Let's see, the story was predictable as anyone would consider if you read the synopsis, still a decent story though, but some subplots aren't just predictable but pointless.
Ito's art is impeccable, it starts simple but becomes more and more impressive as the story goes on, the absurd plot and realistic art brings an odd sensation that ito mastered in Uzumaki and did a good job in Hellstar Remina as well.
The characters are okay? Maybe? I don't know, they all seemed classic archetypes that we see in every horror story, a naive protagonist, the richs being cowards and always thinking about themselves, the scientist
Feb 19, 2025
Hunter x Hunter
The Manga of HxH is good and the Anime sure hold its place, but it's an inconstant Manga. I enjoyed it, but its not the best Manga I've read not even in top 5 but still good. I think the Anime did a better job in some Arcs than the Manga tho.
Story: The characters, world and overall narrative is really good in HxH. It tricks your mind and make you really live in this world sometimes, some Arcs starts really slow and will probably make you drop it for some time, but if you endure some boring dialogues and preparation you'll see where it brights ... |