I did not read the Manga ; did not want to get spoiled only watched all the Animated series from 1,2, Aiz Spin off , 3,4 series.
I have watched many Anime in the course of 20+ years ; and I am quite impressed by the plot twist and how the story evolves.
The most interesting battle is a battle of Love ; but when powers are involved that shifts the scale of the entire story ; taking the story to a next level
It is quite amazing how the story evolved and twists ; at first i was not sure where the plot was gonna go in
Feb 19, 2024
Did not read the Manga ! Planning to in the near future .
But with that said I really enjoyed this show ; it feels like a breath of fresh of air from the current trend meta ; after so many Love-Harem type stories trying to turn them into comedy . Maybe I am just a fan of Fantasy / Action stuff since i grew up with Gundam & others ; but as they say TASTES ARE NOT DISCUSSED ! Sure you might get bored of seeing the same META universe over and over again ; after watching 15-50 episodes a week from ... Jan 16, 2023
Yinhe Zhi Xin
Enter with 0 expectation it blew me away 10/10
Real masterpiece Art is 10/10 Animation 10/10 its GORGEUS ; Story 10/10 rarely watch an series from start to finish all season ; but this one was insane ; made me even look up the novel and find the book to read it I rarely watch an series from start to finish without break but this story and character development draws you in and does not let you go until you finish it We need a season 2 !! We need to find out more of what happened ! It cannot end suspense You will ... Jun 21, 2022
Yuusha, Yamemasu
Shockingly beyond underrated and good !! I was going into this with 0 expectations of another Isekai anime with overpowered hero ; but after episode 5-6 the story gets you so deep involved and in thought that it can resonante with many people in real life ; in multiple situations : like when you work all your life for 1 thing but you know its wrong and when you find a different motivation or reason to give it up or and try what you like you taste your first freedom and feel that you can create your own identity your own job not something others
May 26, 2022
The second season was good ; in my opinion it envision a point in time and space where humans no matter how greedy and powerful they get ; they will always seek to destroy themselves for more power and hunger ; creating a critical point in time and space where they stop thinking of what they can become and evolve and they turn into what they can gain by dominating others with will of force ; its a fine line of morale that it shows and a good lesson ; was a good series close to the real one but i would say it improved
Sep 12, 2021
Bokutachi no Remake
It is a amazing complex anime where it shows the complications of every action you make either good or bad will have consequences and life teaches you that in every action you make either good or bad choice no matter how many times you go back in time you realize that life is a never ending test and it puts you into many trials you have to face ; you must never give up no matter how hard the test gets and must always try to strive to resolve it and accept the consequences of your actions ; knowledge means power but with knowledge comes