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Sep 27, 2021
First, as an old Star Wars & Star Trek fan, I must say I really abhorr what Disney did with the sequels under their belt.
So saying this, these shorts were like a medicine towards my asinine vuiew of Disney SW.
Episodes wre too short though...these did deserve as regular 23min per episode treatment, as every little story had more to present, so my only below 10 grades are:
SOUND 09 out of 10 : Music could have been better as animes ususally have really nice OPs and EDs...they could have been bolder there.
ENJOYMENT 09 out of 10: The ONLY reason for my 09 is the
fact these eps are too short...were they longer, I would have given a SOLID 10.
Art is awesome on all eps, although the Tatooine Raphsody one is not my fav (SD was never my thing)
I surelly hope Disney could let some of those shorts bloom into a full series on their own, especially the ones dealing with Dark Side defections...those were just BRILLIANT and carry the spirit of Star Wars to the bone.
A little nitpick detail I always had with all movies after the original ones...the sabers...originally (and well descripted in the books) they sport true blades, not laser thick rods. Some sabers here were like that, true BLADES, not blunt rods. Awesome.
Anyway, these are gems to every anime fasn, and all Star Wars fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 30, 2020
Started with good art and seemingly an interestingly story, then it developed as something not quite right on its own idea, as you never get to know if it is fantasy, Science fiction or a medical thriller. It has some gruelling parts, on one episode, with a quite unnecessary cruel scene, given the "powers"of the strange villain making that scene just a twisted fanservice to gore lovers, and in the end it got really lost, with a particular confuse philosophical idea, and an end which has no reason nor real purpose, which was not a real end.
The character motivations, especially the villainess, are never really
explained nor have any logic or connection, and the last characters were nearly senselles, like the US President.
I really regret having started it, and aside the art, which is good but not ground breaking, this is a totally forgetable piece, without any sense, purpose or logic, not even in entertainment value terms.
I watched it to its end trying to get the idea of the series, but it was just wasting of time at the end.
And the conclusion is, Humanity there would be extinct in a decade or so, just because of the villainness, which has no purpose nor objectives other than bring death with her powers, which work even via electronic means. Just a simple Live Speach would have brought MILLIONS to death, as no one was able to withstand her. Not even the main "hero"who is not even a true hero and it seems more like Magase was toying with him, not going full force on him for some unexplained reason, meanimng not even him could really withstand her power. This was not clear in the whole anime.
In a sense, as a horror concept, it would end up being scary, with a true to the name Villain with the only intent of bring the end of Humanity...but as it was not even a horror story, its potential on that was lost. Had they went to pure Horror Idea, this could be even Lovecraftian, with Ai Magase being a Spawn from Cthulhu itself, bringing Insanity to whoever face her, and the story would have a sad, though working end ...but as it was done, it was just a lost idea, within a confuse setting and with a really senselless end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 29, 2019
What there is to say, without spoilers? It has comedy, it has action, it has funny characters, it does have character developmernt, and...it has even some horror elements, especially near the end.
The back story, when fully revealed, has a really horrific and tragic moment, and it adds and explains a lot, being worthy of being considered a horror moment.
I really enjoyed it, and not being acquainted to the light novel where it came from, I would like to see a sequel ( or a movie perhaps?) with a Big Payback to someone who appeared briefly, but did impacted the story AND should meet its due
end...with some exquisite details on how it finds its due demise.
Anyway, I began not expecting much but ended up really enjoying it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 3, 2018
Long time since I write a review. To put it as simple as possible, this is the best anime in its genre I have seen in a long time.
Very refreshing after 3 seasons of Overlord for instance. Whereas Overlord is riddled with evil characters doing evil things and you are directed to see them as the main characters, in TenSure you have a really powerful reincarnated character, using his powers to do Good and not Evil, as in Overlord.
The characters are lovable so far, and well written to boot. The plot seems solid and progressing strongly, and I really look forward to every episode, and
gladly we know it will have 24 eps, so they will have time to develop the story (or not...who knows) and we can have more of its weekly enjoyment.
Art is not overwhelming but the story does cover for it completely.
Now I will see its manga for sure
All in all a really nice series !
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 15, 2016
Dispar as it might appears to be on my rating of this anime, I choose Overall 6 as well as Story 6 due the simple fact that, although being sequel to a good Science Fiction / Strategy and Drama series, it failed to convey the richness of the first season, exchanging it for too much comedy relief in the first half of the series, and then rushing out things so badly that they just tossed ideas and revelations from one thing to another, explaining nothing at all and forgetting elements, hints and ideas laid during the series which were great if developed, throwing everything
to the wind in a finale that lacked sence and went to a very unecessary and plainly out of place drama path, totally unnecessary and senseless. I will not spoil things for those who have not seen the series, but they lost a chance to really carry on a great story, and clearly lost the hand of it all at the end. So much was hinted, so much was shown, so much was put in some episodes, but in the end they just forgot everything as just sidekicks (and all the elements forgotten were trully important ones for the whole story! Those elements were crucial, for instance the the relationship of the Emperor and Haku...damn that alone would make the whole story different than what was done...I could not understand what happened there....no sense at all the path they choose) And the end being just a cliffhanger is a bit unfair after 25 eps, but as a prequel to the Final Installment of this series, we cannot ask much of it. As the third istallment is scheduled for september 2016 (Utawarerumono: The Two White Emperors ~ Utawarerumono: Futari no Hakuoro) we should consider this 25 eps as just a very looong introduction to the real story to unfold in the final installment of this trilogy. So lets see what comes ahead, as they have a lot to develop from all laid down during this 25 episodes. Lets wait and see
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 23, 2015
Not much to say, beyond the obvious, this is a MASTERPIECE!
OST, Plot Development, characters, action, EVERYTHING was meticulously done and awesomemely performed!
Art and Animation...just Top Class!
And one thing mesmerized me, as a viewer of the original series: Comet Empire is BACK! It is clear to anyone that knows this series the gatlantean resemblances to the Old Foes (Ships and characters), and when the Prime Minister appeared, I thought "That is Zordar's daughter!" and the doubt vanished completely when the old Comet Empire Theme sounded, as the Gatlantean ships were on attack at the end! Of course they kept in suspense but it
is sure that, if they want, they already paved the way for a new OVA series, or movies. Whater comes, I will be eagerly awaiting!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 11, 2015
As someone said before, there are shows that should be left at peace after the first season IF you do not know how to handle a sequel.
Whereas the first season was a great joy to watch, for its art, plot, handling of story and overall tidiness of the story, this "thing" of a sequel was just the average garbage sub teen anime out there.
No real story, no real development, the characters that were before interesting and really evolving were now actually devolving, and the last episode was a joke, with no real end and one of the silliest declaration dialogs I have ever seen...the
pseudo couple should just break if it is to end like that really senselees way it did. Best friends at best, Nibutani and Chichimya are the real girls there, and Yuuta should have ended with them (although Nibutani was never an option nor with any interest for the guy...)
If you liked the first season, better keep away from this, as it is a real disapointment...this being said for a freat fan of its first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 2, 2015
Now Fully watched!
And why 10? Because it is, in its simplicity, simply delicious! And in my case, well, you see, I am married, and my wife is so NOT into anime it was an issue at first (now solved, as she even helps me tender my figure collection! Though she cracks jokes about "oppai" sizes and such XD) so in some parts I could just see my wife there,it was just hilarious! Also the ending song is s sweet and engrossing as well.
The situations they depict are not only in Japan anyway in regards as how anime fans are seen, and the jokes and the
feel of every episode is just tender, hilarious and even when with sexual inuendo or "direct message approach" it is nos gross nor disturbing, but really funny to see.
Of course my personal view has its own spice due real life experience, and that adds a ton to it XD
Art is cool and cute, conveying the right feel to the story.
Sometimes simplicity is the key to absolute success!
Anyway that is my impression after watching 7 little eps, and I am now eagerly awaiting the rest. A Gem in any Anime Collector who seriously love Anime and all related to it!
Reviewed as before as my opinion held from first to last episode.
This is, in its simplicity and conduction, a real masterpiece!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 15, 2014
I will not give it a 10 due its length...too short, too enticing and yet soo short!
The way the shoot this little OVA, giving the point of view from both the guy, and then Kuroki, was totally delicious to watch, and made me laugh and cringe along te way.
Also, as noted by a reviewer here, it was really interesting to see how Kuroki really looks like to others than herself. That reminds me a bit of Yamato Nadeshiko, where we have a girl who thinks herself ugly although she is actually really beautiful. Kuroki due her own misconception about herself thinks little of her,
reflecting on how she looks (to herself) but when we saw her through the eyes of the guy, she is actually pretty cute, as well as strong. And yes, the voice! Well, that type has always been my favorite in anime!
I enjoyed this completely, and I hope they carry on with the series, soon!
Best Wishes
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 3, 2014
Shinsekai Yori.
***Spoilers Ahead***
Echoes from themes seen on H.G. Wells Time Machine, Ergo Proxy, Babylon 5, Elfen Lied, Utawarerumono, and others, as well as a really harsh view on human nature vs. adversity and change...and a marvellous depiction of coming of age and maturity process with the main characters, and a totally overthrow of views by the (sad and somewhat horrific) revelations in the last episodes...that is Shinsekai Yori.
Not a light story, and a very well woven and conducted plot, this is a really masterpiece, that calls for attention and understanding of what we see.
Like in Ergo Proxy, by the end we see we
might have been cheering for the wrong side. As I am one that gets really angry with the Powerfull oppressing those less resourful than them, I got impressed with the turn of events and the reality of the character's history and society, and you get sad at what happens with some characters there, who were fighting an impossible battle against a terrible and cruel oppressor, who actually commited a terrible crime gainst their own kind.
We see here what would happen if humans would mutate and the mutants had the upper hand against the larger, less powerfull not mutated humanity. Just one Fiend (a psychopatic individual with telekinesis) could kill thousands...with the numbers we have total, if 1 per cent mutated and from those 1 percent became Fiends, that would be the end of our civilization (which is what happened in the story). Numbers would mean it all.
The portray of the mutation there was also magistrally done. A very logical take on what would happen if a part of the human race could access Quantum Waves and telekinesis (PK here) and what kind of problems could arise due humans being humans with godlike powers (Karma Demons - altering quantum strata without control and Fiends, psychopats and serial killers with PK at their command and no restrictions to use it for killing and destroying, with the focus such people naturally have making them the most powerful PK users) and also a very harsh views over morals and societal control, as well as how ruthless and immoral some would act in order to preserve themselves (the mostrosity showed in the final eps was cruel and made the events in the end sad to the extreme, when we see what befell humans after the conflict against the mutants came to its end).
Strong words from a brave fighter in the end, as he says that no evil will endure forever, even facing the incredibly cruel fate reserved for him by his captors and oppressors...and you know who I am talking about...
Marvellous story, which by the end calls for a glimmer of hope amidst darkness, this is a powerfull and very satisfying anime, I wished more like this could come forth in the future.
And indeed, true Science Fiction in its best, challenging societal rules, morals, and the nature of humans facing adversity (no matter what cruel fate bestowed upon humans)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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