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Apr 11, 2021
a better high school romcom anime. still cliche and like you'd expect.
miyamura is best boy and deserves all the love in the world. hori is somewhat subversive but barely tolerable at times. yuki is adorable best friend and also deserves all the love in the world. tooru is the goat. I still dislike the student council. the other two I don't know enough about.
dramatic af unsuprisingly despite it being a romcom. frustrating at times. funny and amusing at times.
in conclusion watch it if you like high school romcoms
in conclusion I don't like high school romcoms so why did I watch this
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 31, 2021
some trigger warnings for this anime: rape and sexual assault, abuse, suicide and suicidal ideation, self-harm, bullying, pedophilia, transphobia incl misgendering, homophobia (?).
some are only mentioned whilst others have explicit imagery. there's also gore, blood, and death.
spoiler-free (i think)
It has a unique storyline. I was excited to watch an anime that discussed generally taboo topics that are already barely talked about in fiction let-alone anime. whilst it doesn't expand or branch deeply into most, I appreciate the fact that it shed some light onto them in the first place. however, the characters in this show still say some pretty backward things, whether intentional or not.
main characters have a typical 4-character archetype relationship when it comes to their personalities, but it was v fun + wholesome to watch their interactions when they weren't on their magical girl quests. one character, momoe, I found quite annoying at times and couldn't grow to like her-she had this sort of attitude where everytime she disagrees, she just leaves and doesn't bother listening-but I suppose you can't like all characters. ai is adorable and wholesome yet strong-willed and hardened I love her. rika was someone who I had mixed opinions on at first, but I grew to love her too, likely due to relatability. I was indifferent to neiru.
though I'm thankful that these MCs have a brain. they were pretty insightful and well-versed in some social issues.
because of the inconclusive ending for all of the major and minor plotlines, I can't really say too much on the narrative, but I liked them whilst they were happening. I'm going to assume it was due to the lack of airtime that everything was left unfinished but a thing this series did a lot was build the world in a way where it adds more questions and answers very little- not suitable for a 12 ep anime; definitely felt like it tried too hard here.
a major downfall for me was episode 10/11 (depending on whether you count the recap). it felt out-of-place and like a completely different series turning into some form of sci-fi thriller. if they wanted to expand on a backstory for the dummies, they should've put it in a different series. personally, this in itself didn't interest me at all. the creators did not need to add anymore wow wtf is going on factors because it was already doing well. this episode was disappointing and lowered my overall view of this show.
still a very good anime. 80% of it was top tier material.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 18, 2020
great premise, and the first few episodes were comedic and fun—entertaining. the switch into a more angsty, serious vibe as the main plot is kicked into action was done smoothly and not stark. but personally, as i continued the series, i started to lose interest. not to the point where i got bored, but the series started off really well for me that i had high expectations for the entirety of it. the ending was done fine but at that point i was not as hyped anymore. katou's backstory dragged out far too cheesy for my liking
i enjoyed seeing the dynamic between katou and daisuke
and hoped for a little development with their relationship. I suppose 11 episodes might not be enough for that, considering how much content they had to put in. expectedly, a season 2 will come and focus more on the relationships between the characters, including the other side characters that did not play so much of a part except for comic relief.
what was disappointing for me was suzue's character. I went in looking forward for her to be a influential, plot-moving, considering her supposed abilities and skills, but in the end, her (multiple) efforts turn out to be futile, and not only until the end did i see her potential actually come into action.
overall a good anime. nothing mind-blowing or super impactful. looking forward to s2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 16, 2020
I'm sad that I held off watching this for so long. I'm even more sad that I never knew about this anime until this year. It may now be my all-time favourite anime. god, where do I even start. WARNING: spoilers because how can I express my feelings without saying them.
this series is a wonderful piece of work. in probably all the anime I've watched, this may be the only one where there were no moments that annoyed me due to stupidly-careless character choices. I know this may be an unfair factor, but the fact that none of that was in this anime is a
+10000 in my eyes personally.
before anything else, I want to just appreciate the story in itself. who are the real villians? I see this piece as an allegory, with so many parallels to humanity in the real-world at this moment. It reminded me a lot of animal farm, especially when one colony started undergoing reforms into a democracy! this anime carries out this message so well without sparking any controversy. its conclusive ending of saki and satoru finally realising that their race had been the tyrants all along settles everything. without it, I might've hated this.
the story concept is creative and clever with everything being executed beautifully at a good pace. I'd say no plot holes AT ALL, but perhaps a very minor continuity error. (last paragraph)
at first, all the sudden time reversals/skips took a while for me to wrap my head around, but eventually, everything automatically pieced together. I was shocked with the sudden time skip from ages 14 to 26 because it was so unsuspected for me, but it didn't disrupt the flow of the story at all.
All time shifts had purpose: whether to progress the story, or to develop world-building. no wasting of time! (maybe just one instance where i found flashbacks unnecessary)
all the creatures/monsters were diverse and really exciting to learn about!
I possibly grew a personal attachment to all the main characters which would make sense for saki and satoru since we as viewers grew up with them... but still I cried for maria and mamoru man. I do wish shun had more place in the story, even though he already has a large portion of it. though I think it might just be me wishing all of group 1 had grown up together happily. I'm so saddened by their deaths T-T
speaking of the characters, it was delightful to see mogai representation in such a natural, nonchalant way. to think that it was animated in 2013 from a 2008 novel... an anime series that showed queerness assimilated in human society seemed like something that wouldn't even be a thing in 2020. and yet I only stumble across this perfection 7 years after its release. 12 if you count the novel, which is something I plan to read if I can.
the fact that maria didn't care that saki had feelings for shun and went into a relationship with her meant that non-monogamy was also normalised—something even more rare in anime. I like to think that if maria, mamoru, and shun had not passed, they would've all been in this big poly relationship.
most importantly, this was integrated into the plot without highlighting the fact that it is in the story. so basically what I said at the start of this paragraph.
also the absolutely-non-existent-fanservice is a thumbs up for me!
the animation and art at first meant nothing to me. then I noticed the shots, transitions, colour palettes that were so well-done. oh my god I was crying every time there was a clever transition. even in the animation, attention to detail was in the characters' movements to make it seem as realistic as possible. even though the art is nothing special, everything else in the animation brought the story to life so so so well.
I like the eds and the fact that it didn't really have an op but instead often used music throughout the series was actually really immersive for me—probably reflecting how a movie's ost would be done. speaking of the ost, I don't know how to explain it, but the traditional hymn-like chorus drum beat mixed with modern electric guitar was EPIC. once again, only made it even more immersive. a mix of old and new. I think it fits the story concept very well.
This just leaves the question: will there ever be true equality and harmony amongst living beings? or will there always be a superior slave-driver group that rules over the weak? is it just the survival-of-the-fittest rule in nature that's playing its part? or is this just a flaw in mankind (or living beings)?
I don't think any anime in terms of storyline can live up to this again.
that one minor continuity error perhaps? (not sure): tomiko said that saki would regain all her memories after succeeding her in the leadership over the villages, but at 26, she still had not remembered shun nor reiko.??
excuse my bad writing and grammar throughout this review. I honestly did not want to waste time on caring about it when I could spend time making sure I didn't miss a single thing I wanted to expand on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 9, 2020
all the pervy stuff only reminds me of how backwards Japan is with women/'s rights.
Operation: Peep on the Girls' Changing Room—"This will help alleviate our loneliness."—and then throw some scary evil music over this. wtf. this is the side-story of a basically FILLER EPISODE. IN A COMEDIC MANNER. (ye ik anime jokes about it a lot but this is madness)
But that's not the point. I almost dropped this series. the pacing near the beginning was extremely slow and boring. and then 2~ episodes spent on resolving a fight between the delinquents of 2 classes—I could not take it seriously! it was hilarious, but in an
unbelievable 'what on earth? why am I watching this' way.
I expected it to step its game up sometime soon (seeing the high rating) but I was super uninvested for most of the time. My fault for deciding to watch based on rating.
so MUCH FANSERVICE HOLY I know this is seinen but I don't remember the last time I watched a seinen that had that much. fs is fine but a lot of it just pisses me off in this series. I'm at a state where I can no longer tolerate anime that has women sexualised in a weak, inferior way (so like probably most anime)—chars like Sakura is an example. I love her but hate her.
the characters honestly bored me. an aloof, mysterious male mc paired with a cold, kuu/tsundere-ish female mc. side dishes include:
Super-friendly imouto with two faces! Socially-inept onee-san type who stutters every time she speaks! The tiny and sweet girl who's on top of the food chain! A couple of reckless delinquents that almost don't change! Horny boys with absolutely no purpose but to be horny!
And all with little to no character development.
I wish I knew all of this before watching because this is definitely the sort of anime I avoid.
I watched this in hopes of an intense, psychological to-the-death battle between students and got some plain-ish, fanservice-filled, hard-to-take-seriously, PATHETIC brawl of students trying to bring others down to go up the hierarchy . The concept is GREAT and if they used clever methods I might've been impressed but it was just sad. I got the message it was trying to bring across—inequality in society—and it excited me at first! but in the end it never really expands on it and just seems comical. got no feels at all.
I made a bad choice. and I have so many series on my watchlist. 4 hours I won't get back. T-T the synopsis and genres on mal sounded so exciting but I was fooled. I wanna cry. it's all fanservice! it's all fanservice. ah...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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