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Feb 27, 2025
I like this show, and I'm writing this because I think there's a perspective a lot of the negative reviews are missing.
To start with the obvious: the esports game they play. I'm not a big gamer so maybe that's why this didn't bother me. There's no denying the 3D game graphics looked bad, I personally had no problem with that. But if you're looking for a show because you want the esports version of sports anime like Blue Lock or Haikyuu then this show isn't for you. They don't go in depth on any game details or strategy and the game scenes aren't visually appealing.
That said, I still think the game scenes are interesting enough to do their job in the plot if you go in with the right expectations.
With that out of the way, I think this is a decent show if you watch for the characters. I won't spoil, but the main character is easy to root for and I think the decisions he is forced to make are what make the show worth watching. The plot isn't earthshattering but there are a couple different character dynamics at play that are interesting. The villain feels a little odd for this genre, but he was still a positive addition to story.
The show has a solid ending imo, but I do understand the complaint that a couple of the storylines never get addressed. They are definitely secondary stories, but it was odd that the show bothered to open a couple threads if they wasn't going to close them. I don't know anything about the development of this show, but it feels like it might have left them open for a possible season 2, though the main plots are resolved so I wouldn't call it incomplete.
Overall, I think this is a solid show if you want a character drama that uses esports as a backdrop to tell its story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 6, 2019
After hearing so much about Reincarnated as a Slime I finally decided to binge the 13 eps that are out to see what the fuss is about. I am pretty disappointed with what I found, not because the show is terrible, but at how over-hyped it has been.
To start, the story so far is pretty boring. Pretty much every conflict that has happened so far has been resolved either by our OP protag, or the OP ability gifted by our protag to his friends (I'll leave it at that for spoilers). This was fine at first but by episode 13 I should have seen our
characters struggle against SOMETHING- and to be clear this is not One Punch Man. There is no hidden conflict for our MC, and very little humor regarding our MC's easy victories. And just when a plot point get's interesting (around ep 7-8) the show gets rid of it, seemingly to swerve the audience expectations at the expense of creating a fun and interesting character dynamic.
The characters in the show are nothing special either. Our MC is a typical overpowered shounen protag, a pervy incel thrust into a wish-fulfillment fantasy. He has a few funny one liners but there is nothing interesting about him (it?) except that he/it is a slime. Oh and by episode 10 he has a human form because a show about a slime MC didn't want to commit to keeping a slime MC.
The side characters aren't much better. Every time an interesting character is introduced the plot pushes them out of spotlight in one way or another, and replaces them with boring one dimensional anime tropes. I have nothing against anime tropes- but a show has to do something special and when every other aspect of the show is just average, the boring characters really stand out. In all fairness, there is one fun character (Gobta) who is honestly the highlight of the show imo. Maybe he can save the show in the last 11 episodes?
The art and sound in this show are fine, if not above average. a lot of the action looks smooth and the animations are pretty. Unfortunately above-average animation has almost nothing to do with making a show good. On the other, I have found strong musical scores can really add to the emotional impact of a scene, and help mask some messy plot at times. Unfortunately none of the music here was of that quality. Not to say it was bad, but the best way to describe it is that I watched all 13 episodes within 40 hours of writing this and can't recall a single tune.
The enjoyment of this show is the kicker imo. Easily the most subjective category here and while I've bashed the show up til now I can definitely tell this is a show that many enjoy and many reading this would enjoy it as well. It's a "turn your mind off and watch the protag kick ass" kind of show, and even I have a special spot for guilty pleasure shows (looking at you Irregular at Magic High). If you are simply a fan of isekai or need a tropey pick-me-up then this might be for you.
Overall this show is pretty average and I don't understand the hype. Pretty much every other review I've read or heard has glowingly praised the show as "charming" yet this seems to a fairly intangible concept used to cover up a show that really doesn't do anything unique. If you want a "charming" average isekai then this is the show for you, but I would not recommend Reincarnated as a Slime to anyone who has been misled to the idea that this is the next big thing or SAO done right.
**Edit: Through Episode 16 nothing has changed and the show has only doubled down on its flaws. I'm still hopeful for a fun and challenging arc to close out the series though, so I can't write it off just yet.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 18, 2018
B: the Beginning was a weird show. It clearly wanted to be something great and unique but couldn't quite pull that off in my opinion.
The plot was a bit of an incoherent mess. First it's a mystery thriller. Then its a supernatural action drama. The blending of these two concepts is not inherently bad but its an idea that needs to be executed to perfection to work and B did not do that. For example: neither plot really needed the other. For a show to contain two very different main plotlines they need to be intertwined, otherwise it might as well be
two shows. B's plots touched in a few areas but aside from 1 or 2 episodes where our 2 protags share some info and tell us why they are connected these lines aren't connected.
This leads to my next complaint that the anime prefers to tell rather than show. Rather than letting us figure out that Keith is a genius we are told "Hey, his nickname means genius". Then rather than showing us that Lily is also smart we are told "Hey, Lily is also smart." These are just two minor examples but the show is constantly telling us what to think rather than leading us to conclusions through well written story.
Finally, the ambiguity of the plot points feels like an attempt to keep the mystery up and give the story a sense of intelligence and comlexity. Instead, the show feels like it is withholding information so that the writers wouldn't have to write in explanations for the seemingly disconnected story. For example, I still haven't figured out the purpose of the fiasco in episode 1, or why things like the gold serum were important to the plot. Perhaps I'm just lost in the complexity, but as someone who usually has no problem with complex stories the fact that i can't follow this plot means it's likely a problem for many.
The art and sound of this show were good but were nothing special. While I have heard high praise for these aspects they did not vastly improve the quality of the show by themselves as great soundtrack and visuals can often do (ie: see another 1 letter title "K"), so to rate either higher than 8 feels wrong.
The characters in this show were bland anime tropes for the most part. Keith was an awkward mad genius, Koku was the quiet selfless badass, and the supporting cast was nothing special either. But i like anime and therefore I'm generally fine with anime tropes. What actually bothered me was the boring character motives and crap dialogue. Without spoiling too much, none of the characters are driven by anything unique or interesting. In addition, B attempts to give its protagonists and villains these "meaningful" dialogues or monologues but they are really just random metaphors and poetic nonsense that feel forced. There's a Moby Dick reference that kinda works but then they beat you over the head with it with like they're trying to show off that they got one right. Overall felt cheesy and uninteresting.
Flaws aside I actually did enjoy thus show. Not in the giddy enthusiastic way that I fanboy over a some masterpieces (or even guilty pleasures) but I was genuinely interested to see where this ride would end and how these plots were intertwined. The end of the show somewhat spoiled the intrigue for me once I knew, but I cannot deny that i was intrigued. Despite my complaints I never felt compelled to drop the show and many people seem to have loved it so my complaints are not shared by everyone. Overall I would not recommend the show to most people, but i would also not steer anyone away from the show as it was enjoyable and is clearly appealing to many viewers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 30, 2018
I went into Juuni Taisen with a skeptical attitude having seen it receive poor reviews. After completing the show I beleive that too many people viewed this anime in the wrong light.
First, I would point out that if you are simply looking for a show to take the place of the Fate series then you will be disappointed. Juuni Taisen is very different from its battle royale counterparts, but I would argue it is better than most others, aside from Fate Zero.
Next I would address the most common complaint, being that the plot was too predictable. I would agree that at times the
episodes fell into a pattern but the purpose of the show is not necessarily to surprise viewers at every turn. This is not a mindless action show designed to simply excite and surprise.
Juuni Taisen is a look at the people who are fighting in the death game and a story about who they are, why they are fighting, and what they want in the end. it is character driven in nature, and excels at attaching you to multiple characters as you learn about what makes them, and they will make of the battle. It is far from flawless with a few of the characters falling flatter than others but for what it is, I enjoyed it more and more with each episode.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 4, 2016
Your Lie in April is a beautiful story, it is the only anime to make me feel genuinely sad for fictional characters (haven't finished Clannad but I watched Anohana and Plastic Memories). Best story of any drama anime I've watched so far, is surprisingly intense and well paced for the most part. The humor and dialogue can feel forced sometimes, but it's usually well timed and still comes across as meaningful. The plot introduces new elements later on in the show that are seemingly unnecessary but nothing that really hurts the plot much.
The characters are one of the shows weaknesses as some of the more
prominent characters aren't very developed for a 22 episode show, but the main characters are portrayed well. Some of the side characters depths however are displayed brilliantly and add much needed variety to the cast. You really empathize with the characters as the show picks up. The show also has a tendency to focus on characters whose stories just feel insignificant in comparison to the rest of the show.
The art is very good. The eyes took some getting used to for me, but also grew on me as I watched.
The music makes the show. While the deep plot is great, the intensity of the musical scenes really hooked me. Watching a middle-schooler pound out classical music in Your Lie ended up feeling more intense than many of the fights in some of my favorite shounen. The music adds so much depth to the characters and show as a whole. OP was cool too.
As an adjustment to the scale, and to account for anything that didn't fit into the categories I would mention that the show overuses some plot devices, but its ability to hold suspense is good. There is also some cool symbolism that I enjoyed.
Story: 8
Characters: 7
Art: 8
Sound: 10
Enjoyment: 9
Overall: 8
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 29, 2016
Can't wait to take crap because I didn't rate SAO low enough but here goes:
The story to Sword Art Online is tricky to judge because the arcs are so different. Instead I'll break it down. The first arc of SAO is the arc that got millions of people hooked and is the reason it has a cult following. And I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the first 10 or so episodes. After introducing one of the most anticipated concepts with a strong first episode, SAO became an episodic adventure anime dealing with the world inside a death game. While it is not original in
execution with the many tropes it perpetuated, the first arc was an enjoyable action/harem anime. (7/10)
The following arc is where SAO really starts to break down. Without spoiling anything, all intrigue that the action and plot had held were lost due to the lack of a plot device that was essential to the first arc. The dialogue became painful and if you are tired of anime hinting at incestuous relationships then this is not for you. (1/10)
Next come the characters. They aren't very good. Not only does this anime sneakily morph into a harem, but the harem doesn't even get the benefit of usefulness. It still comes down to our protagonist as the only character worth forming a party with, and the only one who shows any depth at all. And don't even get me started on the NPCs...
The production quality of SAO is about the only great aspect of the show. The music was great, the first OP was catchy, and the art looked awesome during the fight scenes especially. The soundtrack was even good enough that it could smooth over many of the rough patches by accentuating what little emotion the show tried to bring.
In order to account for anomalies that don't fit the 5 categories I will make an adjustment as well. On the positive side, while it is a stereotypical harem/action shounen, it is probably one of the best in that genre, at least from a production standpoint. On a negative however, the show absolutely nosedived in the second half, and turned a concept I was highly interested in into a taboo.
In conclusion I still enjoyed many aspects of the anime and would actually recommend this to any anime fan, if for no reason other than to formulate an opinion so that all can join in the SAO debate.
Story: 4
Characters: 4
Sound: 9
Art: 8
Enjoyment: 7
Overall: 6
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 29, 2016
First review, I'll give it a shot by starting off with the story:
Personally I loved the story. It is well written to pull together action, mystery, humor, and even some feels. It is not particularly unique and is full of the typical anime tropes that most high school setting's entail. Additionally, the show starts off by giving you too much information, and hoping that you'll retain it all by the time everything starts to make sense. However it is one of those stories that gets better and better with each episode. From episode 4 on, the shows momentum cannot be stopped, and even the
flashes of backstory are well placed and only serve to improve your understanding of the plot.
The characters in this show were easily the strongest element not provided by the production studio. Despite the small episode count, K included at least a dozen intriguing characters with the only major flaw being that we couldn't see more of them. The writers foiled characters to each other and provided just the right amount of backstory to develop several major players far more effectively than most 13 episode anime.
There is not much I can say about this soundtrack that would do it justice. It is beautiful. I believe that anyone who watched nothing but the first 30 seconds could not honestly deny the quality of the music. Not only is it stunning, but it sets the tone for the show as a whole, and makes an ordinary scene come alive, while augmenting the impact of the more emotional scenes.
The art is stunning as well, rounding out the incredibly positive impact the studio (GoHands) had on the quality of this anime.
Ok, I added in another category below where I justify any other positives or negatives that wouldn't perfectly fit into one of the 5 categories provided. For example, I was incredibly annoyed by a few of the minor plot devices between episodes 2 and 4. I would also point out that many of the interesting characters were not fully developed in K, which was bothersome, but were developed in the second season. Finally, one of the main characters I found annoying as an overdone archetype who is used primarily as fanservice. (And I didn't want to factor her into "characters" because I felt it would not do justice to the others to include her in my number)
Story: 8
Characters: 10
Sound: 10
Art: 10
Enjoyment: 9
Overall: 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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