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Dec 12, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Hijinx, Shenanigans, EXPLOSION
Animation and Artstyle
++ Motion (Good): Mixed; Not on par with some greatest action scenes; As good as previous seasons.
+++ Environment (Excellent): Maintained on what is established before but with new setting.
+++ Style (Excellent): The art and the animation style are well suited together; Funni; As good as previous.
+++ Design (Excellent): You know them, you love them; New characters really stood out like sore thumbs, and I like it.
+ Characteristic (Ok): A bit low score on this because Wiz received significantly low screen time compared to previous seasons; New characters are okay at best. Princess Iris is your token brocon character yet better than most siscons.
+++ Voice Acting (Excellent): "Freeeeeze" - Kazuma. This alone is enough to warrant high voice acting score.
+++ Memorability (Excellent): You wouldn't forget them. Like seriously, you wouldn't. Well you'll forget some minor characters, but most of them are memorable... they all stand out across three seasons.
+++ Premise (Excellent): Consistent yet kept evolving; Cannot and will not understand this anime without watching the previous 2 seasons.
+ Plot (Ok): Season 2's plot was way better and way more high stakes; Not the best but funni anyway.
++ Pacing (Good): Fast - like CoD-style breakneck speed omni-movement fast; There are some slow moments but fast anyway.
++ Theme (Good): Well established and maintained; You don't even know that this is an isekai anymore; Kazuma is fully integrated in the world now.
+ OP (Ok): First season OP was way better. This feels like the song is too bright and colorful and no hint of funnyness. Almost as if I assumed this is performed by Poppin'Party from BanG Dream.
++ In-Anime (Good): Used same OST as previous seasons. They are all placed perfectly in moment-to-moment scenes.
++ ED (Good): Ah yes the country/farmer-themed ED. Consisted as always. Feels like you gone home and rested well from shenanigans you experienced from that day.
Quality of Life
+++ Enjoyability (Excellent): Funni and fun!
++ Replayability (Good): Ep 7 Wiz moment and her Ep 10 cutesy vibe >_< pls more Wiz screentime next season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 8, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, faster, simpler, and easy-to-digest review:
(New format!)
Cool, Cooler, Coolest
6/10 (Decent)
Animation and Artstyle:
+ Motion (Ok): Mostly Static; Decent enough animation for SoL, great animation for comedy category.
++ Environment (Good): Good backdrops, good setting design.
+ Style (Ok): Some comedic scenes does not work well with "exquisite" theming.
+ Design (Ok): Generic student designs, not much distinct compared to other SoL animes; MC is just handsome, nothing else.
- Characteristic (Meh): Generic student tropes and quirks; MC is cringey but interesting.
+ Voice Acting (Ok): MC has soothing voice (Kinda wish to be like him).
- Memorability (Meh): Female characters are so forgettable, so does the MC's "friends"; MC is a bit ok might remember him as the guy who does not give a flying f.
+ Premise (Ok): Cool vs bullies; Chad vs betas; Bow down before the king.
+ Plot (Ok): No high stakes, just your weekly chad winning everytime. Jokes are either hit or miss.
+ Pacing (Ok): Mixed; Sometimes fast and many things happened.
- Theme (Meh): Nothing deep; shallow comedy; Sometimes exquisite theming does not bode well to comedy. The millionaire detective anime had better execution. Spy x Family, though, is an exception.
- OP (Meh): Rock n' Roll music for the most exquisite man ever? Nah...
+++ In-Anime (Excellent): IT'S THE MR INCREDIBL MEME MUSIC!!!
- ED (Meh): Eh... didn't cared much
Quality of Life
+ Enjoyability (Ok): Kinda enjoy some moments; some scenes that I cringed.
-- Replayability (Bad): Sorry but jokes got old fast. Cannot replay this without being surprised or laugh again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 16, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Deer, Shika, Brainrot
(After this review, from then, reviews will be much more spoiler-lesser (or not), TL:DR'er, faster, simpler, and easier-to-digest)
Animation? Ok (+)
Really? This is animated by Wit Studio? It shows... kind of... kinda shame really. The animation and art style of this anime really suits and well done. The chibinize scenes, explosions, Jojo-mode moments, and a good goddamn art really attracted me to watch it. My only gripe for this criteria is when Torako walks in episode 2 and the background just moves effortlessly. Looks promising... but really a shame. It was all smoke and mirrors.
Characters? Meh (-)
Goddamn the main duo really got their backs torn-up and hurt for all the carrying they did in the show. Ok, in all fairness, the main and secondary character designs are good. Nothing fancy. It did a good job showing what they are and what they represent. Sadly, I wish that design were as good as their ACTUAL characteristic. They are so bad. Bashame might be the WORST character of all comedy animes so far. She is so annoying, so insufferable, so punchable, and so unnecessary to include in the show. And no I'm not counting rent-a-crap anime and Kazuya is still the worst character overall. And the Shika club might have the worst comedic dynamic. Even the student council has better dynamic than them. And this female sensei. And OOOH this sensei. She's a teacher's pet... but in reverse (student's pet ig?), and way more annoying than actual teacher's pets.
Plot? Bad (--)
Episode 1 was so good. You had that going anime. You hooked me in. You really delivered my expectation. From the trailer, you had me there. From episode 1, you made me invested for the comedy. Oh you cannot imagine how stoked I was and excited for more things to come. You CANNOT imagine how hyped I was. Oh boi I'm gonna laugh good! And then I watched the rest of the episodes and when I saw what happened (sob) and I saw what they did! (sob) I COULDN'T BELIEVED IT!!! (Connor reference btw...)
Anyway, the comedy is bad. Plot has no cohesion (or should I say: did not exist). The show is executed badly. Jokes were not landing. The quality of writing took a nosedive into explosion. The show simply fell off after episode 1.
Pacing? Why do I even bother grading this?
OST? It's just Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan.
Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head.
Enjoyability? Just only watch episode 1 and drop the rest. Also no grade for this.
Overall, this anime is not it. This show will only be known for good marketing and memes. Nothing else. If you don't want to sour your taste for this show and for the duo, just refrain on watching. After all, ignorance is a bliss. 5/10. Still better than rent-a-trashkuya.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 25, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Live, Sing, Full Moon
Animation? Ok (+)
Good cutesy artstyle and serviceable animation, although, nothing remarkable. It is fine during that time.
Characters? Good (++)
Most characters are well fleshed out. The main cast, which are Miyuki, Takuto, and Meroko, have good character dynamic, synergy, and character growth overtime. Although, there are some negatives to them but it is not possible to tell those here without spoiling... but lemme give you a hint. There is creepiness surrounding one particular character.
Plot and Pacing? Bad (--)
Do you both like magical girl-type and Idol Animes? This might be a show for you but prepare for 52 episode mountain. The story itself is good and somewhat enjoyable. Although this is not your typical normie-type show where there are hype fights, intense harem/reverse-harem romance subplots, or regular slop, you might like to follow along to the story... up until the last arcs of the show. There is a good premise of this show and I expected it to stay that way, until it is betrayed at the end. I won't be spoiling the ending, but you might finish it with disappointment, or not. It depends on you. But for me, I was mad. Wasted all of those episodes just to betray my expectations. No payoff. Oh I wished I spoiled myself at the ending so that I dropped this show earlier.
Overall, the good 3/4 of the anime is ruined by the last quarter. Was 7/10 up until the later episodes. Disappointing...
OST? Excellent (+++)
This is a music-type Anime so I expected it's music to be good. Although the genre of Full Moon's music is not for me, her tunes are classic bangers. The music of this show reminds me of the good olde 2000's music, where everyone still has talent, unlike some TikTok dances and modern music slops... well not all of them.
Enjoyability? Meh (-)
52 episodes are daunting to watch. While most episodes are somewhat joy to watch, given that I'm a SoL enthusiast, it leaves you an unexpected bitter taste while eating a sweet cake. This turned me off, thus plummeted my enjoyability.
I have mixed feelings for this show. I liked it at most part but that sudden meh at the end is just... meh man.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 4, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Boxing For Tomorrow
Animation? Good (++)
Old, but gold. Both artstyle and animations compliment each other and very advanced at that time. Although outdated in today's standards, there is this charm about the old style that cannot be replaced. There are some repeated and reused drawings from here and there, but it is outweighed by it's own positives. This anime can only be upscaled, not remastered, as it will ruin this anime's magic.
Characters? Excellent (+++)
Yabuki Joe really stood out among all the MCs that I have seen so far. At first, I hated him for his arrogance, cockiness, violent tendencies,
and short tempers. Although his 'wildness' and cockiness are still there, we watch him grow more mature than ever without changing too much of his character. Joe has one of the best character arcs out there. For other characters, most of them really stood out and helped define the MC, especially Rikiishi - best rival of all rival characters I've see so far, and Nishi - one of the best sidekick/wingman.
Story? Good (++)
What turned me off from this anime at first is it's episode count. 79 episodes really took a toll on me and created huge itch on wanting to watch other animes. But I stick around and saw the ups and downs of Joe and it was worth it. Although I couldn't follow up with a sequel since I want to watch the other boxing anime, which is Megalo Box, the last episode of the first part left me satisfied and looking forward for part 2. If you haven't watched this yet, you are in for a long and arduous ride. If you are looking for pure boxing anime though, then this anime is not for you. The story is focused mostly on Joe and his struggles in life and boxing world.
Pacing? Good (++)
It is a slow burn anime with many notable arcs. I won't be spoiling the arcs itself but there will be 2 MAJOR turning points in the entirety of this anime (if using the turning point term in Mushoku) and those are really worth watching and witnessing.
OST? Ok (+)
I'm not a fan of the OP of this anime, but it is unforgettable at best. There are also background tunes, music, and sounds that are really tense, especially in fighting scenes.
Enjoyability? Ok (+)
While this is low in this criteria, I saw this as the hardest journey that I ever watched and I don't regret experiencing it. Seeing Joe struggle within himself, with others, and with his career is not enjoyable but it made me feel something uncomfortable yet rewarding and this anime did a good job on it. This is not highly rewatchable, but I can return to those key moments that defined Joe's life and this anime. I might not enjoy this anime as much as I enjoy SoL and some Isekai trash, but I highly appreciate what this anime is trying to show.
Why 10/10 despite having low scores in other criteria? It is not because I have to score it that way to avoid internet hate. In fact, this is one of animes that I think will be unforgettable for the rest of my life. This 10/10 scoring is reserved for the animes that I think are truly remarkable, even with it's flaws, as even masterpieces are not perfect.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 12, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Maid, guns, MOAR GUNS!!!
Animation? Ok (+)
Not the best out there, but okay enough to satisfy my action/cute mix crave. Some repeated animations and assets here and there but nothing very special.
Characters? Ok (+)
Yakuza-wannabe maids. Some of them are cute, some are gyaru-cute, some are gyaru-ugly (seriously how tf they became maid), and some of them are HATEABLE GOD I HATE THAT B-DAY GIRL! The main cast are somewhat unique enough and well written. Ranko best (girl) woman. Clearly someone that is very capable of being cool and cute. The John Wick of all maids.
Plot/Story? Good (++)
A unique premise and concept yet unrealistic but unreal and over-the-top. Throw out your sense of logic and your brains 'cause you won't need 'em... somewhat. If you are a Yakuza/Mafia fan and like cutesy maids, then this Anime is for you... not for me though but I gave it a try. Did not regret tho.
Pacing? Good (++)
Episodical, yet is smooth, concise, and has coherence despite of its over-the-top nature. Each episode can stand alone.
OST? Meh (-)
Nothing remarkable. Maids singing is not my thing... although Nagomi's performance in the last episode is kind great. ED is terrible and idk why its that way. Tryna' be sentimental or something... meh.
Enjoyability? Good (++)
From Youtube shorts to actually watching it, I had a great time. So many memorable moments. Wish it had more gun action though ;/
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 13, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Ball, Strike, Out
Animation? Ok (+)
For 2009 release, the animation ain't that bad... just below average. The artsyle doesn't have much details and relied on simplicity. The art reminds me of Doraemon and other children-oriented animes.
Characters? Ok (+)
They are mid at best. Most characters have very slow character development, including the main cast. Kou is bland, Aoba is insufferable, Azuma is as bland as Kou but cooler... I guess, Senda is annoying, Akaishi is a friend you want when you are being bullied, and the rest are just NPCs. They have very slow skill development given that they have 50
episodes to become the very best. And most of them have not improved that much at all. They all still relied on the MC and their star batter. What is this?! Modern day LA Lakers?! I feel like if this team is featured in Wii Sports baseball, they are not even close to Matt's team. I can beat them easily. Poofesure can even 99-0 them lmao.
Story? Meh (-)
A sports game that took SoL route most of the time. A bizarre choice and not a good one. I expect sports anime to take the play-by-play approach, where we see our characters play, make mistakes, and learn from it to overcome the odds. In this anime, I only see some few moments of that, and the rest are SoL, and not a good one and boring. As a SoL enthusiast, I can say that they failed there. (Update from Ashita no Joe) At least in Ashita no Joe, they flesh out their characters and plot development there more than enough, even if that show has SoL element dominated there compared to the sport side. Here, they just have SoL element for the sake of it.
Pacing? Trash (---)
I have to suffer many episodes to see them shine in baseball field?! Too many unnecessary down times, too few sports moments. Feels like watching a snail travel in 1km road. And the payoff? Terrible. You can skip some episodes and not be confused.
OST? Meh (-)
Decent... but forgettable.
Enjoyability? Bad (--)
Very low replayability. Too many snore moments. The only intense moments in this anime are if the main team hits the ball, if the star batter didn't get ball 4'd, and if the MC strikeout'd opponents. That's it. This anime is for people who wants very slow character development and wanna watch the lives of athletes behind the scenes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 12, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Poison, Medicine, Drugs
Don't be confused from this show to Breaking Bad. There's no blue pure grade m*th here. And don't do dr*gs! It's bad. Also don't try poison at home. Only professionals like Maomao can handle those. Just an obligatory PSA.
Animation? Excellent (+++)
Chibi and realism meet each other, and it is a perfect match. The humor of chibi artstyle that captured the cuteness of the characters, especially Maomao, and the crisp art and animation detail that captured the beautiful scenery and character design are just phenomenal.
Characters? Ok (+)
The main cast is good. There are some other characters that are forgettable, usually minor ones. Maomao is one of most unique out of all anime girl characters I've seen so far. She is smart, witty, and quirky (just like me frfr). And unlike any other typical girls, she might be one of the chads of girls who doesn't blush easily with hot guys and doesn't go tsun tsun to them. She's... somewhat realistic, but not enough. Jinshi is another great character, but the only thing that holds him back is him being a eunuch. Like why?! He's so handsome and hot yet he's eunuch?! Why people easily fall for him when he doesn't have that "package" anymore? Like c'mon?! Why?! You were so close on being one of the greatest chads but why do you have to be a eunuch?! Why?!
Story? Good (++)
I love when after Walter White cooked m*th and Maomao saw it, she was amazed and said "You're goddamn artist!". Truly an anime of all time! Oh wait wrong show...
Interesting fictional SoL setting and story. Takes place in China, which is very very rare. Most fantasy historical-based animes take place in either Europe or feudal Japan (more common). But setting the stage in the Chinese palace in the Forbidden City (inspired) is such a breathe of fresh air. And the story premise is very interesting. Watching this anime is like watching fiction history K-drama with Asian princesses, princes, king, queen, palace officials, and soldiers. Finally, a character worthy of eating badly cooked meals without dying. Isn't that right Yor?
Pacing? Good (++)
Fastest slow burn of all SoL/Fantasy I've ever seen so far. The anime is almost episodic yet it conveys the story in steady yet cruising-speed pace - it's like driving on a highway for hours but immersive yourself in beautiful scenery of the road and it's surrounding. It is not adventurous as Frieren or Mushoku Tensei, but at least, things are happening constantly inside the palace that doesn't get boring.
OST? Good (++)
Chinese-inspired music in my anime? Sign me up! OP1 > OP2 but not one of the greatest OP of all time. BGM is a chef's kiss!
Enjoyability? Ok (+)
This is debatable. Although it has very unique plot and intriguing premise, it is not my cup of tea, for now. The whole anime can be replayable but expect to be bored on most of it. There are fun moments in here but not highly replayable since there are very few hype moments. Good SoL do need hype moments, but not shonen-level kind of hype. Hype moments in SoL could be critical plot points, or super funny haha moments, or romantic scenes. This anime is only the build-up for what is coming to season 2, and I hope they will deliver it well.
Abridged? I hope...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 6, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Cream-puff, Maho, Mah-cle
Animation? Good (++)
Just watch the scene in OP where Mash is dancing. That's enough to verdict the animation of this show.
Well... not as excellent as Fate or other GOAT in animation, but its funni dance hahahahahahahahahaha
Characters? Excellent (+++)
Finally, the Visionaries! And new villains as well. They do not disappoint.
Story? Excellent (+++)
"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Protein Shake Harry Spotter?!" Dumbbelldore asked calmly... EXTREMELY calmly... oh shit wrong show again... uhh... story good! very funni indeed... with stakes higher this time!
Pacing? Ok (+)
First season did pacing better than this one. I felt that things progressed not that much in the first few episodes, but the stakes are going to be higher from thereon.
OST? Excellent (+++)
Kagami yo kagami kotaechatte
Who's the best? I'm the best! Oh yeah
Namami no mama ikeru toko made
To the next, to the ichiban ue
Now singin'
Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born...
Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born...
Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born...
To the next, To the ichiban ue
Now singin'
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
(Now singin')
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
(Now singin')
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
To the next, to the ichiban ue
I CANT STOP DANCING WOOOOO Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
Enjoyability? Excellent (+++)
If you don't enjoy this show, then... uhh... carry on ig? catch some fish? or play some games? or watch the paint dry? idk...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 6, 2024
Spoiler-less, TL;DR, fast, simple, and easy-to-digest review:
Peaceful, Delightful, Journey-driven
Animation? Excellent (+++)
This is by far the anime with the best animation. Fight scenes are few yet meatful (idk other words that can describe how magnificent the animation is). Well-crafted artstyle that brings in a calm yet engaging atmosphere.
Characters? Excellent (+++)
Not even a single character has been wasted in the story. Frieren, Fern, and Stark are now included in GOAT characters list so far but I have one anime one character rule only so Frieren takes the spot of my top 10 favorite characters in 2023-2024 watched animes. Many people will argue that Himmel is better, but
eh. Frieren took most of screen time. I think she's now the best elf that I ever seen.
Story? Excellent (+++)
This is what I ever wanted in all fantasy medieval-setting anime: Journey-driven plot. Yes, they defeated the demon king, but the journey doesn't stop there for our undying, immortal Frieren. Even though some of her friends died, she carried on. Now, she embarks on a journey to try to understand humans even more and gain some empathy that she is seeking. Shows like Majo no Tabitabi, Mushoku Tensei, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Ousama Rankings, Super Cub, and Yuru Camp are the reasons why I appreciate slow burn yet journeyful-type of animes. You will appreciate the world-building as you immerse yourself in her journey north.
Pacing? Good (++)
Slow burn, yet it does not bored me. The world-building and atmosphere carried the show in this criteria and you will forget how fast things move. You will be immersed and you will like it.
OST? Good (++)
Not fan of the first opening (doesn't really fit in the show tbh). ED? Well... decent. BGM? Some of the GOAT in this industry. The calm music while traveling, the harmonious music when arriving in a town, and the battle music really amplified the immersion factor of this show.
Enjoyability? Good (++)
I expected to have 12 episodes when this aired, but I was surprised that it took longer than that. I had to wait 28 weeks just to experience this masterpiece. And after finishing binging it, I want more. I hope the next season will improve more. Replayability? not much... I think I will not relive the first experience of this show. (And it's time-taxing to replay 28 episodes of this. I want to watch different animes from time to time.)
Abridged? Ok (+) - Grimmjack's Frieren in a Nutshell video
I just wished that he did abridged instead of in a nutshell thing. I know he's busy in GS Abridged but this show could use some funni abridged treatment, especially the final arc of this show. I could wait...
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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