I decided to do a review on this short film because i really enjoyed it and lets just say it did not disappoint from its parent anime film my neighbour totoro.
like all spin offs i thought that this short film would be a let down to its parent film as my neighbour totoro was unique and did not need a spin off however i was wrong the storyline flowed from its parent film aswel as making yet another unique film.However i wished it could have been longer but then again not all things last forever.
secondly the art like all studio ghibli films was just amazing
Sep 12, 2013
Wolf's Rain
This is my first review so it might be a bit sketchy
in my opinion wolfs rain is one of the best anime i have watched so far the storyline makes sense and flows gradually building up to a dramatic climax.A very heart felt anime series the bond between the characters makes the series make perfect sense about the purpose of the story. what automatically caught my eye was the music used in the opening to the anime "stray" this opening is fitting to the series without giving too much of the story away. The only downside for me personally was the art wich in some episodes was ... |