Jun 24, 2020
Ouran Koukou Host Club
What makes a good anime for me may not necessarily meet your standards, I personally don't need a moving story or some complicated or obscure hidden message to think anime is outstanding. It may be a little bit of nostalgia talking, but unlike naruto, this anime is enjoyable to me to this day. The characters work so well and I feel immersed in the world that is created. Everyone in the host club, as 2D as they may seem, has an entertaining and interesting personality that makes this show so unique. It is rare that I laugh so often in an anime, and even having
Jun 24, 2020
Tenki no Ko
What I enjoyed most out of this movie was the art. It was fascinating to see how they could convey a mood without words, that being said, the most disappointing aspect of the movie was its characters. I felt like all of the characters were short of being completed, therefore leaving the rest of the movie feeling like it was incomplete or lacking somehow. I enjoyed the premise, and putting aside the obvious comparisons to kimi no nawa, I'd say the story was told well. I do think people will enjoy this movie, it is paced adequately and the art is so pleasant.