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Feb 3, 2019
You know how in a lot of generic rom-com anime the main character is a bumbling idiot when it comes to love? Well imagine instead if every character in the show was like that, that is this anime. Also, the show could've honestly been about anything, what's more so driving is their passion, unlike shows like SAO or Hi-Score Girl where actual gaming was an integral part of the show, this show the characters just sorta like games, but honestly there's nothing wrong with that, it makes for a fantastic opening animation. I would say that the strongest feature of this anime is the unpredictability,
it's legitimately difficult to guess what will happen next because everyone is an idiot, and while most of the characters are just the generic archetypes you expect from any rom-com the interactions with each other remain highly entertaining. It's a fun watch and a perfect filler anime if you're not looking for something you have to invest in, but rather just a fun watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 30, 2019
I just wanted to leave a short and sweet review here as someone who just decided to check out and watch the anime on a whim. It was better than I was expecting for an anime that's pretty much a giant Capcom commercial, they give you plenty video game references and teach neat fun facts here and there which are all great. I find myself enjoying the main character more than any others because he's the only one that actually seems fun and someone fresh and original a good plenty including the hi score girl herself feel a bit cliche, but that's honestly fine because
the show manages to use these characters and put them in such interesting situations that create for a well made scenarios that are immensely entertaining whether it makes you laugh or tear up it's all thrilling. The weakest point is definitely the predictability of the characters and how they act around each other, I've seen these cliche archetypes in many anime before and it's always easy to call out what'll happen next in the show, but it's definitely still a fun watch. I highly recommend it as a filler anime for sure, and I thoroughly enjoyed it as someone who's into old video games and fighting games in general, it was right up my alley with it's nostalgia factor, but your mileage may vary depending on how much you like video games yourself. But similar to the film Wreck-it-Ralph, it can be enjoyed by non-gamers as well, it's just harder to pick up on the references.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 20, 2018
This is pretty much just an excuse to make a harem with a female lead, with that said it's a pretty fun, hilarious, and entertaining show overall. It reminded me a lot of both the anime "The Devil is a Part-Timer" and the cartoon "Steven Universe". Mainly due to how it involves characters from another world coming to Earth as well as integratijg and loving the planet, yet the character dynamics for all 3 of these shows is different, so there's enough nuance to say that this is a pretty good show of it's own fruition. The most lacking part of the show is the
personalities of the characters, they almost all fall into very basic categories of the typical anime character (the kawaii girl, the big boobs girl, the lovey dovey girl, the rival girl, etc.) with the only truly unique and realistic character in the show being Miss Kobayashi herself. It's an enjoyable watch, but not really an anime to take very seriously or to be moved by I suppose. I can certainly say, I came for the memes and stayed for the memes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 24, 2015
It's a must-watch for romantic-comedy lovers of anime. Also, it can teach a lot about the processf creating a manga, the characters the story and all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 24, 2015
The art style and characters were mediocre af, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the music of the series. 7.4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 5, 2015
So I'll put it like this:
(Btw, lotta f-bombs in this review, I have too much passion for this show to not fully express my hate and disappoint without them, so, sorry.)
It's like watching Game of Thrones in the sense that all the good characters that you fall in love with end up dying, and it's like instead of Joffrey dying, he just wins and everyone else dies and you finish the show feeling like shit.
This show has some of my favorite characters of all time, most specifically Cal Devens my favorite female character of all time. The characters, as many others have said, is where this show shines, it definitely has some of the best character development I've seen in my life, all the important characters have a well developed back story, and even the side characters have well-thought-out motives for the schemes they plot and actions they take, however a lot of times the characters in this show go full-retard for no reason and make some of the worst decisions that literally piss me off in real life to the point where I can't watch another episode until I cool down. Also, there's a bunch of problems in logic and physics, plotholes, and just bad writing in general for certain parts of the story.
Time for my list of questions about the stupid things in this show that will never be addressed:
- How did Reiji slice through Ein's mask without cutting her face in half as well? (this complaint is a bit nit-picking, but none-the-less I wanted to address it)
- Why doesn't Ein just kill Reiji when she already knew he was hiding in that old broken down room that Scythe master and Ein find him in, where he waited for 3 days? (Scythe Master wasn't around at the time, so no one was there to order her not to hill him)
- How was Ein able to catch up to Scythe Master and block him from a bullet when she was several yards behind Reiji when he shot the bullet? (PLUS, she was wounded and barely even able to walk, does she gain fucking super speed when she's injured, that whole scene was bullshit)
- How was Ein able to snipe the statue in the meeting Room where the Godos were becoming members of Inferno, they clearly zoomed in from where the bullet was show, and they had to pan the camera around a building in front of where she was shooting from, can Ein both shoot and see through fucking entire buildings while sniping?
- Why doesn't Reiji even attempt to check if the burning apartment actually killed Cal, he just assumes she's dead without any true evidence? (I guess though, one could assume he was in shock and committed to the idea that she was dead)
- Why the fuck is there a completely unnecessary two year gap in the story? (This has to be one of the most forced story progression tactics I've ever seen, in fact they skip a lot of months in the show to further the story when it's not really necessary, but the 2 year one is the largest and most apparent of course.)
- How did Cal age so much after just two years? (I'm sorry but that amount of body development would take around 5 years, I guess you could say it was a growth-spurt, but that's just total cop-out for and unjustified amount of aging she did)
- Now for my biggest gripe against this show. WHY DOES REIJI FUCKING KILL CAL?! He made zero attempts to truly apologize for abandoning her as well! This really pisses me off for two reasons, Cal in my favorite female anime character of all time because of how they built her up and showed the true sadness of her life and background, and the fact that Reiji was able to save Ein on several occasions and even talk her out of killing herself or himself in multiple occasions, but when it came to Cal he went full-retard and just said 'yup, gotta kill her' he didn't even try to resolve the issues between them under any circumstance. AT THE VERY LEAST! He could've decided to not mortally wound her, by maybe shooting her hand, shooting the gun out of her hand, shooting her in her arn socket, shooting her before the music stopped in some place that would stun but not kill her, the possibilities are endless, main-point he didn't have to kill her by any means. And even if you do decide to accept that she died, had to die and there was no other way, you just end up feeling really shitty, and as the story continues it goes more downhill and you feel shittier, and then Ein and Reiji suicide/die, and then you're just left feeling like shit now that the whole show is over and everyone fucking died, FUCK! The ending of this anime where Reiji and Ein die, I can somewhat find myself accepting, but everything that led up to them having to do that was fucking BULLSHIT!
- Not a question, but it just really pisses me off that the villain flat out won and got away with basically everything he wanted like the asshole he is, I'm talking about Scythe Master of course, I know that they did end up killing him in the end, but he got away with everything he wanted before that, so he just indisputably won in the end.
- One gripe I gotta mention though, the ending scene where Reiji and Ein kill themselves is incredibly confusing upon first view, I had to actually go into wikipedia and look on that episode specifically to understand what just happened, I'm sure a lot of people who watched this anime didn't even realize that Ein suicided by eating a poisonous flower, and were just wondering "why did she smile at Reiji collapsing?", I know I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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