This anime is always exciting to watch this anime and I always look forward to the battle scenes!
Story (8); The story and plot is interesting, the whole system they came up with is truly unique. It is not just about action and battles, it's about different challenges. It is indeed something new.
Art (10); Art plays a huge role in this anime, the art is clean and fresh with many colors. The battle scenes are very very very detailed and polished with beautiful details. Art in my opinion is the most important thing. (The art kinda reminds me of SAO in some ways)
Sound (9); The voice
Feb 17, 2013
Ixion Saga DT
This is probably one of the most not-so-serious anime I've seen with those genres, of course meant in a good way.
The first episode made me want to drop the anime but I didn't, I continued and realized that the humor was the humor I enjoyed. The male protagonist Hozake Kon is hilarious and a character you can't hate. The art is good, it's in my opinion very average that it starts to become very good in some way? As for the story, it's not that special but it's definitely there so it's not just some raw random anime with humor in it. The character of ... |