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Apr 17, 2022
STORY - 6:
Very unique premise for a sonic story, yet it still feels quite reminding of sonic cd, if you're a fan of sonic you're probably going to like the story, it's unique for sonic while still feeling like sonic. It's not very in-depth but I still enjoy the plot anyways.
ART - 8:
The art-style is great, it feels not too dissimilar to the intro for sonic CD, character designs are spot on and the art just generally looks nice to me.
SOUND - 9:
There is literally no getting around the fact that the voice acting isn't very good, if you're watching the dub like I
did at least, which most people watch over a sub as it's easier to find. While the voice acting isn't great it does actually feel quite fitting for the respective characters, and the voices have a weird charm to them.
The music quality is opposite the voice acting quality, the music in this OVA is absolutely stellar, the use of the OVA's south island theme in the metal sonic fight in the finale elevates the fight so much, and so does much of the music in general, though the mixing between music, sfx and voices can be a bit iffy at times.
They absolutely NAILED the characters of sonic and tails, knuckles being a treasure hunter was different but somewhat fitting, Robotnik felt somewhat off, but still close to his original character. the original characters in this OVA are a mixed big though. They don't get much focus though so it isn't much of a problem. Sara was somewhat annoying but it didn't bother me much, the old owl didn't bother me as he was pretty much just there. The president is where I have a problem, he is literally just an idiot, it takes him until pretty much the final act to realise Robotnik's real plan even though it was obvious to everyone else. Then in the final act he literally flies his ship into a glacier for no reason, this genuinely made no since because he had no reason to do that, so what was the point? Thankfully the president was a minor character so it's not much of a problem.
My enjoyment varied throughout the entire OVA, but at the lowest it was like a 7, certain parts like the final metal sonic fight were a 10 in enjoyment, if you enjoy classic sonic then you'll enjoy this.
Overall Score - 80/100
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 16, 2022
Short review, there isn't really much to talk about tbh
STORY - 3:
I literally had 0 investment in the story, granted it's hard to when daft punk is playing so my focus is on them
ART - 5:
Not really an artstyle I love but I don't have any problems with it either tbh, more or less just indifferent to it.
Genuinely don't remember anything about any characters except for the fact they were blue, one guy died and there was an evil manager, all character felt quite blank to me, the characters only existed for the sake of giving is something to look at, not to
make is feel invested in their personalities.
Enjoyment is a lot higher than other aspects for one reason I'll get into in a minute. Not much to say here as I'll explain why I enjoyed it so much in the next category.
SOUND - 10:
Daft Punk's discovery is my favourite album of all time, I wouldn't outright say I dislike a single song on the album, I only watched this movie because I wanted to listen to the album so I thought I may as well watch this then.
Conclusion - Your only going to like this film if you like Daft Punk's discovery (which you probably do) but even then I can't say its worth a watch, only the music left impact on me and the music wasn't made for this film.
Overall Score - 58/100
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 11, 2022
Genuinely just flawless to me, the comedy of the show might not be for everyone but I loved it, all aspects are a 10/10 except story since there isn't really a plot, jokes were pretty much always a hit and some have you laughing through the entire joke for minutes, ops and endings were great, each character was unique and played off of each other really well and pretty much never had a moment of boredom throughout watching. The animation was also great as you'd expect from KyoAni.
Really a shame this series ended up being a retail failure as I wish there was even
more of this show to watch.
100/100 (10/10)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 12, 2021
some spoilers ahead
Ok, so this is a very tough one two review for me as this season is split into two completely different parts, which i have contrasting opinions on.
First of all there is part 1: Phantom Blood (ep 1-9)
Story: 8
I am actually a fan of the story of Jojo's first part and I love the way it handles the pure evil of Dio and shows to us that he is absolutely ruthless and wishes to take the Joestar fortune. The story of this part was likely one of it's strongest aspects as it conveys the sense of horror and evil the most out of
the whole series, and while this part is likely the most bizarre and Araki's writing did improve after Phantom Blood, we have to acknowledge what this was at it's time, as some of the often scene tropes in this series are because during the manga's writing these aspects were revolutionary.
Art & Sound:8
These two subjects are both extremely subjective as certain sounds may creep people out or not enjoy the music, or maybe prefer a brighter, more bouncy art-style. However, I am somebody who is a huge fan of the JoJo artstyle and i love how it often experiences drastic changes from the previous parts. The one complaint I have is that the muscles often freak me out sometimes because they are extremely large lmao. However the sound effects are top-notch and I am a huge fan of how the sounds are used in this part and i especially love the music used, such as the orchestras for the death of characters and Jonathons theme or the great opening Sono Chi No Sadame which also uses a nice amount of a manga aesthetic with 3d element, which is an absolute feast for the eyes. Overall, this opinions carry for the entire series as each part's style feels fresh and unique while keeping things like the signature shading technique.
Again, this topic is somewhat subjective but my main issue with these characters is that only two characters truly seem to experience growth, these being Jonathon who grows upon death of close ones and also Speedwagon who changes from a criminal to a kind-hearted individual after meeting JoJo. Also, the minor character Poco features growth as he transforms from a coward upon entering but then climbs through tunnels risking his life to save JoJo from Tarkus.
Aside from growth, the characters themselves are fairly generic with there being Erina (generic love interest), Jonathon Joestar (Strong and kind main character), Baron Zeppeli (mentor). Speedwagon perhaps somewhat breaks this trend by usually not involving with action and giving advice, which isn't always seen within actions anime. All of these characters aren't bad but they all focus on a trait of kindness with no evil or malice ever being shown to eachother.
However, the villain Dio heavily breaks this rule since he is portrayed as being nauseatingly evil, moreso than most villains and we get to see him change from a boy who just wished to gain money from the Joestar's, to ruthless vampire hell-bent on ruling the world and killing Jonathon so he could be strong. He is shown to be horrific as he claims he wouldn't eliminate a child's baby to it's mother but then killed the mother and made the mother's zombie eat her own child, this action shows his malicious satisfaction towards the torture and pain of others that he sees as beneath him.
I overall enjoyed part one of JoJo's, but it felt like it could have definitely been improved by being given more length and time to get attached to each and every character to make certain deaths of characters become much more emotional. Overall Phantom Blood is likely a low-end 7/10 as i prioritize art and sound generally the least and wish to focus most on story & character.
overall score for this part: 72/100 (7.2/10)
Part 2: Battle Tendency (10-26)
Conclusion- I would honestly say that this is perhaps the weakest story of the whole series since it is basically just the Pillarmen doing a fetch quest while the heroes train and chase them, while this was similar to later parts these villains contained mystery or deep character behind them to make them interesting, while for part 2 it was just superbeings, thats it. The story is not the worst by any means.
Art & sound: 10
I absolutely adore the music used and how it sets the mood, such as how Josephs theme builds up hype tons or how an opera is played upon Caesar's death. The opening is also in my opinion better than the part 1 opening because it still tells us what the part is about but it remains more flashy than before. The artstyle is a good improvement as the art looks similar but stays fresh by receiving tons of flashy and bright colour changes in each battle.
Character: 8
I like the characters much more than part 1 even though it feels almost like its focused on just 2 characters, JoJo and Caesar.
Joseph- my favourite JoJo, hes so much better than Jonathon as he is much smarter and a trickster, he is also absolutely hilarious and brings insanely funny moments to the table.
Caesar- A better Zeppeli than Baron since I really enjoy how hes more a friend + rival compared to Barons more often seen trope of mentor friend. Caesar's death was somewhat of a surprise and it felt very tragic and it was the most heartfelt death so far in the series.
Lisa Lisa- Fills up Baron's mentor role, not much interesting as we only see one fight, shes also Joseph's mother.
Stroheim- Stroheim was great and i absolutely loved his eccentric patriotism to Germany and how he deep down cared for Joseph, somebody who was on the enemy side. Stroheim was a hero since he stood by Joseph in the final battle against Kars atop the volcano.
Suzie Q- just helps around the island Lisa Lisa lives on. Becomes Joseph's love interest, shes around as interesting as part 1 Erina to me.
Smokey- I quite like Smokey's character and how he plays off of Joseph's playfulness and I love how he feels like a good friend to Joseph despite the way residents would treat him due to his colour, Joseph protected Smokey and I loved his relationship with the Joestar's.
Other part1 characters return such as Speedwagon or Erina but Erina barely appears while Speedwagon's two major moments are preserving Santviento and discovering the pillarmen. Straizo also returns and serves as the first major battle as he dons the mask in a twist but he is defeated relatively quick. All around a larger cast than part 1 with much more funny and interesting characters.
Villains- Not much to say on Eisidisi except he as one minor funny scene. Wamuu is important and has an interesting chariot battle with Joseph, Kars is the main villain and he is great, he has no pride and is an absolute bastard who only cares for himself, just like Dio except more powerful, for now.
Overall a very enjoyable part with some very funny parts and great style. My only wish is that it had a better story than just a fetch quest and game of chase.
Overall score for this part: 84/100 (8.4/10)
Overall, this is perhaps the weakest season despite being two parts, these two parts are by far the shortest and the least advanced since they run on hamon and not stands. It's still very enjoyable despite the short length, although hamon may have gotten tiring with more length so it didn't overstay it's welcome.
overall score for the entire season : 78/100 (7.8/10)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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