TO THE CRITISIZERS OF THE SO CALLED INCEST, (my storyline review below this message)
In a review, I think that the thing to be reviewed is how well the intended storyline is potrayed, character and/or world development, art etc. It is senseless to criticize the plot.
If a manga/anime just has to have a stereotypical storyline with no uniqueness and if the unique path selected by the author is condemned for being in the so called wrong path (evil, incest, negative...), then just a single, ideal story is required, why bother to make new manga/anime?
The unique storyline here of how an adopted daughter develops romantic love
Apr 26, 2017
Kekkai Sensen
First of all, remember that I wrote this review after binge watching it. In my opinion binge watching provides different satisfaction compared to watching it slowly once a week.
Reading the description gave me vibes of the disjointed narrative as mentioned in earlier reviews and it is totally that. I was somewhat reluctant in watching the show and it sat in my recommendations area for quite a long time. The action scenes are especially disjointed(to me atleast, compared to one piece and such) The MC is a fresh character to me, a single special power, not overpowered, no power ups but still keeps your attention on ... |