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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
10 hours ago
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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Yesterday, 1:30 AM
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 143.6
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Kukkorose no Himekishi to Nari, Yuri Shoukan de Hataraku Koto ni Narimashita.
Dec 25, 2024 6:30 AM
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All Comments (1092) Comments
I've indeed noticed that some people just add Hentai to boost their watch count, haha. I'm pretty sure I haven't even added every non-H anime I've watched, so I should be fine with how many anime I've watched. I've already hit one of my goals, which was to have "Watched" over a year, now I'm just waiting to hit 1,000 anime watched.
Yeah, that was the donkey tour I was talking about. It could have been a mule, but I honestly don't remember, since that was when I was in high school.
I actually have an action Hentai on my anime list. I decided a while ago that I'd only add non-hentai anime, as well as hentai I wanted to watch for the story. So, I have three or four Hentai on my list. If I had actually added all of the hentai I had seen, then my list probably would have tripled by now, though to be honest I don't really watch it anymore.
MAL tags for readily available Hentai tier lists? Where?
I mean, I'm sure it's not that important. I was just curious if you had it readily available. My buddy didn't say what the Hentai was about, so I'm not sure.
Oh, when I get back to TotK, I plan on exploiting the bugs and glitches. Trust, my friend.
I will have to ask him. Do you really think elk has your old tier list? I mean, I wouldn't put it past elk, because he's a total pervert.
I don't remember if the damage was increased as well, but that's because I'm too lazy to fact check that right now.
I remember when TotK came out, there was this dude who made a video about all the "bug fixes" the game made. Like, of course they are going to fix most of the exploits/glitches in the previous game.
I showed a buddy of mine the tier list video you have on your profile and he thought it was hilarious. Do you still have the tier list? He was wondering if you included a certain H, but I don't remember what it was called off hand.
Reminds me of hard mode Skyward Sword. No heart drops, so the only way to heal is by sitting down on a bench, haha. There were sometimes benches in front of temples, so you'd have to run all the way back to outside the temple if you were close to dying.
Does windbombing still work it TotK? I played a bit of it, but then was sidetracked due to the pre-release of Diablo 4. I had 2 coworkers who also bought the pre-release, which made TotK take the back seat... Even though Diablo 4 now sucks ass, I still have yet to return to TotK, which is limiting the amount of Zelda youtube videos I can actually watch.
The Dawnguard DLC kind of fixed that with blood arrows, however I'm not going to disagree with you. I legit hated trying to find some new location only to realize it had just turned to night and now I no longer had any regen at all. However, that's just kind of nitpicky, since it's easy to rest whenever. I've heard that base game Skyrim is designed to be so easy that the only reason anyone should die at any point is due to negligence. XD
I used just Windbomb. Like, I'd windbomb to Hyrule Castle after the Great Plat, collecting the Phantom Armor along the way. I used to actually start out by windbombing to the coliseum and fight the lynel before collecting the Helm, but decided it was too much of a time loss. I was thinking about doing that newer bomb/item slide. I don't know the name offhand.
Vampire Necromage is just great for pretty much every build I can think of. It's just inconvenient, since it takes forever to level healing. However, with the Dawnguard DLC and the healing attack spells(The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic), it can actually be pretty effective against other undead.
My goal for speedruning BotW was to get under 1:10:00. When I got 1:07:xx I took it has a huge win and just kind of stopped, however I always think about how fun it would be to go back and see if I could get sub 1 hour or sub 50 minutes with the newest, easier movement tech that's been more recently discovered in the game. I also kind of want to get back to doing Master Mode Hitless Trial of the Sword attempts, but I've had Switch apathy for a couple years.
To be fair, years later I sold my brother's copy of a very rare LoZ collector's edition game. Karma.
I used arrow, just not ancient arrow against lynels. Lynels are super easy to cheese if you can time the headshots. I had people call me a cheater in stream.