s implied the wolves usually have great impact on the other animals but Yakul loyally sticks to his friend. Sorry for gushing, you can probably tell I have a bias for him. How is an elk better written than the female main character? Story 5/10 While the characters of this story are clearly flawed (mostly, I won’t take any hate against Yakul tho), they have potential. But when it comes to how the story unfolds, they completely fall flat and victim to a plot that stops to even make sense at one point. I’m honestly not a fan of fighting scenes (or war scenes) in general but if it is important to the plot I would not let them determine my rating (unless implemented unnecessarily). We could probably argue if that’s true for this movie, but personally I did feel like the running time was stretched a lot by fighting scenes (but they are not my main issue with the writing). That being said, I felt first half of the movie was alright, not ground-breaking in my opinion but it felt like a proper build-up for a climax that could change my mind about this movie (at least I was ready for this). Unfortunately it didn’t happen which is closely connected to the characters and their lack of motivation. I do think that it could have been a good message about establishing peace instead of fighting against each other. Also there is some sad truth about how humans would destroy nature, their environment and even fight needlessly against each other for no given reason. So if that’s all to it I’d say: mission accomplished. But we know that’s not the case because in the end, none of the people involved are facing the consequences for their actions. Yes, Eboshi has to rebuild the town and she was severely hurt but there is no acknowledgment they did all of this for basically nothing. That it was wrong and also brought great pain to others involved who were not responsible for an entire town and therefore other people’s lives. I guess it’s the same for people today, they also don’t learn from their mistakes… But I feel like if you want to transmit a message with your stories (especially in a movie) there should be something to take away or a resolve. Not simply shrugging it off and laughing “Guess I have to rebuild everything and make it better” and then? San still hates humans and what about the people? Will they go back to fight the forest once they have rebuild their town? Does rebuilding it “better” imply to make it stronger and more destructive or to be more peaceful and maybe just focus on the concerns of people? There was so much time spend on the fighting, escaping for life and so forth, not really showing the consequences of damaging actions, yet they get a good outcome anyway? For doing nothing but causing harm? Not really a good message if you ask me (I know you didn’t…). It was beautiful to see how the forest came back to life afterwards and how everything started to develop and blossom anew. But the reason it had to was very unnecessary and never really explained. Ashitaka went there because of the curse and to find its source, yet the movie never even gives a proper explanation how it came to be or how in the end it disappeared. I feel like it tried to have a message but it had too many issues not being resolved and I don’t mind that Ashitaka saved Eboshi despite her actions but there were still no consequences, nothing to take away because it was more important to know that Toki doesn’t like her husband (actually I don’t know if that’s the reason, I just wanted to throw that out here for no particular reason… Like they did in the movie). Ashitaka didn’t want to take sides but he kind of did given his priorities. I do give him that there is as much as he could do and he “tried” but honestly? After everything that happened on his journey (also establishing when he first met Jiko and they could have done something with that as well), I just feel the conclusion should have been differently and much more to take away for characters involved and also for viewers. Animation/Soundtrack 8.5/10 Studio Ghibli just always knows how to set the atmosphere which is true for this movie as well. Might be one of my favorite aspects of this movie. Especially when it comes to scenery and setting the mood. Overall 5/10 Please don’t get me wrong with the rant in my review, since I don’t think it is a bad movie or story and it surely has a lot of potential (especially when it comes to characters and world-building) but they could have done a lot more with it and ended up lacking force. It just feels like a story that doesn’t have an impact. Not saying it’s entirely bad or there were no good points in story-telling or I disliked everything about it (like I’ve said, there are some good aspects to it as well) but in my personal opinion it’s one of the rather overrated Studio Ghibli movies and average at best (when it comes to Ghibli standards). At least it has Yakul so that’s that and while he is not one of my all-time favorites now, he definitely won my heart (no, I’m not normal). That’s all, thanks for reading :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Jun 29, 2024
Karigurashi no Arrietty
Recommended Spoiler
Yesterday I re-watched this movie on my Studio Ghibli movie run and I completely forgot how amazing this movie is. Just to realize upon coming to this page that I rated it a 7/10 after my first watch. What was wrong with me then? That’s the reason why I came back here to write a review.
Story 9/10 I know this movie is adapted from a classic novel but in a way it also reminded me of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales for some reasons (not the story itself since it’s very different from Thumbelina but the vibes). It’s a very simple story at first glance. ... It’s about Borrowers (tiny people) who live in a house, borrow stuff that nobody will miss (like sugar, tissue etc.) while trying not to be seen by humans. This all suddenly changes when sickly boy Sho visits his aunt’s house and discovers them living in the house when he sees Arrietty. Despite them being very different they become friends but then Arrietty’s family is also in danger because of them being discovered. It’s not that complicated, yet it’s what makes it enjoyable. The way it’s adapted makes you feel like this could be real, you could be there as part of it with front seats. And I know Studio Ghibli is very talented at this but this movie really hits the mark. Usually I’d get this feeling I’m right inside a story only from reading a well-written book. But they created this movie to have the exact same effect (which is also due to the stunning art/animation but I will get to that later). The pacing is also good and what I like about the ending is that the entire movie is a proper build-up to it so it doesn’t feel rushed or forced. Part of me wish it could have ended differently and it made me feel a little sad since I was rooting so much for the characters but not because it wasn’t fitting. That’s a sign of a well-written story. The only complaint I’d have (if you can call it that) would be that I kind of wish this movie was longer and would have explained the lore of the Borrowers a little more or just to develop Sho’s and Arrietty’s friendship even further. Not because I feel like there is something missing but rather because I enjoyed every second of it. As for the concept of Borrowers which I’ve read some not so positive takes on… I don’t really mind it that much. I don’t necessarily think what they do is exactly right or at least I wish there would have been something left in return to make it more even and more a borrower compared to just taking stuff but that’s just my personal opinion (also it maybe would have created a plot-hole since they tried not to be discovered). I have yet to read the novel to see how it’s resolved there but yeah… I don’t really think “borrowing” one cube of sugar every few months is really considered stealing. Also given reactions from certain characters such as Sho’s aunt who seems to be aware of their existence but never says or does anything against it. On the contrary… If her family knew for generations that they’ve been there and they even build a doll house purposed for them it must mean they don’t mind it either. And they never took anything else so I’m not sure if I’d really consider it stealing. Also I liked how the villain of this story was basically just a crazy old lady who thought she went insane for seeing things and just wanted to… whatever she wanted to do to them. I kind of wish we knew what happened to the other family of Borrower’s that went missing. But I do think it’s very realistic that if something like this would be real, the most dangerous for their existence could be normal humans and it kind of proved the point of them hiding (mostly) which is sad because Arrietty’s and Sho’s friendship proves that it’s possible for them to live in harmony with humans as well. Characters 10/10 For a movie with this length, they fleshed-out the characters very well in my opinion. Let’s start with our main characters… I absolutely adore Arrietty and think she is a very great protagonist. She’s curious, clever and talented yet she never seems to be a Mary-Sue (flawless). Of course you could say it was partly her fault for getting caught and she didn’t obey her parents completely but I do like the fact that most of the time it wasn’t just her acting up. Because for a very long time she listened to the warnings of her parents. Because I noticed when she first got curious about Sho and the sugar cube he left them, she still didn’t take it because she was skeptical and remembered what her parents had taught her about humans. Well, technically she did disobey them a little later when she climbed up to Sho’s room to confront him but I think it was mainly to make matters right. It was only slowly that she realized she could trust Sho and build a friendship with him. It wasn’t the usual trope ‘young curious girl gets swept away by her own curiosity and then endangers her family by acting stupid and careless’ but rather her discovering that not all humans are dangerous or would try to harm them. So I don’t think she mainly caused the dangerous situation to happen (I will get to that when I talk about the next character) but it was rather unfortunate everything unfolded the way it did because of some of her actions. There are also other positive aspects I could bring out about her such as a sort of character development also because of this discovery but I will leave it at that and just end by saying she is one of my favorite Ghibli girls now. And I also love the fact that she uses a clothespin as hairclip and that it even became more significant once she gave it to Sho as farewell gift ♥. My heart really can’t take all this cuteness TT____TT Now let’s talk about Sho and why I love his character as well and want to stand up for him by defending him in this situation which many might think was mainly caused by him. Because I’d have to disagree. Same as with Arrietty his actions might have sort of triggered a chain reaction but it didn’t cause things to unfold that would have happened anyway, sooner or later. Let me explain this… Because later in the movie we learn that this wasn’t the first time Haru had seen the little people. She might have thought she had imagined it at first but still… If it wouldn’t have been for Sho yes, maybe they wouldn’t have been discovered for a while longer. But maybe they would have been eventually. We don’t know that. Also without them meeting they couldn’t have developed this beautiful friendship and I don’t know how everyone else feels about it but personally I think that a close friendship can be worthwhile some sacrifices. Maybe some of his actions seemed careless (like removing their roof and old kitchen without a warning and putting in the kitchen from the doll house) but his intentions were always good (because that’s the way the doll house was intended to begin with and he was the first one trying to do something with it) and much in contrast with what Arrietty’s parents said/thought about humans and their behavior. Especially saying that the youngsters would sometimes be worse than the grown-ups. And yes, that might be true for some but it was very clear that Sho was probably very lonely and sad because he couldn’t play normally. He also helped Arrietty despite his weak health once the situation escalated and Arrietty’s mom was missing cause she had been caught. I really doubt it would have been hard for them to be discovered without him – one day (even with them trying to be careful). I really want to believe the fact that Sho narrated he would never forget this summer in the beginning, means that he survived the surgery and beyond. Something else I’ve noticed is that throughout the movie he reads a lot. Which of course there isn’t much else he could do. But imagine a child/young teenager who’s bound to bed by his weak health and can’t play around like other kids but he can go on adventures by reading about them and imagining to be there. Then just think about if he discovers a secret like this – a whole different world from Arrietty’s perspective and they can even become friends. So in my headcanon I would like to think that after everything that happened, he became a writer and writes stories like this for others to picture themselves in even if they can’t go on their own adventures. I just really, really wish they could have reunited one day… The other characters were well-written as well for fulfilling their purpose. I also can’t blame Arrietty’s parents for being very careful. It doesn’t seem like that after Sho helped them out they were much against their friendship or saying goodbye to each other. And I do appreciate one more thing about Studio Ghibli movies: they never really portray cats as the villains (maybe just if it’s called for). So I love the fact that at first Niya is naturally like the enemy of the Borrowers but after Sho spoke to Arrietty kept them from harming her and even later on guiding Sho so he could say farewell to Arrietty. Might just be me loving this. Music 10/10 The music is fitting as usual, contributing much to the atmosphere and overall tone of the story. I kind of loved the Irish vibes to it and the ending song was perfect and I feel like I want to listen to it more often. Nothing to complain on this end either. Animation 10/10 Studio Ghibli just can’t fail their scenery and artstyle but this movie is a (visual) masterpiece. So much love for detail which given a story about tiny humans is essential and a huge part why I felt like you would be in the story or even wanting more of it. So visually I think they went out their way for this one. And I really, really liked the character designs as well (especially Arrietty since she looks so different from other Ghibli characters, especially with her hair down). There’s just a charm to it and the atmosphere is simply breath taking. Overall 10/10 This movie proves that it doesn’t require much movie run-time to develop characters and a story but you can do so by simple gestures and even seemingly minor acts or reactions. Just like in real life where actions can speak louder than words. It helps that it’s aesthetically and visually pleasing. And I personally can’t think of many ways they could have made it better (except for maybe making it a little longer or maybe giving us a sequel. Which I highly doubt but I’d wish for). And I honestly wonder what was wrong with me for rating it a 7/10 before, when this movie is such a masterpiece in many aspects. I feel like it’s one of those movies that regardless of your age, whenever you watch it, it will put a smile on your face, maybe make you a little sad but also get fully absorbed in. That’s story telling at its finest and that’s why I had to adjust my rating and just make it my second favorite Studio Ghibli movie. It’s like I discovered something new (which is crazy because I really did watch it some years ago but maybe I didn’t pay enough attention or I was sick when I watched it). Would always recommend it to everyone who loves a well-written yet simple story that maybe has more to it if you read between the lines and that you can fully absorb. There is probably more I could say about it in-depth but I think I’ve gushed enough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jun 27, 2024
Umi ga Kikoeru
Mixed Feelings
It’s not a bad movie, it simply has bad characters – and that’s basically the same thing…
Story 5/10 The story itself is rather short and uneventful. Unfortunately, what can make a good story (namely characters) can also be the reason to tear it down… In itself I don’t mind the premise of the movie. While I’m not a fan of love-triangles in general, it’s not entirely unrealistic that a person could come between a friendship if both friends fall for him/her. And maybe it could even help their friendship once they overcome it. I also didn’t mind the way the story was told by ... means of flashbacks. The movie was clearly going for nostalgia feels and with the atmosphere they managed this aspect well. Also it screamed the 90’s (which of course is not hard given it’s a movie from the 90’s) and I really like that aspect of the movie. Because unfortunately, that’s where my positive feedback ends. In the end there wasn’t much to take from this story, it didn’t have a purpose and it was rather superficial (especially for a Studio Ghibli movie). It’s not what made the movie bad for me though that’s on something else… If it would have just been for the story, I’d just consider it bland and average… Characters 1/10 I always thought there would be no bad Studio Ghibli movie… Yet this is the second one I didn’t like. But even with the other one I did not enjoy as much, at least some of the characters were decent or had potential… Not so much with “Ocean Waves” though but let’s start with one who’s a little more harmless… Our male protagonist Taku. To be perfectly honest, he is not the best aspect of the movie but not the worst either. He has some great qualities in the sense that he seems to be hard working and he helps people. There’s also something slightly selfish about it but I do think that out of all the characters he probably has the most potential (if you could call it that). No character development from him either but he also seems to be the one who is (mostly) self-aware. Well, not always but still… There are some minor and major issues I do have with his character… First when he is introduced, working part-time and then suddenly leaves his workplace earlier because he got a call from his friend (not even for an emergency but something trivial)… and then not just having this kind of lousy attitude but also after learning why his friend called him, not even mentioning that and asking… Like if it would have been an emergency maybe that’s not so bad but come on! I’m the last person on earth who wouldn’t want to leave work early but this kind of irresponsibility as minor as it seems… I don’t know it’s just not a good quality. They tried to play it off as “You can’t trust kids these days” but there surely are kids who wouldn’t do that unless it’s a real emergency (you could say maybe he is a loyal friend but I don’t even think that’s the case, considering where this movie goes). Two major issues with Taku’s character are something else though. I do feel like it’s not good for a friendship to fall for the same person your friend loves (not to mention there is basically no good reason that happens) and you might think it’s something beyond a person’s control… which is true… But it reminded me of one of my favorite Korean movies where two friends (girls) also fall for the same guy (but it’s kind of a misunderstanding) but the way it’s handled later on even after the feelings were developed, is much, much better while here it’s never communicated properly. And even when Taku and Yutaka finally talk it out (later on and not even properly) it doesn’t seem genuine. While you could think maybe Taku did all these things for Rikako because he is just a nice guy, I don’t think that’s the case either. Which leads me to the biggest issue I have with his character… Because in the beginning he even states how when he first met Rikako he thought she would never see Yutaka’s true potential/ what great person he really is because she was probably superficial (which ironically exactly came true) but then he proceeds to fall for her… For NO REASON! Based on what? On her looks. Because nobody in this world could tell me it’s for her personality. So basically this movie is trying to tell us it’s not about looks when it’s exactly all it’s about in this particular story. And that’s probably what bothers me the most here. There’s one word to describe Rikako’s character and it’s: insufferable. She does not possess one redeeming quality and there is no reason for me or anyone else to think that these guys fell for something else than her looks which is portrayed as extraordinarily pretty. If she wouldn’t have looked like this they wouldn’t have fallen for her… Of course in the beginning her personality was not obvious. It did bother me when everyone started to say “Oh, she is so different”… Yeah. Typical “She is not like other girls” but in a very, very bad way (not that the other female characters were likable but I’ll get to that eventually). Rikako is incredibly selfish, self-centered, manipulative, everything revolves around her and there is just so much I could add. I really, really tried to look for some good or redeeming qualities in her or even waited for some sort of character development but it never came. And if she did change until the day of the reunion (because for the audience it was hard to tell) there was no chance we would know by just the simple statement of one supporting character saying they met and both had realized how small their worlds had been at that time. Yet both characters are put on the same level when they never were. The movie tried to excuse Rikako’s behavior and attitude with her difficult family situation but as hard as it is to have a torn family, it’s not an excuse to be a spoiled brat and exploit people as she did. There was not a single reason or scene that indicated how and when Taku or even Yutaka could have fallen for her and I just don’t get it… Everything she did and said just made me dislike her even more. If that was the goal of the movie then we have another masterpiece. But I have the feeling that’s not the case… When she rejected Yutaka it was because of his dialect. Sure! If that’s not superficial, I don’t know… As for the female supporting characters they were not exactly great either but I never felt Akiko was hostile or hated Rikako from the very beginning up until she said it herself during the reunion. To me it seemed more like she tried on several occasions to speak to Rikako and help her so she could include herself more in the class and adapt more easily. Even when she and the other girls confronted her during the school festival for her lack of involvement I didn’t feel they were in the wrong. It wasn’t even like they were bullying her or saying mean stuff. All they did was telling the truth. It might not have been the best approach to tell her off like this but they were honestly not in the wrong for doing so. Of course there might have been girls talking behind her back because Rikako was a good student and because she’s pretty and they might have been jealous. But you can’t tell me that all of them had bad intentions or didn’t try to include her. But of course just because Akiko said so she’s suddenly put on the same level despite the movie showing us something entirely different. And then there’s Yumi… who might have been a pushover but she was another of Rikako’s victims, yet it was as if they wanted to show us “She has one friend, so she can’t be that bad” but still everything Rikako did to her was selfish as well. It’s been long since there was a female character I disliked as much as Rikako… Much less in any Ghibli movie I watched so far. Animation/Music 8/10 Compared to other Studio Ghibli movies, it also lacked a little in that area but these were still the aspects that kept me going (that and my hope for the FMC to redeem herself somehow or to realize she has to change). And I kind of liked the artstyle and atmosphere more than I thought I would. Overall 4/10 Would I recommend this movie? If you really want to watch all Studio Ghibli movies… Maybe. I don’t know what exactly they were going for with this but I have yet to find another Ghibli movie with a character so insufferable and unlikable it made me want to write a review (even though I don’t like writing negative reviews, much less on a Studio Ghibli movie). The best thing I took from watching this movie, is probably another proof how characters are the essence of every story (in one way or another). And that there are well-written and not so well-written characters out there. Unfortunately in this case it’s the latter (and that’s an understatement). I’m still glad I watched it and I won’t be wondering if all these negative reviews are exaggerating (they are not, most of them are almost too nice).
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Jun 27, 2024
Kaze Tachinu
Since I’m currently watching all Studio Ghibli movies, I finally decided to give this one a try as well since I’ve planned to do so for ages. And despite my worries and concerns, I was positively surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it.
Story 8/10 The story follows Jiro Horikoshi who dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer and as the story progresses, we actually see his dream come true but not in the way he might had expected (or hoped). Since it’s a story based on a real life person and events, I’m not sure how accurate some of the details are and I’m ... being honest that I’m not putting much research into writing this review, but there were some interesting aspects to it and I’d guess that at lest historically it’s accurate. I don’t particularly enjoy movies or books that are set during or around World War I or World War II but I do find some of the information very interesting and educational. And I do find it interesting to see how people lived around that time and how they were affected by it – not just directly but also indirectly and on the long run (prior or even the aftermath in their daily lives). It’s true that in this movie nothing out of the ordinary is happening but to say it’s entirely missing a purpose or focus would also be wrong. It’s a movie that’s more focused on the characters themselves rather than the story. I will get to the characters later but they are a vital reason for why the story worked out well the way it did. Personally I do feel like there were some parts that were a little bit stretched and scenes that made me wonder if it’s really necessary to include them but overall they also added to the atmosphere which is so typical and beloved for Ghibli movies. I also didn’t mind the dream sequences and I feel like they leave room for interpretations as well. I’m glad this movie didn’t get too political but it hinted at some of the impacts the War had and would have later on. So I feel like it was rather more real and realistic for doing that without enforcing information bombs onto you. As for the romance, I enjoyed it very much. Personally I feel like they could have rather dedicated some more scenes to it to make the effect even stronger… But the scenes and parts that were telling the love story between Jiro and Naoko were done really well in my opinion (it really made me long for more!). I didn’t mind it took them long to meet again. On the contrary… Since this is a spoiler-free review I’m not going to say much about the ending… I’m just gonna say that I didn’t mind the ending itself and I understood why they choose to write it like this (fittingly) but I do feel like it could have been fleshed out a little bit more. Aside from these minor flaws, it was an enjoyable realistic story that didn’t need much fairytale feels for it to still make it feel like another world. And that’s the reason why I think Studio Ghibli movies are just an entirely different category of mostly beautiful movies, telling stories that should be told for one reason or another. Characters 8.5/10 I didn’t mind that Jiro wasn’t special or extraordinary. Still I don’t get the statement that he is ordinary and boring. Personally I liked his character very much. More than MCs from other movies who are mainly copy and paste from others, possessing all the same traits. He is a talented, devoted and ambitious character but he also has his own flaws. And while his character development might be not clearly shown, I feel like it’s visible (especially when it comes to the romance aspect). I do say, that I feel like this movie does this development rather backwards. Not that he becomes an unlikable character or his motivations change entirely but you do get to see a shift in what his dream used to be and what it has become. But that’s kind of the reason why I like the characters. Because it’s a realistic portrayal of how someone’s life could turn out. In the beginning you clearly could see the sparks of joy he had just by imagining what types of aircraft he could build and for what purposes (very innocent childlike). And in the end that simply wasn’t reality. But then the question is: can you really blame people for doing that? I feel like as long as you don’t live in someone else’s mind you can’t. Is it a good thing to contribute to preogressing aircraft that’s used for War purposes? (I’ll leave that question open). But I could still relate to him in one way or another… Because as humans we all have our personal dreams and goals, motivated by what we believe in. And maybe that doesn’t even change. But circumstances can and maybe our dreams don’t turn out the way we thought they would. Maybe if we keep trying it still won’t have the wanted results. We still are responsible for our actions of course. But the way his character was portrayed for still trying to do his best and hoping to one day maybe do something good with it ,just made me empathize with his character so much. The same goes for his relationship with Naoko… And while I read some statements about him lacking emotions, I don’t think that’s the case at all. There are examples I could state but I won’t for the sake of keeping it spoiler-free. To me it’s the opposite. He seemed full of emotions but lacking the ability to express them properly (which is not very uncommon, especially in the Japanese culture). Not just that... You could clearly tell by his actions he was battling them. There was one specific scene I could relate to this so much because I once basically did the same (that just goes to show how realistic these characters are written!). And sometimes its the people that seem to lack emotions or that seem unfazed by events who suffer the most (totally not speaking from experience here!). Naoko is another character I really liked and appreciated. For being real yet likable. She was strong in her own way and this doesn’t necessarily require physical strength. It’s rare to see that in modern movies… and even for 2013 it wasn’t that common. I was happy for every scene I could see her together with Jiro… I wish there would have been more, because I really liked her character and hoped they would do a little more with her, especially toward the end. But I do get why she is written that way. In my opinion there should be more female characters like her. Animation/Music 10/10 Do I need to say more? The animation is stunning… as to be expected from Ghibli movies. It fit the atmosphere perfectly, same with the music. They just can’t mess this part up. Even if they wouldn’t try hard enough. Overall 9/10 Why I didn’t get bored while watching this movie, there clearly were scenes that I enjoyed more than others. But overall I did not expect to like this movie so much with the little I knew going into it. It’s interesting, it’s real, it’s educational and it can also stir some emotions and make you think about hopes and dreams people might have. And that’s something Studio Ghibli is very good at. Like outstandingly good. I would now count it among my favorite Studio Ghibli movies (at least in my Top 10 or even Top 5). Just for the fact that it made me feel about the characters like no other movie has in a while. I would definitely recommend watching it, even (or specifically) if you go into it without any expectations. Especially if you have room for interpretations (of certain scenes).
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Mar 29, 2024
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
This is closest to a masterpiece than any other fantasy-romance anime I’ve watched in a long time. As someone who is currently reading the LN (not much further yet but eager to learn everything about this story) it’s among the best adaptations I’ve seen in a while.
Story 9.5/10 There’s so much to unwrap about this story that I could probably write a novel about it (but nobody wants to read that, especially given the source material already is a well-written LN, so I’ll try my best to summarize it). Just the concept of having a protagonist who is stuck in a time loop and ... keeps re-living her life but with all the knowledge she has gathered is so clever. Personally I’m not a fan of politics being involved too much in a story, then again this one actually needs it to progress and it’s also not overused unlike with other series where the focus shifts too much on the politics. Here it’s the perfect balance. The world-building is far from being perfect but in my opinion it works. There are still open ends but it’s also due to the fact there is a lot of source material. Considering this the pace of the anime is good and even with the LN I think they are written in a way to not open too many lose ends for a build-up but never really living up to it. It does make you curious for more so for everyone who wants to know more about the story I would also recommend reading the LN. The way they adapted it in the anime is very close to the original. There are some minor changes but nothing that sticks out as ruining or watering down the story (at least not in my opinion). However, praising it this high, it has to be said that I feel like this story is mostly for people who enjoy a story that’s woven together in a way it might only make sense at one point. I had the feeling right from the start when I started to read it. So I feel like if you come across someone saying it’s boring it probably is if you don’t have a full picture (or lack the patience to wait for it). Personally I love developing theories in my head. So this kind of story is perfect for me. Not to forget a very different yet beautiful love story which has some tragic in it too (just by the fact how it starts out). It’s kind of a fantasy fairy-tale mostly directed to women but I see nothing wrong with that. There are some minor issues I have but they are not really in the story itself (which yet has to fully unfold). Characters 8/10 Nowadays there is this tendency of writing characters (it’s a little frustrating) that are “copy and paste” of each other. But somehow I feel like even though this story might appear to have that sort of formula as well it’s not exactly the same. I’m someone who absolutely dislikes it when writers put their own characters on a pedestal and force their audience to like and even praise them the same way. There is nothing relatable about that. However, this anime did a perfect job in removing the one thing (or at least covering it much better compared to the LN) that slightly bothers me in the source material: that Rishe appearing just a little too OP and superior, being close to a Mary-Sue. Honestly, she might not be far off from being one. But it’s the only work of fiction for me that kind of justifies a main character like her. How so? Because considering she has lived the same life 6 times prior to this and is now on her 7th run, that she simply makes use of all the knowledge she acquired along the way, makes a lot of sense. More than if she would lack in many areas ad would still be where she started out after the first time loop or even before that. Especially since she used every single one of her lives to learn something new and taking a different path, which now comes into play perfectly. Now that she becomes the finance of prince Arnold. This outcome is only logical and actually a clever way to handle it (although we could argue about the amount of stuff she does on her own which could be accomplished by others). Of course there were moments I had to roll my eyes because she randomly knew something or was one step ahead of someone who even had a profession in this field… But they never take it too far and there are also moments when she struggles in a way or doesn’t know what to do. And we have to remember she is the only one aware of what is going on or will in the future (because she is stuck in a time loop). So from her perspective she has to shoulder a lot. And while she possesses many skills it’s her determination that makes her stand out from all the other overpowered strong female characters who often don’t have a motivation or it’s just presented in a manner that makes it unbelievable or bland. Rishe’s goal is to continue living while preventing a lot of bad stuff from happening. She makes allies, uses her knowledge to the best way possible and uses common sense. I don’t think it’s far from reality… Yes, she is still among the MCs who are a little too OP but in her case I don’t mind as much (at least most of the time). Still that fact prevents her from being among my favorite characters of all time but she is definitely better than most of the other MCs in this category (because in her case it’s justified). The second main character Prince Arnold is a little more tricky. Because at first glance he also seems to be the copy-paste male protagonist, cold but handsome prince (until he falls for the girl). When I was younger there wouldn’t have been more to convince me of his character…. But what really stands out about him is the fact that in the back of my mind there’s always this lingering feeling that there is so so much more to his character than we see and know. That’s what makes him so interesting to me. Especially given his interactions with Rishe. Like there is a lot of potential what the writer could do with his character and it’s fully realized in the anime (and I hope it will continue to be in the LN as well). As for the supporting characters they are alright but fall a little flat compared to the main characters. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, characters like Prince Kyle, Michel or even Elise are interesting enough to see them on screen or even to want to learn a little more about them but not in a way that would distract from the main characters (and trust me, I watched animes in which the side characters were way more interesting than the main characters. This is not a good sign). That being said… There is a certain balance and I feel like it would just be nice to give someone else a little bit more spotlight at times. Which will at the same time add to the main characters. (But that might just be me being a nit-picky writer). Unfortunately I have a little bit of criticism to add on how they adapted prince Theodore’s character. In my opinion they completely botched him. He was supposed to be Rishe’s age but he looks and sounds much younger. And I get they did that in contrast with Arnold but in my opinion they didn’t have to do that. Because I just can’t take him as serious as in the LN (ok, I can’t fully take him serious there either but at least I don’t think of him as a child). Maybe I will earn some hate for saying this but he’s the aspect I disliked most about this adaptation. Animation 8/10 To be perfectly honest… in the beginning I wasn’t very fond of the animation style. And I still wish they would have stuck to the more mature artstyle from the illustrations in the LN. It would have given the anime so much more maturity as well. But it grew a little more on me after watching some episodes. Especially the background, atmosphere and love for details in some scenes. I’d still prefer a different style but it’s not horrible. The only thing (aside from Theodore) I wish was different are some of the proportions and anatomy of certain characters. It was just a little too much (especially in some scenes). So yeah, that wasn’t entirely perfect. But I loved the music (most of the time it was fitting). Plus fitting and beautiful Opening and Ending <3. Overall 9/10 It’s not enough to be a masterpiece for very minor reasons but it’s very close to perfection for me and that says a lot. I just loved most aspects of it. It’s not simply enough to like the concept of a story, the plot, characters… but a combination of all of there aspects. To me this is a good example of a well-written story. While there are things I wish they would have done differently, there were also aspects that positively surprised me. And when it comes to adapting well-written stories it’s even harder. But this anime did a wonderful job and it easily became one of my new favorites. Especially for “fixing” something that worried me in the beginning (namely making Rishe too perfect). She still is a little OP but at least justified. And if you can look behind this because everything else is beautiful (especially the romance, even if it’s slow and more subtle), I would definitely recommend it and say this anime is a must-watch. It’s definitely one of my favorites this season and I might re-visit it after continuing further into the LN. Thank you for reading my review <3
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Mar 24, 2024
Yubisaki to Renren
A beautiful light-hearted cozy feel-good romance anime with a warm atmosphere and relatable characters.
Story 8/10 The story itself isn’t anything crazy or out of the ordinary. It’s rather simple yet beautiful which really proves a good story doesn’t always need to be extraordinary or anything special but it’s a story with a heart. It follows university student Yuki who has a hearing disability since birth and then she meets another student Itsuomi and they fall in love. I’m not sure if it’s a hundred percent accurate when it comes to representation of those with a hearing disability but for me personally I found it interesting ... to see Yuki’s world (from her POV) and the people around her interacting with her. Both main characters have a very different perspective of the world but as they meet and get to know each others lives and world better, it really proves it’s not necessarily a bad thing to explore a new perspective. The story didn’t have many unnecessary misunderstandings or communication difficulties (despite the premise, which is an interesting take but just goes to show you can write a romance without adding unnecessary drama). And the parts where they maybe lacked communication were made up by both main characters trying their best to do better and improve together in their relationship. It was very relaxing without getting boring or repetitive (which is usually the case with many slice of life animes). It was really refreshing to watch. This anime always managed to make me feel warm and calm. The only things that I kind of wish would have been handled better was the fact that Yuki’s family didn’t use sign language with her which seems not unrealistic but very unlikely to me (even though I guess it’s hard to animate, the few times they interacted with another made it feel more strange to me) and the fact they focused so much on one character I didn’t particularly like and I wish they would have spend more time on the main couple or some of the supporting characters instead. This story could survived well without this in my opinion. Other than that it’s well-written. Characters 8.5/10 Same as with the plot the characters weren’t too out of the ordinary. Yuki has a very sweet and kind personality. She maybe come off as naive sometimes but I feel like it’s due to her environment and many people worrying about her. Which in itself isn’t wrong but I like the fact Itsuomi helps her to see there’s more to explore in this world and that she also starts to develop her own dreams. She might be a common female main character regarding her personality but I personally don’t mind. She’s very positive despite her difficulties and she doesn’t let them stop her from enjoying life, making new friends and experiences (which is refreshing and motivating). Especially once she meets Itsuomi. In the beginning I was skeptical about him but once you get to know him a little better you start to realize it’s simply because he grew up in a different environment and was more exposed to other cultures compared to Yuki or even some of his friends. He likes to travel and to learn other languages (I liked that aspect too. Sometimes the bits of German they threw in came out of nowhere but I liked it). Both of these characters work so well together because they are different yet they complement and bring out the best in each other. Once you know Itsuomi better you see that he is such a green flag and he and Yuki are a perfect match who can bring out the best in each other. I’m also very fond of most of the supporting characters which have also interesting backgrounds and interactions. For example I absolutely adore Yuki’s best friend Rin who supports her and her relationship with Itsu from the very beginning. I also shipped her very hard with Kyoya (Itsu’s cousin) and I would have loved to see more of them. And while I get to see why they even showed the perspective of Itsu’s childhood friends Shin and Ema I’m not particularly fond of Ema but it looks like overall she seems to have some kind of character development (which I always appreciate). The one character I just can’t bring myself to like is Oushi – Yuki’s childhood friend. Not necessarily because he is a tsundere or I can’t understand his feelings (I kind of understand him better than most other characters) but it’s the exact reason why I can’t bring myself to like him or any of his actions. He’s just immature. I get that he did many things out of concern for Yuki. But it doesn’t make it right or justifies how he is overprotective and even overbearing when it comes to Yuki. Like he is too afraid of Yuki getting out into the world that I feel like if it was up to him he wouldn’t let her and I feel like that’s the huge difference between Itsu and him who is way more mature and even tried to become friends with him. In my opinion the focus was a little too much on Oushi at times and it seemed like they tried so hard to force us to like him that I ended up disliking him even more (because I don’t like when writers to that in either direction). Of course I still hope he can grow up and become more mature. But sorry, until the every end I don’t like him. Animation 10/10 Honestly as much as I’ve heard criticism about the animation of this series I have to disagree because for me it’s among the most beautiful aspects of this beautiful anime. The simple story mixed with enjoyable characters is nice but combine it with a cozy atmosphere and nice animation and the results will be truly beautiful. Just add some feel-good music and it’s perfect. To me the aesthetics is what makes this anime so unique and I wish we had more of this kind. The love for detail in animation, background – even during important scenes - is truly an aspect fit for a masterpiece. Overall 9/10 Since I had never heard of this anime before I went in with zero expectations, thinking I would get bored quickly or it would be something nice for in-between. But I was positively surprised about how much I really enjoyed every single episode and the journey of these characters – which was simple yet beautifully depicted. Unfortunately I doubt there will be another season although I would wish to see more – how the story continues. Because this unique animation just makes you feel warm and cozy (and I know, I said this like 10 times in my review already). Don’t expect it to be a story that has never been told. It’s very simple but for me that’s where the beauty of it lies. I can recommend this anime to everyone who enjoys romance that make you feel good and even makes you feel invested.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Nov 25, 2023
Ojou to Banken-kun
Not Recommended Preliminary
(9/13 eps)
Usually I avoid writing negative reviews because I feel like if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Exceptions are either 1.) If I’m interested in the fandom/concept enough 2.) to give constructive criticism and help indecisive anime fans to discern if it’s for them or not. This is none of these cases but if it would most likely be the latter. Also I kind of feel the need to justify why I dropped this anime and why I think it’s so bad that it’s not simply worth not watching, it’s appalling.
Story 0.5/10 First of all I want to ... emphasize that I’m not generally against a huge age-gap in a work of fiction if it’s portrayed in the right manner, without se*ualazing it and if it maybe even approaches the conflict in the right way. In fact, I’ve watched, read and even written content containing age-gap in the past and while it is a very sensitive and even problematic issue if it’s done in a dignified way and presented to the audience as what it is; fiction - I don’t mind. What I do mind, however, is bad writing and this story isn’t even like it was written by a 13 years-old, because they could do better. But let me start with the story… Wait… Because there is not really a story? Just a bunch of either bland or horrible characters, interacting with each other, there’s yakuza-stuff going on but not really (even though the yakuza don’t know how to yakuza – now I try to imagine how yakuza would rate this. Or maybe they would poke fun at it). And it’s a love story in a school setting but in the most boring way possible while at the same time nothing makes sense and every character acts in the worst possible way and how nobody would act in real life (or well written fiction). How to tick off so many boxes in what not to do when writing a romance story is beyond me. Yes, the “romance” aspect... Like I said, the age-gap isn’t the worst. Not even the fact that the male main character practically raised the MC. That’s where it gets problematic because he knew her since she was a little child and was like her brother, father figure (basically raising her) and all of a sudden it’s romance (while at the same time he’s still the mentioned above in a way, it’s creepy). Sure, because that’s a good idea, message and beautiful love story every girl dreams of. I’m not sensitive but even to me he gives predator vibes. This is not okay! Parents sometimes even warn their kids about people like that (and to even be careful around relatives or close family friends). But there’s more. Because Keiya is not just creepy but he has every red flag you could ever look for in a man (and hopefully run away upon seeing them). Look up “red flags” in a dictionary and there will be a picture of his face. You’ll also find him under the category “toxic love interest”. Let me get back to the yakuza theme. I have not the slightest idea what yakuza do or how they act. Neither has the writer of this work which is clear even to me. It just serves as a… not even setting or background but excuse for some things to happen. If I think of yakuza without any knowledge I don’t think of grown up men acting so obviously suspicious, not being able to handle things more discreetly. not covering their traces or even strategically plan an ambush. I’d think of intelligent people doing everything within their power not to draw attention to themselves while at the same time maintaining their status and business. I’m well aware it’s not the main focus of this anime but I’m mentioning this because I once started to write a romance book where the male main character was a high ranking member of the mafia. And let’s just say he wouldn’t run around with a neon-sign saying he needs to be arrested ASAP (or taken to therapy). They could have at least tried to make it seem like they were competent. So the lack of research that must have been put into this was basically shorter than the first sentence of my review. All the events happening within the anime are easily forgettable and not investing at all. For a long time nothing really happens, then something happens and then there is nothing again because it’s resolved somehow. So even without all the other issues aside it’s not very memorable. Rather the story seems pointless and without any other purpose than this toxic relationship which isn’t worth it either. No character growth, not even getting to know them better – they only exist for one purpose and it’s as pointless… Characters -100/10 In the beginning I really liked Isaku. She seemed sweet, kind and genuine – wanting to experience High School life like a normal girl. Her design was nice too and not your common MC especially considering her background. But quickly all her potential went down the drain. Although I don’t want to be too hard on her since she’s the victim of this scenario, story and even writing. As for falling for Keiya… He was the first male (outside her relatives) she got close to, during a time her parents died and she suddenly had to live with her grandfather who’s the head of a criminal organization. So of course she was vulnerable and this dragged until her teenage years. One could even argue she tried to get away from it and even experience a normal life but thanks to Keiya’s possessiveness that didn’t work out. But I mainly dislike her for what happened in episode 9 or rather her reaction to it. I want to spare you the horrible details but I feel it is in insult to anyone who went through something similar and there’s absolutely NO WAY, not even if she was a yakuza herself, she would react in that way and focus on something so trivial it made me feel bad for every woman who watches this and is sensitive to this topic. I’m not easily triggered by something like this if it’s approached in the right manner but it isn’t even possible to overlook. And other characters react like it’s good and brave she reacted like that. Very unrealistic and insulting representation. If a fictional work gets into territories like this it should handle it with care. That didn’t happen here. Instead it was twisted for a “romance aspect”. I’m sorry but that’s not romantic it’s simply disgusting! What should I say about Keiya? He’s a child in the body of a grown man. Which makes me wonder if that could be used for his legal defense. He doesn’t act his age and is so oblivious to the most common human behavior it made me wonder how he became a high ranking yakuza to begin with. Especially since he was in charge of taking care of Isaku. Actually, I don’t really want to talk about him since it would be easier to tell you what is nice about him because he hasn’t even one redeeming quality. There’s also no shift when it comes to his feelings for Isaku… He might be denying it but it’s not the same as seeing a person in a certain way until you don’t. Because while he is unaware of his own feelings (kind of?) there’s also no development from him being her father figure to suddenly seeing her in a romantic way or as “his woman” - Ewwwww! For Isaku it makes more sense since she grew up sheltered, with him being the only male psychological parent she had and of course girls have crushes on older men sometimes (that’s perfectly normal, especially during puberty). But to him nothing changed. Not even the fact that he’s her guardian. And that makes it even more troublesome. If there was some (inner)-conflict about this, some given moment when it shifted maybe it would have been slightly better to take in and accept. But no. Immediately it’s this romanticized possessive behavior that’s nothing but repulsive. The supporting characters are mainly one-dimensional and are only there to fill spaces so this world doesn’t look so empty (to be honest, even Isaku’s grandfather seems to be like this). They don’t have anything that drives and moves them. They are just there. Simply to help the two main characters get together… No, not even that. They just exist so that this world doesn’t seem like an empty universe only written for Isaku and Keiya. Wait… There’s another character Mikio… who is bored and because of that does horrible stuff or attempts to. To be fair… He is born into the yakuza as well so he doesn’t have a moral compass but then they didn’t even use that as an “excuse” but only the fact he’s so bored he doesn’t even know if he’s alive or not (makes me wonder if the writer was bored as well writing/drawing this). He was there to bring in some action but just left this awful taste. Nothing justified his actions but then he wants to act as a matchmaker all of a sudden? I have a lot of questions to the person who thought of this… Animation 1/10 In the beginning the animation seemed fine. Actually the teaser trailer even made me want to give it a try. Maybe the studio put most of their budget into the teaser because with every episode it gets worse. Sometimes the faces seem so misplaced its worse than a video game glitch. There are many other animation issues but I already wrote enough so let me just say it doesn’t hold up to the expectations. Enjoyment/Overall 0/10 I’m really wondering why I stayed so long for this anime because I dislike hate-watching shows for the sake of making fun of it. Guess I simply wanted to see what low point they would reach and let me tell you… It’s so deep below the earth if you dig any further you’ll come out at the other side of the globe. There’s no story, the characters are horrible, the writing is insanely bad and worst of all: the message is terrible too. I really enjoy watching romance animes and I’m obsessed with cliches if they are done right. I’ve watched anime with toxic relationships but there was also something redeeming either the characters or the story or simply because it’s a guilty pleasure. This is just “guilty” for me because the pleasure was entirely missing. Horrible writing, pacing, transitions, animation but you can just tell there weren’t any emotions involved creating this – neither from the writer, nor from the studio that adapted it. Simply some half-baked fantasies. There might be some people who still enjoy it regardless… I couldn’t say I understand but to each their own. What I really don’t get or can even grasp is how someone could write this. Even with this kind of relationship the two protagonists had in the past it could have worked out if written properly. I’m saying this because there’s an example of a work of fiction that did it right. It’s an otome game called “Radiant Tale” where one of the (later) love interests also knows MC since she’s a child, there’s a huge age-gap but it still works out in the end because it’s written in a way it makes it less creepy and even tackles the problem coming along with this trope (if you don’t believe me I’d recommend playing it). I don’t mind writers challenging themselves if they could pull off something like this because I’m like that too. Unfortunately the only reason I could give this horrible anime a 10/10 is if it was for the worst anime of all time. I’m even considering removing it from my watch list entirely because I don’t even want it on my “dropped”-list. So no, I definitely would NEVER recommend this anime to anyone and I hope my review was helpful (although you might be thinking I had too much to say. I apologize. Bad writing always makes me want to express my POV as a writer). And I highly doubt this is getting any better so I’m out here…
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Nov 24, 2023
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2
Story 7.5/10
After the last part ended and how it ended I wasn’t only worried about how it would affect the story but I’ve got to admit that the first 3 episodes were not that easy to watch for me because I feel like they served to somehow entangle the writing issues while at the same time establishing a new arc. Unlike before I wasn’t as invested at first… That was until the 4th episode when it finally matched up. I’m still not fond of some of the writing decisions they made from the end of the first part and the beginning of this part ... but it quickly pulled me in again after that. We got some interesting concepts and ideas, a lot of action which I never expected to like so much and the romance was solid too. Almost. Because there was something that slightly bothered me and that’s why I didn’t rate it any higher but it’s still a beautiful story with an overall great world-building. Also regarding my last review… It seems like there was a hint regarding the misogyny against women for the sugar craft so I’ll take this back but I feel like there still weren’t enough for this transition it took in the last part. In my opinion they could have done a better job in establishing it. But that’s just a minor issue. Characters 8/10 The characters I loved in the first part (Anne, Challe, Benjamin, Cat, Keith…) are still likable. Especially Anne with her determination and boldness (even if it can be mistaken for stupidity at times but it makes her very relatable). While the characters I initially disliked (Jonas, Bridget, Cathy and Elliott) are… Well. Before I get to that I’d like to point out that I’ve changed my mind about at least one of these characters (but I won’t say who it is). But overall there wasn’t any good or justified character developments. They attempted to redeem one or the other but unfortunately they did it so out of the blue and without justified reasons that it felt forced. More like everyone simply accepted their selfish behavior, they got away with it and then they were redeemed. I’m all in for characters to get second chances, redemption arcs and proper character development. But that’s not what happened here. Specifically with one character. If that person would have warned the group about something specific and by doing so would have proven there was a change going on even if it was just the beginning it would have been much more believable (actions speak louder than words). And I don’t get why the writers couldn’t manage because it worked the other way around but I guess I just have to take it. On the other hand, they included a villain “insanely” well written for a shoujo anime. So well it almost surprised me how they concluded this arc… But that’s just my personal opinion. Some scenes still had me on the edge of my seat and I wouldn’t say I like the character but that’s precisely why it’s well done because that person is well written (and earns a lot of points from my rating – aside from our two main characters). Animation 8/10 Similar to the first part, the animation is beautiful, especially when it comes to the sugar craft. However, the background seemed a little more odd at times. And I’m not sure if it was like this in the other part too but if it was I didn’t notice. So the fact I did simply had me to subtract one point. But it’s still dreamy and gives fairytale vibes. Overall 8/10 At first I though I enjoyed the first part more and maybe there’s something true to it for being “fresh” and new but objectively this season was clearly better just for the story and let’s face it: for its characters (aka villain). It would have been better if it weren’t for some forced redemption arcs and while I don’t mind the pacing of a slower romance they could have given us a little bit more of that too. Even though I predicted much of the plot it was an enjoyable watch and I’m hoping for a third season (or part?). It’s still an anime I can recommend if you enjoy fantasy, romance and decent (not perfect) writing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Nov 21, 2023
Amnesia OVA
Story 6/10
As someone who likes the otome game and even enjoyed the anime series I thought it was a lot of fun watching. At the beginning maybe a little bit confusing but once you’re in it’s a fun watch. Nothing too deep but for an OVA well done. Characters 9/10 Watching the characters interact with each other was really the most fun about this. They all stick to their characters and it’s refreshing to see how they “bond” (or un-bond – I know, that’s not a word). It was worth to watch just to see Ikki in a panda-costume and glasses *-*. Also all ... the other characters were simply awesome (except for Toma whom I automatically told to shut up every time he appeared on screen and opened his mouth. Not that it helped though). There was specifically one scene with Shin which made me like him more :3. Also I know most people don’t like MC because they think she’s rather bland but I think she is cute and likable as proven here. Animation 6.5/10 Was it just me or did the animation look different from the series? I honestly don’t know which one I’d prefer. Anyway, still nicely animated. Music 10/10 The OST is simply amazing<3. And most of all: they kept the Opening from the anime series which I fully understand. Because in my opinion it will always be the best anime Opening I’ve ever seen <3. “Zoetrope” by Nagi Yanagi is a masterpiece! The Ending theme was also beautiful and fitting. Overall/Enjoyment 8/10 While it’s nothing mind-blowing I really enjoyed watching. That being said there is a BUT… Because I think you’ll most likely enjoy it if you either played the game or watched the anime series (maybe even both) and are at least a little familiar with the original plot. It might be enjoyable even without this knowledge but I’d recommend it because this way you’ll get the most fun out of it (also when it comes to the characteristics of each character). But if you do watch the series a little warning: don’t expect it to have the same tone as this OVA because it’s a little more serious and a little darker.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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