Story wise, there's a great overarching idea "that woman", the whole purpose of being summoned.
But the dialog between characters is has the same emotional depth as reading the oxford dictionary - straight to the point and lacking in realistic emotions that real people like you or me would feel.
Imagine you came up with a great realistic fictional plan, then you asked your simpleton friend, who's on anti depressants, to add some dialogue to it, then you took the result, and asked your 80 year old grandparent to add plot explanations. Wala, Cheat Magician!
Dear writer - Did I guess right?
I had to speed up the video
Nov 22, 2015
The sound and music of this Anime far outweighs all that I have ever watched.
Very well picked soundtracks. I stopped the anime just to play it on guitar. I'm serious, it was just that good. 11.14 min - 11.24 of Charlotte - 05. Life, and fun. The character development of the main character, Yuu, was sophisticated and through. He changed from a selfish young boy, to an absolute hero, who sacrificed everything, to keep his promise to save the world. Why such long reviews lol. Here is some fluff. Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja. |