The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh is the highly-anticipated sequel to the popular anime series, and it definitely lives up to its expectations. The story follows the main group of characters and introduces some new faces, including Tristan. Tristan, the son of Meliodus, is determined to save his mother from a curse put on by someone. He goes out on an adventure to find the culprit.
The animation and art style are top-notch, and the soundtrack is excellent. The action sequences are well choreographed and exciting to watch, and the characters are all interesting and likable. Tristan is a great addition to the series,
Mar 27, 2022
Dolls' Frontline
This is my first review I will write on MAL. I’ll try to put little to no spoilers as possible. This anime really had a lot of potential, but its expectation is now long gone. The animation is just shitty low budget quality, and the plot couldn’t be explained more shitty. Now, let me explain in detail what are the issues.
Story: 5 In the beginning, the battle started without any further introduction. The attack tricks were somewhat decent, but could of been done better. The game lives up to its expectation, but the story was not executed the best. Art: 4 The animation/art is very poor and ... |