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Nov 30, 2017
Story(4/10): The story gets rushed at the end and they throw in a throw away villain who's supposed to be "Omega Strong" and all but it fells like a rushed ending doesn't touch on the actual main antagonist at all except for a few scenes. Not only that but the anime suffers from the manga not being fully released so they suffer from filler at the end and little to no story told.
Art(4/10): They may have some cool screen shot moments but the animation didn't age well at all. With the interesting dream worlds and character designs the animation is very plain and doesn't
look that good.
Sound(5/10): The music has its ups and downs and it overall just eh, while some of the sound design can get on your nerves.
Characters(4/10): Like I said the main villain at the end is pretty generic and was rushed in for filler, and we also don't see much of the main antagonist at all. The main characters don't have much character development mainly because of how little source material they had, also they explained none of the back story of the main characters.
Enjoyment(5/10): Its a eh experience overall, only reason I had some enjoyment was because I was a fan of the manga, those who didn't read the manga will like this series less and see it as generic trash.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 7, 2017
Story(6/10): Not much is explained in this season and the story is very straight forward. Its not bad, just nothing new.
Art(10/10): The art is amazing, its very detailed and well made. One of the best parts of this show and the best animated anime from 2013 by far.
Characters(6/10): You have your generic shounen main character who's hot blooded, not a bad character just over used. Then for supporting characters the two main ones are Armin and Mikasa. Mikasa is a good character and Armin has the best character development in the show compared to the others.
Sound(10/10): The music is godlike and fits in the
show perfectly. The first OP is probably one of the best OP from 2013.
Enjoyment(10/10): Most of the episodes leave on a cliffhanger that leave you wondering "WTF what that!?" or "Holy Shit!" and it has many enjoyable moments.
Overall(8/10): One of the best anime from 2010-2015 and the animation still holds up 4 years later. A must watch for any anime fan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 28, 2017
Do not read if your light of heart. I've seen and read fucked up thing like the bowfly girl, people getting half their heads blown off, and other shit but I couldn't finish this fetish porn shit. This is just nothing but Hentai for sick fucks. It has rape, gore, Necrophilia, and more!
Story(1/10): Nothing but a panda going around killing, raping, killing you while raping you, or killing you while raping you then finish with your dead body. Also, you have shrine maidens who hunt down the Panda.
Art(5/10): The art was average. Nothing else to say.
Character(1/10): No real main protagonist... I guess the Panda
would be the main character?
Enjoyment(1/10): I don't have a fetish for a giant panda bear killing random people while it rapes other people to death either by ripping them apart or blowing their heads off with his sperm with people standing around watching and getting horny over it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 24, 2017
This review will be in two parts, the reason is because, for me I feel like the plot changes a lot after episode 25. So in this review I'll call every episode from 25 and before season 1, and every episode after 25 season 2.
{Season 1}
Story(10/10): It's hard, really hard to make a good characters... Its even harder to make him seem highly intelligent. It's also hard to give an intelligent protagonist a realistic threat... But the story achieves this perfectly and it feels like their is no plot armor between the main protagonist and main antagonist.
Art(7/10): For the time it had good
art, and it even holds up today with having better art than a lot of anime that came after. But compared to the top shows of today, It doesn't compare. The art style does fit the tone and story really good but that's about it.
Sound(8/10): The BG music really fits the tone and hypes up the moments, not a fan of the death metal OP, but that's just an opinion.
Characters(9/10): There is one character that makes me not give this a perfect 10/10, but the main protagonist Light, and main antagonist have a really good conflict that cannot be told without spoilers.
{Season 2}
Story(7/10): This is where the story starts to lose some momentum... Some plot holes are thrown in, sure just about every anime and show has plot holes though... But the difference is that its more than what where used to.
Art(7/10): Same as before.
Characters(7/10): The only character you'll mostly enjoy is the main protagonist. (Light spoiler: The main antagonist changes and is just a less enjoyable version of the last with a different name and less likable personality.) Also, the side characters lack.
Overall: You'll enjoy this series, it's a must watch for any anime fan and was the best early 2000's anime. (Opinion)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 28, 2017
Before I get into it the main problem of this adaptation is that it didn't go very far into the story. It was very faithful to the original except for little details and the last two episodes but the main problem is how much farther the Manga goes than the anime, and the anime leaves off without even reaching the half way point.
Story (4/10): You're only getting a slice of the cake with the plot, some major plot elements are told but majority was never animated.
Art (4/10): Its unique I guess? Its kinda under-budget feeling. I don't know if they where but it
seems like it.
Sound (7/10): The music is good I guess? It fits at-lease.
Characters (6/10): The main characters you'll have to see for yourself if you'll like them, but my biggest disappointment is how early the anime ends and we see no character development, some important characters to the plot are barley shown too.
Enjoyment (6/10): My biggest enjoyments in this is seeing certain events animated but that's about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 13, 2017
Story: I'd have to say it now before the rest of the review. Part 1 sucks, part 2 is where you get into the meat of jojo. Sure, Part 1 has Dio but thats all part 1 has to offer, the first jojo from part 1 is pretty boring but if you can make it past episodes 2-9 you'll see why people love this show.
Art: The 2D and 3D mix pretty well, sure sometimes it looks a little weird but overall it looks very good together.
Sound: The background music is so good and parts 1 and 2 OP is also good.
Characters: While Part 1
jojo is very boring in my opinion we still had Dio, but when Part 2 comes around you'll have a more enjoyable and entertaining jojo as well as good side characters and villains.
Enjoyment: Even though going through episodes 2-9 was more of a chore and I was close to dropping it Part 2 comes in and saves the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 13, 2017
Now that the anime has been out for a while and those of you who haven't watched it yet probably heard how bad it is. Well to sum it up... Its pretty bad.
This adaptation takes the manga slams it to the ground and takes a giant dump on it.
Story: It takes what happens in the manga and changes it to an extreme. It has so much to work off yet it skips the majority of the black swordsman arc and the whole lost children arc. On top of that it adds FILLER! Filler in the middle of something that's already happening, it didn't need
to be there and it could of just skipped it without any negative effects. So it skips to the Conviction Arc for the majority of the show, its a pretty good arc and it has some amazing moments... Too bad they're summed up and the best fights has the worse camera angles I've ever seen.
Art: The 2D art is Very good. Too bad its mostly CGI and nothing else, when we do get to see 2D its only for a split second and barley anything happens, its mostly just a close up of Guts face. The CGI on the other hand is god awful. CGI should only be 2nd after 2D animation not the other way around while other anime that have god like CGI mostly keep it for OPs or back ground objects/characters for a reason. Guts face changes shape almost 3 times an episode and he looks like he's holding in a shit.
Sound: *Clang!* get used to that sound because for some reason steal hitting flesh or steal hitting ANYTHING makes a *Clang!* sound. Other than that its just a lot of high pitched audio sounds that make no sense like why is metal boots hitting the ground making that sound or why did that bomb sound like someone dropped a pan.
Characters: Already the anime has a disadvantage because of it mostly being set in the Conviction Arc that is home to the worst side character in Berserk... Nina. Not going to go into detail but she isn't as annoying in the anime compared to the Manga but still pretty bad. Other than that we don't really get to see much of the character development because the Conviction Arc isn't about that Puck's and Guts bond is from the black swordsman arc and the lost children arc and they where skipped and isiro doesn't have one. Serpico and Farnese don't get any character development until the next arc.
Enjoyment: All together this was doomed to fail. Low budget and a director that has no experience with a full CGI anime and poor experience with action anime. His only other action work is the devil may cry anime and that wasn't all that good. So yeah this anime flopped.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 12, 2017
Welcome to Berserk!
Story: The story is one of the main factors of Berserk and its very good. Some arcs worth pointing out are the Golden Age, Falcon of the Millennium Empire, and the Conviction arcs. The story revolves around imagery and the characters.
Art: The beginning chapters during the black swords man arc and the first half of the Golden Age arc isn't as good as the rest, its above average don't get me wrong but compared to the god like art work and details that come in later chapters its no where near the same. Once you get into the Conviction arc than later into
the Falcon of the Millennium Empire arc you'll see a huge jump in quality and details.
Characters: The main focus is the relationship between Guts and Griffith, their relationship on why its so good isn't easily explain and is best experienced. Other than that we see the character development of Guts and how he changes in his life and some interesting and good side characters even though one might not be to your liking.
Enjoyment: For the most part Berserk is the best Dark Fantasy manga that you can read right now and I love it, its one of those edgy stories that actually works and is edgy because of the plot and not because its edgy just to be edgy.
Overall: If you like dark and gritty stories or just like good character development with some of the best art styles in Manga I suggest reading this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 12, 2017
Story: The story isn't overly amazing but its far from bad. The story is set in an alternate reality in World War 1, but it starts around 10 years after our own WW1 so instead of WW1 happening in the 1910's its in the 1920's. The weaponry and out fits are very WW1 looking with some changes, but the biggest changes is the use of magic. I'm not going into more detail because of spoilers but the first few chapters sum it up.
Art: The art is pretty damn good, its not Berserk or Uzumaki in terms of art but diffidently good.
Characters: Now the only
real character you'll like is the MC and maybe Viktoriya but its pretty much a hit or miss depending on if you like the MC. If you like the MC you'll enjoy this Manga but if you dislike the MC you'll dislike this Manga.
Enjoyment: Personally I love this Manga. I love the WW1 theme, art style, and of course the MC.
Fun fact its possible and not unrealistic for the MC to be in the war. They said in the manga the empire is gender equal when it comes to soldiers and in our own history children as young as 13! where soldiers in WW1!So having an 11 year old girl in an gender equal society fighting WW1 isn't that out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 17, 2016
Unless you finished the golden age arc in the Berserk manga than you should NOT read this, go and read up until the Conviction arc than read this.
Story(9/10): The story is simple but as the summary implies this is an 1 on 1 conversation between Griffith and "God". You can't say much about what happens because its extremely short (1 chapter) without saying spoilers. Its an interesting conversation though.
Art(10/10): Its no real surprise really Berserk always had amazing high detailed art and its no difference with this.
Characters(7/10): Only two characters are in this Griffith an already established amazing character, and "God" who is never really
mentioned after this. "God" is an interesting character but because its only one chapter worth of this character we don't know much about him.
Enjoyment(9/10): Its a quick read and it really pays off for any Berserk fan who reads this, all this adds is more character development for Griffith and that alone is a good thing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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