Ao no Exorcist: Yuki no Hate-hen is a solid continuation of the Ao no Exorcist anime series, diving into Rin Okumura's ongoing struggle as he confronts his demonic heritage and battles existential threats alongside his companions. This arc, based on the "Shimane Illuminati Saga" from the manga, introduces darker themes and a deeper exploration of characters' backstories, particularly Yukio, who finds himself increasingly torn between his humanity and his demonic inheritance.
The animation quality by A-1 Pictures remains consistent, with dynamic fight scenes and vibrant visuals capturing both the intensity of battles and the supernatural atmosphere. The soundtrack enhances the storytelling, blending emotional and action-packed moments
Sep 14, 2024
Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai
Impresses right from the start with its unique premise. The anime introduces a world where humans and mystical creatures coexist in a complex balance of power. The storytelling is rich, gradually unraveling layers of intrigue and mystery. From the very first episode, the world-building draws you in, with each location, faction, and character contributing to a deeply immersive experience. The lore is carefully crafted, offering enough depth to make the audience feel invested in the unfolding events.
One of the strongest aspects of the anime is its character development. Each character, especially the protagonist, faces significant emotional and moral challenges that shape their growth throughout the ... Apr 21, 2024
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi
This really shows that when we have overpowering power to destroy the world, we don't necessarily mean we can make peace, because it takes thought and intelligence to adapt, adapt and innovate according to existing problems.
The anime is really good, the story and plot twists are unexpected, the MC and his friends are super powerful but this becomes a battle of strategy as to how the enemies learn and use tricks and plans to defeat this overpowered force, as if we can see from 2 points of view both from the MC and his friends and from the villain's side |