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May 28, 2019
Pupa (Anime) add
Pupa is one of the worst things I've ever laid my eyes upon and spent time to see if it gets better - it clearly didn't. It's one of the most disconnected, disgusting, fetish-filled series to ever be created, in my opinion. I'll try to not whine too much, but we'll see.

The ''Story'' of Pupa is a disgusting slog to get through, which is a problem when every episode is 4 minutes sharp. It's about this Imouto named Yume who sees this red butterfly and becomes this Monsters Inc. creation, and guess what! You don't really see that transformation after that episode. Her Onii-chan ...
Apr 14, 2019
For the record, this from the perspective of a guy who finished the entire Dragon Ball manga yesterday, as of the writing of this review, then decided to jump onto this movie and is planning to watch Super. Good? Good. Also, spoilers.

To start with the story, I loved it: Beerus, God of Destruction coming down to earth to look for the sexy man in his dreams so they can fight for the sole reason of him getting some excitement in his boring life as he strongest thing in the 7th Universe. Thing is, Dragon Ball has never been about the super-complicated stories that are necessarily ...
Mar 15, 2019
Ever Green (Manga) add
Evergreen is not your casual non-concequince anime incest garbage anime, like ''KissxSis'' or ''Oreimo;''it genuinely blew my pants off with its twists, and i'll be mentioning a few of them, so spoiler alert is in order here, i suppose.

Story: It's not really any different from the usual, ''pathetic protaginist aiming for a girl way out of his league, without even realising it's love'' anime/manga plot on the surface. It's the sory of Yoshimatsu Hotaka and Awaya Niki, with Hotaka being the president of the lazy manga clun and Niki being the ace of the swimming club. Hotaka enjoys admiring her from above and below, at ...
Mar 14, 2019
Preliminary (38/94 chp)
(So, coincidentially enough, chapter 39 came out as i was planning to write this, so there's gonna be spoilers; a bit. Another thing, this is completely opinionated and you shouldn't take me seriously, though that should go without saying.)

''Watari- kun no xx ga houkai sunzen'' was one of the manga series that tipped that really thin scale between ''Do i like anime or manga more,'' making me a complete manga lover. I strong a segnificantly strong biased for this one, but i'll try not to let it blind my critique.

To be fair, i can easily understand why people don't like Houkai Sunzen, it can give ...

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