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Jan 8, 2024
Review: Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei
I expected very little and was positively surprised. While the animation is lacklustre, I would recommend the series as a B-Tier anime.
... that is, up until ep 8, from there on it goes downhill fast.
Also, don’t watch the previews, they spoil a lot.
NOTE: Most of the review below is only applicable up until episode 8-ish. for an episode 8-12 review, scroll down to the bottom.
--Enjoyment-- 7/10
It is enjoyable, the funny parts are actually fun. It leans towards being a gag-comedy; Events takes unexpected turns and seemingly one-shot characters have unexpected dept.
Even when the gags fall flat, their
novelty is still appreciated
--Story and Pacing-- 4/10
The overall plot is simple, but cohesive. Despite the OP isekai protagonist trope being is horrendously overused, I think it pulled it off okay. But that might just be due to my standards being low because of an overwhelming exposure to shit-tier nonsensical plots.
It lacks a sense of direction, and most of the time MC is planning only 1 step ahead.
While my suspension of disbelief was stretched at times, things made sense overall.
There are multiple plots running in parallel. The side plots are bland and barely watchable, as per tradition. But they are mercifully short, thank God.
The pacing is on point
--MC-- 8/10
MC is funny and has a bit of personality. His OP-ness is of the gain-skill kind + insane stats. He is pretty powerful, but not too OP.
He starts out as an outcast loser, with the sole saving grace being how detailed he is compared to his classmates. Unfortunately, as he gains power, he becomes more and more generic looking, until he has that one ultimate-generic-anime-guy look. Such is the price for power smh.
But despite quickly gaining overpowered stats, he is still retarded. He is dumb enough for it to be entertaining, but not so dumb that it gets frustrating.
The standard for harem issekai protagonist is pathetically low, so this one score top marks.
Bonus points for actually showing MCs stats and equipment at the end of each episode. Very much appreciated.
... and bonus points take away, because they mean jack shit.
--Characters-- 7/10
The main cast is likeable and non-tropey.
Support characters are varied and wacky.
Saria was an unexpected, but welcome character. What seemed like a one-shot character suddenly became a part of the main cast. The plot-twist really took me by surprise.
The characters act according to their motivations and despite most of them being a bunch of weirdos, their interactions feel natural. That is, apart from the villains.
The villains are puppy-kicking evil bastards, except for the monsters MC slay. They have tragic backstories to back them up.
--Worldbuilding-- 4/10
It’s okay. If you just accept the whole RPG-loot system as being another natural law, then it´s alright.
Much of the worldbuilding is barebones, but serviceable.
Details such as "daily life magic" is pretty cool, but overall, it’s a bit light on the details.
--Visuals-- 2/10
The quality of the visuals varies. Greatly. It’s okay most of the time, but the initial 15 seconds almost made me drop the series on the spot. The visuals were average; for a 2012 release. While the level of detail has improved since then, the "grainy" quality is atrocious. An oversaturated bloom effect was added to hide how bad it was, but only served to make it worse.
Luckily, it gets better. And while it never gets "good", its bearable. The main characters are nicely done, serves to make the contrast between them and everyone else even clearer. Some of the support characters looks like straight up trash from some 90s kids’ anime. It’s almost funny.
Blur and other visual effects are used to great effect (except for in the initial scene), making what would otherwise be unwatchable garbage into something bearable, despite lacklustre animations.
The number of panning shots still piss me off, if I wanted I slideshow I would have booted up a PowerPoint.
--Audio-- 8/10
The sound is good. The voice-acting is expressive, if nothing else. It is too over the top for my taste, but that’s just preference. The effect and soundtrack are pretty novel, dragging the score up immensely.
One track in particular is a total banger. It’s too bad that it gets reused a bit too often.
--OP + ED-- NA/10
OP is standart. EDs visuals is both simple and inconsistent. Horrendous. I won’t let a bad OP/ED drag down the score as I’m not watching the TV release, if I don’t like it, I will just skip it.
---Episode 8-12---
(Spoilers below)
--Enjoyment-- 3/10
Separating the main cast was a huge mistake. MCs lollygagging has been reduced and new characters desperately hog the screentime. MC flexes his powers in the lamest ways possible and the focus is on the garbage non-plot plot.
--Story and Pacing-- 2/10
The story is leading nowhere, not that I expected it to lead anywhere at this point. Subplots with unmet and uninteresting characters pop up like weeds and the main story stalls. The only saving grace is that it is not nonsensical.
The pacing is fine.
--MC-- 2/10
MC is like a paper bag, floating in the wind. He occasionally uses his OP powers to do something OP.
He feels like a generic isekai MC.
--Characters-- 3/10
The "old" cast get less and less screentime. Random hoes are introduced. The Harem is officially established, but consists of only 2(maybe 3) members, and is limited to handholding.
The villains are still puppy-kicking evil bastards and no new support characters are introduced. Gimmick characters should not be reused too often.
--Worldbuilding-- 2/10 - Kids morning show level worldbuilding.
Everything begins to tear at the seams. Multiple significant events happen to the kingdom of the good guys, including an assassination attempt by the bad guys. The only reason I accepted knowing jack shit about the world is because it didn’t matter. This is a total betrayal of that expectation. I mean, not even once has a map been shown.
The entire level/stats system has STILL not been explained. Why is the slimes level 89? If MC only got 15 levels after killing a god, how many gods has the slimes killed? Nobody knows.
While I did not expect much, I expected more than this.
--Visuals-- 1/10
The visuals drop off sharply from middle of ep 8, from one frame to another. It’s like their lead designer died or something.
--Audio-- 6/10
A lot of the tracks are recycled.
The entertainment value and visuals weight a great deal in my scoring. I found it somewhat entertaining but the lack of consistency in the visuals was jarring at best. I cannot, with good consciousness, recommend this to anyone with a screen-resolution above 480x360.
The last episodes totally dropped the ball too, if I had not committed myself to writing this, I would have dropped it.
Score for ep 1-8: 4/10
Total score: 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 3, 2023
The show starts out pretty rough, I almost dropped it at third episode. It gets a bit better later on, but at no time was it "good". The only way I could get through it was to see it at x3 speed.
The best words to describe it would be "An uninteresting timewaster, but not brain-rotting bad".
The visuals are plain, the CGI is peak awfulness.
Despite being made in 2020, the visuals feels decades out of style. The animations are rough. The armours are very diverse and detailed, but somehow all of them still manages to look universally awful. Only a few characters are above average,
such as Elise the Saint. The only good thing is how the nobles dress, they look swagger as fuck.
The characters are not very fleshed out, but they still manage to feel somewhat genuine and original.
People have agendas, they live in a medieval world, and most of the cast is 3th+ in line. They have to elbow their way forward if they want to survive. Even MCs eldest brother is somewhat relatable, despite the only noteworthy characteristics about him is that he is an asshole.
I like the fact that everyone has their own agenda. Almost everyone has a scheme or two running, that goes twice for the nobles.
MCs starting party members admit themselves that they are using him for their own gain, partying up with a OP Isekai protagonist is a no-brainer. I like the fact that its not some love-on-first-sight with the 2 female party members, but that they instead aim on becoming his concubines, for that sweet social standing.
The latecomer for the harem, a super strong loli who likes food, is pretty funny. She joins way too late, tho. Wish she had been around from the start.
The most memorable is without a doubt "Spinning Spear Guy".
The worldbuilding is actually okay.
I like that attention was paid the workings of the aristocratic society, small details such as how a vassal giving a shitty wedding gift might reflect badly on their Liege is exactly what I want. But then again, that's pretty much the point of the show.
Also, MC getting engaged with a girl, within the first minute of meeting her, by her grandfather, is such a peak "We live in a medieval society" moment that it made me laugh out loud. When he then mentions that she is literal 12 yo, I laughed even harder. Did not expect that.
Plot? Do you mean schemes? Yes, we have those.
The show lacks a sense of direction. It starts out with MC being a poorfag noble, and on top of this, he stands to inherit nothing, but he is quickly set up for life. The show ignores this and marches on in a new random direction each episode.
But towards the final, it turns out that everything up until now has just been schemes upon schemes, we've been had this whole time! …Well, kind of. Its clear that the show wants to make the inheritance of MCs shitty backwater home-domain an important point, everyone but MC cares about it. MC, having the integrity and drive of a wet paper bag, goes along with it.
After MC clears an ancient ruin and gets a bounty of what amounts to 68 billion dollars(!), I began to question if it was even possible for a guy in a medieval fantasy world to blow that much money within his lifetime.
The kings great rural development project is just about the only moneysink that is big enough.
MC is not too OP, but I would have liked it more if he were. There was an attempt to make some suspense, making him the kind of protagonist with just enough power to overcome whatever he is facing at the moment. He is portrayed as having high magic *capacity* and when he starts at the hero academy he is apparently already one of the best mages on the continent. He was trained by a master mage (for under month), and then trained for a few years (on his own, without any books or guides). This is total bullshit, my suspension of disbelief can only stretch so far.
The usual "isekai protagonist brings delicious Japanese food to uncultured isekai natives" trope is especially overused and most unwelcome, but at least it makes sense. MC is the most culinary gifted overworked salary man I have ever seen, able to make a delicious homecooked meal in only 20 minutes, after coming home from his 18-hour shift. His bentos for the tournament act was honestly impressive.
I liked the intrigue, but I would not recommend it. I should have listened to the negative reviewers.
Do yourself a favor and watch something else. - 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 29, 2023
I kinda like this one. But then again, I kinda like these trashy harem isekais in general. There has recently been some great isekais with kid protagonists. Having the MC being a kid can make trivial tasks surprisingly hard, and even an op isekai protagonist has a hard time earning respect when he looks like a 12 yo. kid.
This series was a decent watch for me, but if you don't like the tags, watching only the first 3 eps, or skipping it entirely, is understandable.
MC - 7/10 (Great for a harem isekai MC)
We have, for once, been favored by anime gods. We have been blessed
with a likeable isekai MC.
Having the isekai'd MC being a kid in a "Harem" anime is actually a surprisingly smart move. The only way to prevent a "Harem" series from turning into an hentai is to either; make the MC dense as fuck, surgically remove his balls in order to maximize his Beta energy, or interrupt all situations as soon as they get spicy.
Having MC being a kid (or a spookey skellington, like bone daddy Ains) makes it natural them not to be interested.
His weakest point is his motivation. His aims are kinda vague; Become an adventurer and learn magic. He achieved the magic part when he was 5, and having the typical "OP MC powers" of the genre, battles are mostly MC one-shotting monsters.
Battle scenes are boring, trivial encounters are taken way too serious and the combat choreography is almost non-existent. Knowing that MC is OP, i was looking forward to some explosion magic eyecandy, but most of the time ho just stabs stuff or cast boring fireball spell. What a letdown.
Visuals - 8/10
The visuals are overall good. Frequent high quality closeups and great production value makes this one enjoyable to look at. Special effects are boring, and there is nothing that REALLY stands out. The 'in-betweens' are noticeable good, and movements are smooth, almost making it a 9/10
Audio - 8/10
Overall audio is good, not much really stand out, apart from the noticeable lack of stock sounds. Voice acting is fine too, but it is way over the top at times. I know it's intentional, but it drags down the score. The music (OP and EP excluded) was actually quite good. It fits and enhanced the overall experience.
Production quality - 9/10
Pacing + Content - 6/10
The pacing is a bit rough. It feels like they squeezed 2 seasons together, but at the same time, nothing much is happening. Interruptions are constantly happening, the training sequence in particular came out of nowhere.
The humor/gags are repetitive. People getting surprised by MCs powers and people scolding MC for overkilling. Its thrilling to hear the occasional "Nani?! MCs power is off the scale!", but hearing "That 10 yo. slew a dragon?!" and "That kid is a personal friend of the King?!" all the time makes it less of a gag, and more of an overused trope.
Characters - 5/10
The cast is of decent size. It starts out great, but you quickly realize that most characters are 1-dimensional cardboard cutouts. I would (almost) prefer the usual shitty tropey characters to these. That being said, most of them are visually appealing, and their movements are nice. My favorites are the D-rank mentors, they have a bit more personality than the rest of the cast.
Its okay. Mostly just generic fantasy world. Some nice details are included; why the commoners and nobles go to the same school, and the reason MCs bland boardgame were such a success.
7/10 - Worth watching if you like the tags, decent 2nd monitor anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 24, 2023
It got no major downsides, but there is nothing outstanding about it either. The world building is pretty much non existing and the characters are a bit stale. Its almost like a parody of the generic ecchi fantasy anime with an overpowered protagonist, except its not really funny. A casual overpowered protagonist has been done to death already, but the way this title does it is especially cringe. Or maybe I'm just jaded, who knows.
I'm sure some first time anime watchers will find some entertainment value in this. The characters interact a lot and the art is passable, sometimes good. There is a lot
of soft ecchi too, but not enough to make up for the rest of the show.
The only noteworthy thing about the title would be the dragon loli part. it was fun, if a bit weird. But apart from that, nothing trigger any kind of emotional response in me, except for boredom, and cringe. It could be worse. I guess.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 16, 2023
It’s a modern ecchi comedy in a fantasy JRPG setting. The ecchi part is a very pronounced, and its comedy elements lean to the gag-humour side. It often plays on the absurd (and lewd) situations that the cast ends up in, as well as the garbage teammates MC has to put up with. If you don’t find the first 30 seconds of EP 1 at least mildly entertaining then you should probably skip this series.
It has good animations and a likeable style that supports the comedic elements pretty well. The sound work is nice and the characters are great.
The "Ecchi" constitutes a significant part
of the show’s entertainment value. It works along nicely with the comedy aspect of the show, and is often played for laughs, throwing the girls into over-the-top lewd situations, much to the chagrin of the MC. The non-ecchi parts are pretty funny too. It succeeds in having light-hearted, rapid-fire humour. Not taking itself too seriously, but avoiding being too happy-go-lucky, as some gag-comedy shows tend to do.
The plot is fine. The main focus is ecchi, comedy and the characters interacting. The show makes sure to give appropriate focus so that it does not feel like some directionless slice-of-life anime. The pacing is good too, not that that is saying much. With a weak plot like this, it would be impressive if they DID fuck the pacing up.
If you like Konosuba-style gag-comedy, and in particular the scenes with the frogs, you will most likely like this show too.
It is all in all pretty good. Nice cast, good visuals, no glaring downsides and high entertainment value if you like ecchi comedy. 8/10
(In dept review below)
Style / Animation 8/10
Medium-high budget animations.
The style feels pretty fresh. It changes quite often, mostly to hammer in a punchline or give a better feel for the characters mood but the overall is consistent. Changes in style combined with a lot of different camera angles makes up for an enjoyable watch, even if its lacking that top tier polish.
The occasional low-quality frames blend in very nicely with the rest and overall production value is very high. I am personally fond of the "JRPG-Style"/Konosuba-ish theme, which they pulled off pretty well. It might, however, not be to everyone's liking. The backgrounds are nice and feels noticeably fresh and the occasional combat scene is really good, it’s a shame that they are so rare.
The characters visual lean a bit to the "generic JRPG character" style, but they have an overall high level of details and are nice to look at. The curvy girls are in particular especially "bouncy". Its clear that dedicated effort and countless work hours of tireless artists was put into each wobble.
Apart from the masterful T&A jiggle-physics, effort was made to spike up the characters visual styles. The body language is especially varied and expressive, giving each of them a dash of personal style.
Sound 7/10
Voice work is always hard to rate, and tbh. I’m not turbo weeb enough to tell the difference between an average and a somewhat good JP VA. I find the voice acting to be good overall. The characters emotions and personality trait are heard in every single line. Very enjoyable. The music is pretty generic, and the overall ambience is decent. But with everything being mixed really well it works out fine. Also; the voice work during the ecchi parts is like something taken out of a hentai, it’s hilarious.
Not rating OP/ED, if they ain’t bangers I just skip em.
Worldbuilding 6/10
Surprisingly interesting worldbuilding for an ecchi fantasy world. The most obvious sign of this being a bit more than the generic fantasy world, is the fact that people have smartphones and that even adventurers have to go to college. Also, magic is copyrighted.
If the setting was explored a bit more, I would definitely have scored it higher.
Characters 7/10
The show features a colourful cast. Each of the girls are useless in their own way and MC is their assigned tardhandler.
The MC is one of the better ones of the genre. Instead of the usual goodguy, socially inept, pervy-but-immature MC, this series opted for a guy who is deeply uncomfortable, but desperately trying to remain professional, as his teammates are being mercilessly molested by low level slimes. It’s refreshing and hilarious. The MC often plays the straight man in the various gags, and his mature-but-still-young character is well done. Also; having a wolf head as your shoulder pad makes you look fucking badass.
The main cast dynamic as a newly created party is great. The girls are good too. Apart from being eye candy and gag-comedy material, the girls have some character to them. There is some character progression, mostly in terms of the characters getting used to- and opening up to each other.
The best part of the characters is how expressive they are. Both their voice and expressive body language conveys what they are feeling. The style they are drawn in often changes too, in typical gag-comedy style, depending on the situation. This, combined with over-clocked emotions, creates some very entertaining and chaotic scenes as the cast stumble across a variety of comedic situations. The gag-comedy aspect is good, but seeing the characters react and interact as the party formation falls apart is pretty funny too.
Ecchi 10/10
A fundamental aspect of the show is the ecchi part. It could be lewder, but it makes up for it in quantity.
Tagging this series as ecchi might be stretch as the only thing that separates this from hentai is the lack of nudity. Other shows might flash a few panty shots, and once in a while throw in some mildly arousing situations as there is a fine balance between blatant fanservice and playing lewds for laughs. Futoku no Guild don’t really care about that, tho, and instead, choses to use massed sustained artillery fire of wobbly assets and lewd situations. One episode alone might have more lewd scenes than an entire seasons of other ecchi shows but the show manages to integrate it surprisingly well. The ecchi parts are often played for laughs, with the girls (Hitamuki in particular) often being thrown into over-the-top lewd situations, much to the chagrin of the MC.
Sure, a lot of the entertainment value lies in the ecchiness of the show. But rather than slowing down and going out of its way to show blatant fanservice it (sometimes) uses it to move the plot. You might be disappointed if you expected some big brain storyline with heart moving character progression and mind-blowing plotlines. But it if you have the same expectations as I did, you will find the plot to be reasonable good, and a lot stronger than your average hentai plot.
Also; do note that there both a censored and uncensored version. The censor is not the worst, but it’s pretty strict and actually cuts some content out, so unless living on that one particular weeb island chain where the uncensored version is illegal, getting the uncensored version is a no-brainer. The series is lewd enough that you can’t put it on for the family movie time (Unfortunately), and even with censor it’s not something you would normally sit down and watch with friends (unless your friends are total degenerates).
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 27, 2023
Despite first episode showing all signs of this being an absolutely trash tier anime, it becomes surprisingly enjoyable as the show goes on.
Overall rating: 5/10 A decent watch if you are looking for this specific genre, but otherwise a hard pass. I somewhat enjoyed it, but cant help feeling a bit dirty afterwards. Its about the same feeling you get if you spend the entire day on the couch, eating cup-noodles and ice-cream, and then finish it off with takeout junkfood.
Animation 5/10 Nothing special. It looks nice and i like the pastel colors, but that's about it.
Music 2/10 Obnoxious and a bit too much on
the nose. I found it to actually detract from the overall experience. It sometimes match the mood and the timing is alright, that's about all it gets.
OP/ED Skipped/10
Its *current year*, unless its spectacular or a major banger, who gives a shit about about the OP/ED?
(Not affecting my overall score of the series)
Characters 4/10 Mostly cookie cutter stereotypes, they serve their purpose but they are not in any way, shape or form memorable. Episode 1 starts out with internal monologues in a loud screaming voice, it gets a bit less obnoxious over time, but at no point were i ever in doubt about what the characters was feeling, MCs in particular. The elegance of which it was communicated can be compared to being smacked over the head with cheap folding chair during a wrestling match, painfully crude but effective.
MC aka. shota-kun, is about 13-ish old boy whom everyone assumes is a girl, apparently. He lacks any real masculine traits, and his demeanor is usually very passive. He is obsessed with being seen as "a man", as many young teenage boys are, and he fails, for the most part, to convince his surroundings of this, despite several poorly thought out plans. In typical early teenager fashion, he is easily distracted and promptly flushed by; random lewd thoughts, big boobs - covered or not, underwear and close contact/proximity to a member of the female sex.
His personality swings between being unassertive and passive, to being able to stand up for himself to some degree and persue his goals actively whenever he feels that his "manly hood" is in doubt. This flexible personality, along with the occasional near panic attack level of response to stress makes him a mildly entertaining character, for most people. I personally grew tired of him very quickly, his actions seems forced and he is often eye-rollingly predictable. He is, quite frankly, C R I N G E.
Ayaka aka. "Miss Caretaker" is the carefree motherly character with huge tits. Like, each one being the size of MCs head, huge. A well respected trope that has been used countless times. Her main role is to tease/embarrassed the ever-loving fuck out of shota-kun and deliver fanservice. She acts like a surrogate mother with little to no sense for personal space and treats shota-kun like a kid, to his chagrin. Despite of all that, she is actually quite reliable and serves as a pillar of emotional support for MC.
The most interesting characters would be the trio student council members. Their personalities compliment eachother and with their leader, Yuzu, being direct and driven, they are able to push shota-kun into all kinds of situations. Seeing the extremely short Yuzu downright berates MC and Ayaka is always fun, and her over the top demeanor help shake things up.
Story 5/10
What story?
The most impressive part about this is that it manages not to feel directionless, while at the same time not going anywhere.
Enjoyment 8/10
Despite an absolutely terrible first episode and low score on most points, i found it surprisingly enjoyable. If you read the tags before watching you know what you are getting into and will most likely have a pretty good time. But if this was randomly chosen then you will either drop it before the third episode, or watch the entire season and then proceed to channel all the pent up frustrations into a long and very negative review, most likely using half the wordcount on bashing both the creators and watchers for being pedophiles, or something like that. My personal recommendation would be to instead make a 200 word long, 1 star review, repeating the words "big gay" and using the excess energy in the gym.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 27, 2023
If you don't like ecchi harem, then don't watch it.
Its ecchi comedy harem anime with a shota MC (12 y/o, lol). Its pretty generic overall, but excels in its over the top comedy, "awkward" characters and entertaining character dynamics.
There is plenty of ecchi, most college-aged females appears to be absolutely ravenous predators (Heh, get it?), and the harem in particular are constantly embarrassing and/or sexually harassing MC by either walking around naked or absolutely drowning him in tits and ass.
I always thought that the typical harem anime protagonist had the social awareness and maturity of a 12 y/o. But after watching Koushi in action,
I'm now convinced that it´s even worse than that. Whereas the typical retarded beta harem protagonist ends up in envious situations, Koushi often ends up in pitiful situations. Turns out that seeing a 12 y/o trying his best at being a good boy is a lot less cringeworthy than seeing a 18 y/o guy doing it (or whatever the age of a typical harem protagonist is). All Koushi wants to do is to not live on the street and go to school, but in order to do so, he have to play "dorm mother" and endure being a plaything for his "harem".
The ecchi is pretty direct and is over the top to a laughable degree. The trademark ecchi "Accidents" occasionally derail into entire lewd trainwrecks. The characters start out pretty simple, each can be summarized in 1-2 sentences. They get a bit more depth, but its mainly the "pseudo big sister" Atena and the violent tsundere childhood friend Sutea that experience any real character progression, but then again, what did you expect from a harem anime? One of the major plotlines are Atena and MC Koushis weird pseudo big sister-little brother relationship, and the "tension" between them (Typical Japan and its non-bloodrelated-sibling-relationships, am a right?)
The girls main appeal (apart from tits and asses) is how awkward and extreme they are. Despite each of them being dysfunctional in their own way, they fit rather well together.
The overall character dynamic is entertaining. There is always some stuff happening and the dorm girls (Mainly Atena) are constantly trying to "Protect" him from the other members whims, claiming him for their own. The tsundere peer Sutea, acts as the outsider/wildcard.
Its visuals are about 7.5/10, nothing spectacular and mostly enjoyable to look at. The Music is fine. The voicework is quite good.
It´s overall a pretty normal comedy harem anime. Apart from the indecent exposure, sexual harassment of minors, child labor and physically abuse from the tsundere friend. I'm not quite sure why child labor is allowed, or why MC haven't been placed in an orphanage. But I am willing to handwave it as Japan having "Strong Work Ethics" and no child protective services whatsoever.
Oh, and since the other reviews mention it too, I gotta give a heads up that there is some lewd moments with the loli childhood friend. But if your get to those parts, then you have already watched A LOT of ecchi moments with the 12 y/o shota and adult women, so it would be super hypocritical to get mad over the loli having a tense moment with a peer. Just saying.
Overall rating: 6/10, worth a watch if you don't mind the tags, and want something easily digestible, but still a bit different entertainment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 27, 2023
A pretty laid back, light comedy fantasy adventure anime.
The certified nice guy MC, Rein, is an adventurer of the "Beast Tamer" class, with the abilities to insta-tame beasts temporarily, or bind them to him permanently. However, since his skills don’t work on monsters, and due to an unfortunate lack of grizzly bears in the local forest, his DPS were too low, and he was kicked off his team. He then finds himself wandering the local woods, slaying some goblins who broke a fence, and stumbles into an ultra-super-rare catgirl, whom he promptly enslav- i mean, "tame".
If you have ever played Pokémon then Reins next step
might be obvious; To travel the world and collect all the rarest Pokémon so he can get his gym badge. But instead of catching Pokémon, he will magically enslave an ever-growing harem of rare monstergirls while wandering the local woods and instead of doing it for a gym badge, he will just do it for no real reason.
Most of the plot and dialogue can be described as "light". It’s just interesting enough to not be filler. The characters often act or think nonsensical, the pacing is strange too. Often, characters make comments that makes you wonder if you missed an episode and some of the internal monologues had me wondering what the hell they were talking about, or how they got to that conclusion. It often feels like a scene or two have been removed.
Rein doesn’t really have any motivation, after being kicked from his party he reacts with a "Oh, wow. I am sad. Oh well, I guess I’m going to become a freelance adventurer, or something.". Then we follow Rein and gang around while they are doing some VERY laidback "adventuring". As in, mostly collecting herbs from the forest, eating, small talking. And sometimes stumbles across something that needs a beating.
MC doesn’t really have any goals, and apart from stumbling over random events, there isn’t really anything happening. There isn't much in terms of character development either.
The setup reminds me a bit of Rising of the Shield Hero. Enslaved fluffy-eared girl. Party kicking MC, no real offensive abilities. But instead of a grand betrayal, it’s just the party telling MC that his DPS is thrash and that he is trash too.
One of the things i liked the most about Shield Hero was the lack of offensive abilities, paired with the shields ability to transform to different designs, each having different functions. The Beast Tamer class has the same gimmick. No real offensive capabilities and the ability to tame different animals depending on the challenges ahead. Using smarts to compensate for the lack of raw power.
The promising setup is ruined by the end of episode 1, as it is revealed that Rein is yet another (relatively) overpowered MC. Apart from his "Taming Power" being so absurdly high that he can casually enslave humanoids, as long as they have a tail and fuzzy ear, its revealed that he can mass-tame animals and give them complex orders. This immediately begs the question; Why didn’t he just rush every enemy with a bunch of forest critters? Well, that’s because he is retarded.
But that’s okay, we can still get a nice "Weak" MC like the Shield Hero who has to rely on his allies for damage, right? Nope. About 5 minutes into Ep 2, the last hopes were dashed, as he apparently gets superhumanly stronger for each monstergirl he tames. The otherwise exciting setting is thereby reduced to an excuse for the author to surround our average-OP-niceguy fantasy protagonist with a harem of fawning Kemonomimi monstergirl slaves.
Our MC Rein is a typical clueless niceguy. The most atypical thing about him is his lack of knowledge about things that a beast tamer should know, as well as how carefree he is. Nothing really sticks to him, and he spends most of his time drifting aimlessly from one task to another, like a paper bag in the wind.
Apart from MC, there is the girls. First of which is Kanade the catgirl, a cutesey airhead with a jealous streak. Apart from acting clowning around and reacting with shock every time MC does something impressive, she also part-times as a walking encyclopedia. Every time MC, the beast tamer, needs something explained, be it information on beasts or specifics about how one of beast tamers only abilities; "permanent bindings" work, Kanade the catgirl apparently knows it.
Catgirls are both ultra powerful and close to extinction. My headcanon being that they are a bunch of airheads. Sometimes they get bored, wander into the woods, forget how to forage for food, almost starve to death, and then asks the first beast tamer they stumble upon to enslaved them.
There is the occasional moments of pretty visuals, but it mostly range from all right to simple and uninspired.
The cast looks good, but the contrast between main characters and bystanders can be pretty jarring at times. The animals look pretty nice as well, to be honest. But the backgrounds are beyond weak, and most of the time missing. When the characters are talking, it often replaces the background. Maybe it’s a cutesey pastel colored background with crayon-style figures, sometimes its eye-scorching white. It makes the already weak dialogue even more stiff and unnatural
Fight scenes especially boring, ever since MCs shitty knife broke in EP 1, he has resorted to straight up punching enemies and having gained super strength, its surprisingly effective. Kanade has twice as many moves, as she varies between punching stuff and doing jump kicks. Overall, the fight scenes are lacking in terms of both visuals and coordination.
The voicework is fine. The music is okay, its appropriate and not in the way. The effects are bad and OP and ED are boring. Same with their visuals.
All in all, a pretty boring anime with a lot of lackluster visuals. if you are looking for a lighthearted wholesome-ish fantasy comedy to watch at 2 AM, then this might be for you. I suppose it could be worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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