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Jul 29, 2024
The way this anime is, it should be all of the genre, simple, direct, beautiful animation, relaxing soundtrack, realistic characters and above all, real-life problems and real-life emotions, it is a spectacular slice of life, never seen in anime characters so close to reality, they are not stereotypes, they do not have exaggerated standards, they are just young people sharing moments of their youth, facing both romantic emotions and uncertainty about their future, the construction of their relationships seemed great to me, they simply shared their casual days high school without any exaggeration, that made me feel very connected to the characters, since it was
a very casual and typical environment, like the beauty of simplicity and I loved that.
In conclusion, a very beautiful anime, easy to watch, with a few lessons and above all, peaceful and relaxing.
Asi como es este anime deberían ser todos los del genero, sencillos, directos, animación preciosa, soundtrack relajante, personajes realistas y sobre todo, problemas de novenes reales y emociones de novenes reales, es un slice of life espectacular, nunca en el anime vi personajes tan cercanos de la realidad, no son esterotipos, no tienen estandares exagerados, solo son jovenes compartiendo momentos de su juventud, enfrentando emociones tanto romanticas como de incertidumbre por su futuro, la construccion de sus relaciones me parecio genial, simplemente compartian sus casuales dias de preparatoria sin ninguna exageracion, eso me hizo sentir muy conectado con los personajes, ya que era un ambiente muy casual y tipico, como la belleza de lo simple y eso me encanto.
En conclusion, un anime muy bonito, facil de ver, con unas cuantas lecciones y sobre todo, pacifico y relajante.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 13, 2024
Even better than the first part, I loved how they left out the excess sex jokes. The plot and the evolution of the characters are truly admirable, and each episode immerses you in a feeling of medieval and magical adventure. The animation and soundtrack contribute greatly to creating an immersive atmosphere that I enjoyed in each episode.
I was especially captivated by Eris. At first I thought she would be annoying as a tsundere, but I ended up completely hooked on her character. Her relationship with Rudeous was charming and fun to watch, especially with the serious character that accompanied them on this journey.
In conclusion, Good
is an anime that stands out among other isekais for its authentic writing, well-developed settings, and a compelling universe. I totally recommend this anime for those looking for something fresh and well executed within the genre.
Aún mejor que la primera parte, me encantó cómo dejaron de lado el exceso de chistes sobre sexo. La trama y la evolución de los personajes son realmente admirables, y cada episodio te sumerge en una sensación de aventura medieval y mágica. La animación y el soundtrack contribuyen enormemente a crear una atmósfera envolvente que disfruté en cada capítulo.
Me cautivó especialmente Eris. Al principio pensé que sería molesta como tsundere, pero terminé completamente enganchado a su personaje. Su relación con Rudeous resultó encantadora y divertida de ver, especialmente con el personaje serio que los acompañó en este viaje.
En conclusión, es un anime que se destaca entre otros isekais por su escritura auténtica, escenarios bien desarrollados y un universo convincente. Recomiendo totalmente este anime para quienes buscan algo fresco y bien ejecutado dentro del género.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 10, 2024
At first I thought it would be a disappointment, I really expected to be disappointed but it wasn't, I wouldn't say it's a gem but it did surprise me.
Despite having generic things, it stands out for the authenticity of those generic things in this world, I don't know, it has a more serious vibe, it doesn't feel ridiculous, and Rudy's development is impressive, just of course, I would prefer if he weren't a pervert
The animation is impressive as is the soundtrack and in the end they shined with the action scenes
I found this 1st season very entertaining and with
few negative things, it's just not a gem since I don't like ecchi in this genre
Al principio lo veía como que sería un decepcion, realmente esperaba ser decepcionado pero no fue así, no diría que es una joya pero si me sorprendió
A pesar de tener cosas genéricas, destaca por la auntenticidad de esas cosas genéricas en este mundo, no se, tiene una vibra más seria, no se siente ridícula además el desarrollo de Rudy es impresionante, solo claro, preferiría que no fuera un pervertido
La animación es impresionante al igual que el soundtrack y al final se lucieron con las escenas de acción
Está 1ra temporada me pareció muy entretenida y con pocas cosas negativas, solo no es una joya ya que de este género no le gusta lo ecchi
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 9, 2024
It started in the best way, showing a tender and sincere relationship that ends with a magnificent kiss, however, as it progresses, more misunderstandings are created that do not even finish developing, which is why literally in the anime there is no progress, which is why it leaves a strange feeling.
On the other hand, I found it to be a very fun and entertaining anime because of how unique Haru is, every second on screen was very fun with him, and I also found Shizuku very cute but very stubborn.
In any case, I don't know if I would recommend it, you will have a good
time but you won't be very passionate
Comenzó de la mejor manera mostrando una relacion tierna y sincera que termina con un magnifico beso, sin embargo, mientras avanza se crean mas malentendidos que ni siquiera terminan de desarrollar, por lo cual literalmente en el anime no hay ningun progreso por lo cual deja una sensación extraña.
Por otro lado, me pareció un anime muy divertido y entretenido por lo único que es Haru, cada segundo en pantalla era muy divertido con el, e igual me parecia muy tierna Shizuku pero muy obstinada
De cualquier forma, no se si lo recomendaria, pasaras un buen rato pero no te apasionaras mucho
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2024
I found it entertaining to watch it at the end of this summer season, I watched the first episodes often and in a single day I watched all 8 episodes to catch up, I would say the bad thing is that not much really happens, it's just a very similar prologue to SnK but the little that is presented to us is very fascinating, I just would have liked something more epic at the end since it was somewhat predictable.
In any case, it is a very good anime, it has a story, characters, animation, soundtrack, action, all very good and certainly entertaining.
Me parecio entretenido verlo
al final de esta temporada de verano, los primeros capitulos me los vi seguido y en un solo dia vi los 8 episodios para ponerme al dia, diria que lo malo es que realmente no pasa mucho, es solo un prologo muy similar a SnK pero lo poco que se nos presenta es muy fascinante, solo me hubiera gustado algo más epico al final ya que era algo predecible.
De cualquier manera, es un muy buen anime, tiene historia, personajes, animacion, soundtrack, accion, todo muy bueno y sin duda entretenido
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2024
I don't know, it was very difficult for me to keep up with this anime, of course each chapter was entertaining but Hananoi always made me angry, but in the end by explaining even more context of his life I managed to empathize more with him, feeling happy that his love was fulfilled Platonic.
Their relationship seemed admirable to me in the sense that they were always aware of the other, always seeing what areas to improve, prioritizing that the other feels comfortable and thus living happily, all with a very assertive communication, a very realistic aspect that they lack. most current animes, that's why I
enjoyed every chapter.
So, I wouldn't say that I loved it but I wouldn't say that I didn't like it either, just very normal, maybe one more of the bunch.
Nose, me fue muy dificil estar al dia con este anime, claro cada capitulo fue entretenido pero Hananoi siempre me hacia enojar, pero al final al explicar aun mas contexto de su vida logré empatizar mas con el, sientiendome alegre que se le cumplio su amor platonico.
Su relacion me parecio admirable en el sentido de que siempre estaban pendientes del otro, siempre viendo que areas mejorar, priorizando que el otro se sienta comodo y asi vivir felices, todo con una comunicacion muy asertiva, un aspecto muy realista que les falta a la mayoria de animes actuales, es por eso que disfruté cada capitulo.
Entonces, no diria que me encanto pero tampoco que no me gusto, solo muy normal, quiza uno mas del monton.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2024
This anime created a lot of feelings and thoughts in me, even more so since the moment I saw it I found myself in similar moments to the protagonists.
An apparently simple plot in which two friends set out to find a partner, when little by little they realize that they are made for each other, that is when their feelings begin the drama in their friendship and so through great humor, Authentic jokes, original situations and a well-constructed drama moved me until the end, so much so that I saw it in just 5 days, which is very little since I had not seen an
anime so fast for a long time.
Risa seems like a unique girl to me, because yes, I used to think that about many but after watching more animes those girls are somewhat cliché and Risa is not the case at all, she has a unique personality, silly, funny and very outgoing and brave in the love, that is why in the entire anime, after so much rejection it was very satisfying to see her fulfill her romance.
I felt a great connection with Risa and Otani, as well as with their friends since in only 24 episodes they tell us their entire high school life, it is normal that at the end of it you feel a void, in each chapter too many things happen but despite that you don't know. There is no rush or forced plot, everything flows completely naturally, an addictive naturalness that made me watch one chapter after another.
Another notable aspect is the accent with which he speaks, I found it very addictive and relaxing.
And in conclusion, this anime surprisingly became one of my favorites and one that I will definitely repeat, it is not like other romances where you know the ending and the drama is over, Lovely Complex is very revisitable since its humor will always make me laugh out loud. .
Gem I saw in summer 2024
Este anime me creó muchuchisimos sentimientos y pensamientos en mi, más aun ya que en el momento que lo vi me encontré en momentos similares a los protagonistas.
Una aparente trama sencilla en la que dos amigos se proponen conseguir pareja, cuando poco a poco se dan cuenta que están hechos el uno para el otro, es ahi cuando sus sentimientos comienzan el drama en su amistad y asi por medio de un gran humor, chistes auténticos, situaciones originales y un drama bien construido me emocionó hasta el final, tanto que, lo vi en solo 5 días, lo cual es muy poco ya que tenia mucho tiempo sin ver un anime tan rápido.
Risa me parece una chica única, por que si, antes pensaba eso de muchos pero después de ver mas animes esas chicas son algo cliché y Risa para nada es el caso, tiene una personalidad única, tonta, graciosa y muy extrovertida y valiente en el amor, es por eso que en todo el anime, después de tanto rechazo fue muy satisfactorio verla cumplir su romance.
Sentí una gran conexion con Risa y Otani, asi tambien como con sus amistades ya que en solo 24 episodios nos cuentan toda su vida de preparatoria, normal que al terminarla sienta un vacio, en cada capitulo suceden demasiadas cosas pero a pesar de eso no se siente ningun tipo de prisa o trama forzada, todo fluye con total naturalidad, una naturalidad aditctiva que hizo que viera un capitulo tras otro.
Otro aspecto destacable es el acento con el que habla, me parecio muy adictivo y relajante.
Y en conclusion este anime sorprendentemente se convirtio en uno de mis favoritos y uno que sin duda repetiré, no es como otros romances que sabes el final y se acaba el drama, Lovely Complex es muy revisitiable ya que su humor siempre me hará reir a carcajadas.
Joya que vi en verano de 2024
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 4, 2024
My life has changed.
It trully teaches a lot of life lessons that will improve your life as long as you open to them, i will try every day to be more like thorfin and someday become a true warrior and build my own Vinland.
It is one of the best plots that i have seen in anime, the hole viking king it´s interesting, all the fights and the violence, but it doensn´t stopt there, and that´s what i amazed me, it develops a hole idea of the concept of the war, and to find peace in the search of a solution for the war.
The animation is
The soundtrack its perfect.
Vinland is perfect.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 15, 2024
The definition of family.
The story it's unique, it has no mistakes, the combination between action and comedy is achieved, it is very balanced making a very funny and enternaining anime.
It is very interesting that we know the thoughst of every character in screen, it creates a very unique atmosphere.
And even thought the plot might be dark it provides importance to the point of this anime, peace must remain at all cost, thats why Twilght its an agent, and every time we see Anya we remember that we have to fight for peace.
I hope that i could achieve have a family like this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 15, 2024
Beautiful, the definition of love is in this anime, i refuse to think that i cannot live something like this, i will wake up every day hoping to love a romance like this, i have learn a lot of this characters and they have purified my soul, definitely it became one of my favorites romance anime of all the time.
The sound edition it really is stunning, it made me feel the importance that sounds have in our live, it was very interesting watching and learning more about the world of Yuki, and not just her, the world of every character and it was splending, its
like not just the romance, the hole life it's represented in a beatiful way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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