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Nov 25, 2022
This is probably the worst thing I've ever watched, and I have Isuka and arling in the FranXX on my completed list.
The whole thing is a hentai that's ashamed of beign one, so it censors itself; it's also a bad isekai, a generic adventure and exploration anime and a mediocre ecchi one.
The whole premise is "MC is OP. MC buys girl. MC forces girl into s*x. Girl develpos Stockholm syndrome and thinks she wants to be ra**d. Rinse and repeat. Also there are cities, labyrinths and stuff."
Now you may be wondering "If this guy hates this thing so much, why waste time in reviewing
To prevent you from watching it, and because I actually enjoy Isekais and this thing gives a bad name to the genre and the whole anime and manga industry in general.
Story: 4 points.
I'll give it a 4 because the world, from the bits of info we get, seems interesting. The labs are living things, there's a whole society around them. The magic and abilities are broken, dude can literally do everything just because.
Art: 2 points.
Animated jiggling and a ton of money and effort dedicated to the love interest and the censored scenes. The fight scenes are lame at most, boring, they all feel the same.
Sound: 2 points.
Finished the thing one hour ago. Can't remember ED, OP, BGM or OST. Voice acting is good, but it doesn't redeem the forgetable sound.
Enjoyment: 2 points.
There are over 20k entries in MAL database. You will find something better than this even by accident.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Mar 14, 2019
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari isn't a bad anime, but it's not the legend some people claims it to be. It ads some interesting elements to a world where almost nobody tries to innovate, but sometimes it fails too much in it.
-- Minor spoilers ahead --
(Story: 6) The story is good, not more than that, X random guys from Y ramdon versions of Japan gets ported to magiclal world to save it. We have seen it like a zillion times, but the fact that everybody hates and despises MC, instead of worshipping him like a god or something is kinda fresh. But that's where everything
goes to waste.
Other guys ported gets better weapons, more money and people like them and then they decide for whatever reason to hate MC.
The show tries to win it's viewers by making them feel pity for MC, instead of making viewers grow some kind of empathy. The story is so focused on how everyone torture the guy that it forgets to grow, and with time pity becomes anger and finally lack of interest.
Sometimes it takes itself too serious and goes to not so smart exents to make MC suffer. It's slow, it doesn't explains things, and for moments is lame and cliche.
(Art 7): The art is cute, no more than that, it won't be rememebed for ages to come for its quality.
(Sound 6): It goes with whatever is going on, but don't think anyone will be buying the OST for how good it is.
(Characters 4): Here's where everything goes to waste. You have a tortured guy with a legendary weapon and you keep torturing him but he doesn't snap, he doesn't kill anyone, he doesn't plan a Coup d'état, he stands there watching everything been taken from him almost in a masochist way.
The rest are generic characters, some more sadistic, some less inteligent, but none very memorable.
(Enjoyment 6): Watching the anime isn't a torture, but it's not a pleasure. You kinda feel bad at the beginning for the guy, but then you hate him for how he stands and take every single blow without chopping one or two heads.
(Overall 6): Kinda enjoyable, some things added to a saturated genre, but no more than that. If you want a clinic version of masochist watch this thing and it's MC, there's a plasure in taking several beatings without opposing.
Final note: An anime that goes from taking itself too serious to useless and cute fillers, a good chance wasted, but still a watchable show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 12, 2016
I saw some loose episodes maybe 15 years ago on TV and then forgot about it, then, sudenly a few weeks ago someone reminded me of it and decided to give it a go.
Monster Farm: Enbanseki no Himitsu was not what I remembered. I remember enjoying it, sitting willing to watch it, but seeing it a few years later made me change my mind.
Story: 5/10
It's bland. It's too cute. Tries to be deep at times but fails misserably. There are some good moments, there are a bunch of unexplored and itneresting events (War of the Ancients). But when everything comes together, it's no more
than a mediocre story.
Art: 4/10
Decent at last. Some monsters are quite interesting. But landscapes, humans are mediocre. There's nothing remotely special or memorable.
Sound: 2/10
Oh-my-god. I have seen quite a few animes in my life, but I have never found a worse voice acting that the one in this one. There's no emotion, some voices definitely don't match the character and they seem forced.
Openings and endings won't be remembered and the OST is quite repetitive, not very intense and doesn't go along, it just exist with the anime.
Character: 1/10
Believe it or not, there's something even worse than the voice acting. The MC -the human- is by far the most dense and pathetic character I've found (and I've seen Absolute Duo and Isuca). It's mere existence doesn't make sense, just an adhd kid who fights against mechanical giants that shoots lazer beams... and wins. That's lame. That's bad. That's useless. a crappy kid fighting against overpowred monsters is like the little kid that had to appear in every 80's cartoon.
Ther est of the characters are cliche at best: the comc relief, the light hearted pacifist giant, the smart but dishonest one, the girl and the Tsundere monster.
Overall: 4/10
I gave it a 4. Maybe because of nostalgia, meyabe because it's a very old series based on a video game. It has a few intereting moments -ONLY A FEW- but as an overall anime it's really REALLY bad.
You should watch it if you're old and have played the first two games from the Playstation 1. But if you're looking for something remotely interesting, keep watching, there's nothing here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 14, 2016
This is a special, something beyond the main story, and as such it must be viewed.
There are not revelations, no secrets, no nothing. Just pure enjoyment. If you can watch it like that, it's almost impossible not to like it.
It's hard to analyse a special as a whole, specially when there's a main anime behind it, but...
Story: 8/10
The story itself is quite simple and you don't have to be a veteran anime viewer to predict how it's going to end, but again, it's rather how i'ts told than what's told that meke the special so enjoyable.
Art: 8/10
Same art as the main series, which is quite
good, there are some nice details and there's no abuse of CGI for the street basketball game. Easy to watch.
Sound: 8/10
Again, it doesn't go or try to go away from the main series, GRANRODEO gives KnB a nice touch; the voices are the same, which are quite good, and the BGM helps and goes well with the story.
Character: 9/10
Kuroko, Kagami, Aomine, etc. They are the same of the anime, but changed after all that's happened, and the change is well shown, the are no strange things.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Pure enjoyment. A special to watch, enjoy and go out for a buguer after it. It will probably leave you with a smile, and that's great in every way.
I'd highly reccomend the Saikou no Present Desu to any KnB fan or viewer who has finished the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 28, 2015
I started Rakudai as soon as the season started without great expectations, knowing there can be no miracles with highschool, ecchi, harem animes.
With that in mind I watched 6 episodes as soon as they aired and then I got bored, but having a tiny bit of hope I somehow managed to finish it.
Story: 4/10
Story isn't that new, it has some sudden changes and a bit of unnecesary fillers in such a short anime, but it-s easy to understand. It has no plot holes in the story itself, but if this show don't get a second season giving it a finale after all it went through,
there will be an awkward feeling.
Art: 8/10
Strong, strong point. Characters and settings are well designed, battle scenes (except, of course, one shot battles) are quite entertaining and well designed; magic effects are luminous and it does not abuse a single tone of colors. Having such a nice art makes watching RKnC easier.
Sound: 8/10
Except for the MC, every other single voice was in its place, helped with the personalities of the characters. I didn't find the BGM memorable, but it wasn't bad and was well placed. The Opening is specially good and the Ending is good enough.
Character: 4/10
Nothing we haven't seen, they have their personalities, but no one brings anything really new to the table. The MC has something different from the standard Harem Lead, but it doesn't help a lot. The characters work better as a whole than as individuals, they actually complement each other, but their personalities are so standard it's hard to forget about that.
Enjoyment: 5/10
Not so hard to watch, but if you're a bit tired of the excesive fan service, it's not a good idea. Without the fanservice, maybe it could have gotten a couple extra points, because it's excesive and sometines out of place. Personally don't think anyone will remember RKnC in a couple years if the anime don't get an awesome sequel.
Overall: 4/10
Almost bearable, it's an average series with a good art and sound department. It has it's moments, but they don't save the whole thing. It could have been worse, of course, but it also could have been A LOT better. It has potential, something a lot of Magic Highschool Harems don't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 20, 2015
One Punch Man is an action comedy anime. If you expect deep meening, you're done. If you expect horror or something meaningfull, you're watching the wrong anime.
If you know wha you're about to watch and you are happy with it, OPM is awesome. It has humour, strange characters, a simple story and lots of meaningless action.
Story: 10/10
Saitama is strong. And being the strongest is boring. Going through life looking for someone stronger or at least entertaining is a funny concept, specially when no one actually knows how strong you are.
Art: 10/10
Pretty, tidy and clorfull. Can't expect a lot more, but the fight scenes are really
well animated and are quite entertaining to watch.
Sound: 9/10
You can't go wrong with JAM Project. And everything, from voices to BGM is exactly in its's place and helps a lot with the show and the almost non existent plot.
Character: 10/10
You can't not like Saitama, even the secondary and tertiary characters are easy to like. There's no really great character development, but that's not what you're looking for in OPM. Saitama is the strongest. And that's how it's supposed to be.
Enjoyment: 10/10
You're going to discover this will be the fastest 22 minutes of your week. It's easy to lose yourself in an episode and you will see it ending, you will hate that damn lock, and you won't be able to believe how fast time travel when you're entertained.
Overall: 10/10
Go and watch it. Don't expect anything special. Saitama is average. But the anime isn't. It's going to be one of the most entertaining action anime you'll ever see.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 20, 2015
Hamatora was a nice anime. Nothing more. You probably won't remember it in 20 years like a legendary one, but it's still interesting and easy to watch and follow. It's a nice choice for a rainy weekend when you need to kill four hours of your time.
Story: 7/10
It's not a new story but it's still interesting, it has some dark and interesting points, and some comic reliefe when needed. It's not complicated, it's easy to understand and doesn't try to put some new complicated thing every two episodes.
Art: 4/10
Big dissapointment here. There are some things well done, but in general is mediocre, and as I
write this review I can't forget some fire animations from the last episodes so badly done I hope whoever did them is now looking for another job.
Sound: 6/10
It's there, nothing interesting or new, voices are nice but nothing more. If there wasn't any BGM there would be no difference, it doesn't ruin the show, but it doesn't improve it.
Too many interesting characters is bad if you don't have enough time to develop them or explain their back stories. Ther are no wasted ones, every single one of the main cast (heroes and villains) have their personalities, and yes, they aren't anything complicated or new, but every one know it's place.
Interesting, entertaining and you don't watch eveyr spisode praying for it's ending. As I aid, it's not a bad anime, but it won't be remembered; it could have benn better, a lot, and the art department almost runied the whole thing.
No silly ecchi and no bad fan service give it an extra point, young people with superpowers without an harem is also good, but as a whole Hamatora keeps missing something to make it great. It would pass an exam, but won't go to the hall of fame.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 19, 2015
It's hard to make a prequel about one of the most iconic characters in anime and don't ruin the story, but luckily, that didn't happen with YBJ.
An adult medical drama is a breath of frsh air amidst so many highschool harems, ecchi or overpowered characters.
Story: 10/10
Being a sequel there are some limitations, you must tie this to the original, but as an origin story YBJ is really great. Set in the Vietnam war, in a convulsed Japan, Hazama goes through a lot in order to become the dark character we know. Maybe a 24 episode anime would have been better, but in 12 episodes they
manage to show Hazama's transformation.
Art: 9/10
It's easier to draw a magical utopia than a realistic Vietnam era anime, trying to be accurate with technology and clothing, but that doesn't seem like a problem in YBJ. The series itself has a dark tone, neccesary for the character, but it's easy to watch.
Sound: 8/10
For me, the best opening this season. The BGM helps, it's nicely chosen and adds a lot to the different settings and places the anime takes.
Character: 10/10
Again, making a prequel about an iconic character with a very disctintive personality is hard. You are tied. You can't discover gunpowder again. There is some character development, that's the core of everything, and the darkening of Hazama is clear.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Not a standard anime, it's a medical drama, it's a prequel, it's something you know how it's going to end and despite all of the above, you actually want to watch Hazam's growing. Maybe a bit of a light of hope, maybe because you love the original character, but it's easy tow atch the anime.
Overall: 9/10
It was a great anime. I'd reccomend it for anyone working on the health area, from nurses to morticians. It's finally an anime you cna connect with, and maybe use it to confront your own ideals about medical ethics.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 19, 2015
I was bored on a weekend away from home and had this anime on my "someday" list, so I decided to give it a try without great expectations. And I was wrong.
I've seen some (won't say a lot) of a nime, and a great part of them were highschool harem, so when I saw the cover I decided to just sit and get over with it. But this one in particular is great, I don't rememeber many series that make me lose sense of time and this one did it.
Story: 9/10
Reincarnation, past lives are interesting topics and it's easy to ruin them, but for my
surprise it wasn't the case with World Break. They were nicely used and the story as a whole actually makes sense, it's entertaining It is deep enough to make you keep watching without taking away your social life. Story itself won't get a 10 from me because past lives aren't properly developed (and they seem pretty awesome) leaving a bit of a plot hole there.
Art: 8/10
Nice drawing, beautiful magic and the best freaking dragon I've seen in years. That alone got me. The battles are great, you can actually keep track of them, the magic is bright, the color palette is also interesting.
As a bonus point: Rusia was really nicely drawn.
Sound: 8/10
The ending is way better than the opening, but what really got me was the BGM, really tocuhing despise being the same track almost everytime. The characters had some personalities on their voices and that improved their very characters.
Character: 7/10
Not the best point. The MC has a standard high school harem personality, and the harem members didn't bring anything new to the world. There's so little character improvement or growing, but maybe that's because of the 12 episode lenght.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Pretty awesome as I said, it's agile, easy to watch and follow. I was tempted to rate it as a solid 10, but the fanservice was too much and unnecesary. You can't waste two whole episodes of a 12 episode series on beaches and saunas. But without the fanservice, or ignoring it, the anime is very enjoyable.
Overall: 9/10
For me, and you know, that's a very subjective opinion, this one is a solid 9. An interesting story, the best dragon in a long time, great magic and battle scenes. Too much fan service costed it a whole point, but maybe if there were made 24 episodes instead of 12 it would have been better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 18, 2015
I started Charlotte, as usual, because the opening was nice. I haven't read anything about it and Lia had a great song. I didn't expect a lot, and with that in mind I decided to give it a chance.
Story: 8/10
It's a nice story, for me it has a new concept (faulty superpowers) and that was good enough. The story itself is quite entertaining, it has some interesting moments, touching and funny. It's not Hamlet or Othello, but it's good enough to binge watch it.
Art: 8/10
Not bad, not memorable. A nice color pallete, dark when it must be, light and happy when needed. The characters are
well designed, it does not abuse fanservice to cover flaws. There are not missed frames, there's no abuse of CGI. It's a nice anime.
Sound: 7/10
As I said, the opening caught my attention, and the BGM is nice. But it's not wonderful, you won't be singing or mumbling anything from Charlotte in the shower
Character: 9/10
The strongest point for me. Every character has it's own trauma, it's own agenda and a nicely developed personality. The MC has a decent growth and it's not perfect, but not in the "MC is a boob obsesed guy", more likely in a "what the hell do I do with my life and superpowers?".
Every other characters has it's place and it's needed, there are no wasted characters.
It's easy to enjoy, even the darkest moments let you enjoy the anime. It's not something heavy, has some messages and let you with a few questions. It's not a "Anime's over, lets grab a burguer" thing, but it won't traumatize you.
Overall: 9/10
An anime worth watching. Don't expect a memorable masterpiece, but don't expect some time filler piece of crap. It's a god series, it's a good story told in 13 episodes. It has a close ending.
I highly recommend Charlotte.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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