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Jun 25, 2022
It’s been almost a year since I’ve watched any seasonal anime, Spring 2022 has honestly been like a Thanksgiving dinner to me. Spy x Family is like the giant Turkey in the center that you know will slap but still blows away your expectations.
On the surface, Spy x Family looks like one of the best shows this season or in recent times. You have the strong and cute main female character that male weebs can enjoy, you have the interesting main male character that’s way in over his head with having a family, and you have the main child character that briefly makes you forget
that children are annoying as hell. However, after diving into the show you realize that your assumptions were absolutely correct, Spy x Family is one of my favorite shows this year.
Spy x Family is what you get when you mix a relatively new idea (there aren’t that many childcare anime out there) and mix it was solid fundamentals across the board. The show doesn’t try to change your entire life, it's entertaining and that’s where it stops. I’d recommend this show to just about anyone and this might even be a top 10 for me.
Story 9: Simple where it counts and complicated when it wants to be
The main story is simple enough, for the most part, a spy needs to fake being in a family to get close to a government official who’s only known to go out during his son’s school outings. So he gets adopts a daughter (who happens to be an esper) and conveniently stumbles across a woman who’s in a similar situation as him (who happens to be an assassin) and somehow the rest turns into comedy gold. The real fun of this is how effortlessly the plot changes from a slice-of-life comedy to an action thriller and back in only a few minutes and how deliberate everything is. I’m a long-time manga reader and I’m also impressed with the pacing and how accurate everything stays to the source material.
Art 10: N/A
We know Wit Studio (Attack on titan, Vinland saga, Great Pretender, Ousama Ranking) and we know Cloverworks (Promised Neverland, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai) I’m not going to pretend like I know who did what or how exactly these companies make their shows but both studios have a good track record so Spy x family couldn’t have been in better hands.
Now for the stuff that I DO know, the show looks great (to me), it probably won’t appeal to hardcore 90s anime fans but this show definitely holds its own against the other top shows this past decade.
Sound 9: I just realized I used to add everything from sounds in the anime like punching effects when it really doesn’t matter
The only thing that does matter is how the OST sounds and the opening and ending slap. You don’t normally appreciate the sound of an in-show song unless it's exceptional and that (much like many shows/movies/games) is where this show misses the mark for me. I’m sure there are people who can’t wait to listen to the entire soundtrack on loop when it comes out but not me.
Character: 10 You know you’ve made it when the short pervert character is still as funny as everyone else.
This show is insanely popular so by now if you haven’t watched it, you’ve at least SEEN a majority of the cast. All the main characters have their own spotlight but the show really shines when Anya is on screen. As a comedy show, most of the highlights are jokes but they do have their fair share of serious moments that really bring you closer to the cast. You end up rooting for everyone (including Damian)
Enjoyment: 10
Yeah I think this show is pretty good :) can’t wait for part 2
Overall 9.6 >>> 10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 21, 2022
It’s been almost a year since I’ve watched any seasonal anime, Spring 2022 has honestly been like a Thanksgiving dinner to me. Tomodachi Game is like the mac and cheese made by a different family member than usual. You’re cautious going in but ends up being good anyway
I really didn’t know what to expect when I first started watching Tomodachi Game, I’m familiar with Mikoto and some of his other work and this seems like a toned-down version of his other stuff. This, however, is a really good thing considering how the first few chapters of Dead Tube ended up. This, like most content, isn’t
for everyone but if you like chaotic main characters and story twists this might be up your alley.
Tl;dr Tomodachi game is a slow starter that takes a while to get engaging but once it does really shows off its strength.
Story: 6 Confusing at the start and takes a long time to kick in
Everyone knows the magic 3-episode rule, where if the show doesn’t start getting good by then it’s not really worth it. This feels like one of the exceptions since the first few episodes felt pretty convoluted and really didn’t do the rest of the series justice. It’s another death game show with the twist that “all the main participants already know each other (or do they?)”. If that doesn’t sound like it’ll interest you, the show still has another ace up its sleeve by instantly changing genres to pure psychological warfare and turning the interesting-ness up to 11. In the end, it breaks even and ends up feeling rather average.
Art: 6 CGI?
In the sea of rainbow-colored slice of life shows this decade, Tomodachi game breaks the mold by reverting back to the late 2010s with a main color palette of black, grey, and the occasional black. Not to say it's a good or bad thing, different strokes for different folks and all that but the real wildcard is that random use of CGI for the mascot character. If we’re going to shit on shows like Ex-Arm for mixing CGI and regular animation we gotta do it here. It’s not nearly as egregious but it’s definitely worth docking a few points. It does make up ground with the camera effects used to signify important moments which I did find interesting. All in all, though, It’s average at best.
Sound: 8 Double Shuffle slaps
The opening to Tomodachi game is worth a whole 10/10 alone, but besides that, there really aren’t any stand-out songs in the series.
Character: 7 Like the story, the characters take a long time to develop into interesting players.
Exactly as I said earlier, Tomodachi game feels like an exception to the 3-episode rule, almost every character starts out as stereotypical death game character, and it's hard to get attached but as the show goes on they get you with the bait and switch and transform into interesting characters, however, even after this whole season I can’t tell if I like all of them or not.
Enjoyment: 8 ????
Hilariously, after all the negative things I had to say about this show, I never found this show personally unenjoyable. Overall this show actually isn’t bad, it’s just not something I’d recommend to many people. But for the people this show was made for they’ll find it VERY enjoyable.
Overall 7 (see tl;dr)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2021
When you normally read or watch a piece of fiction, it is to escape to a different world, to leave reality, and to go somewhere where you can see and experience things that you’d never see in real life. Asper Girl isn’t like most media, it’s probably one the furthest thing from fiction that a manga can get. Rather than being taken to a new world, you’re taken down the street into a crevice of society that you’d normally overlook.
Tl;dr I’d recommend this but I will say that it’s not an easy ride. Asper Girl tells the story of two people with very different
disabilities trying to coexist not only with each other but with themselves. I do not have a learning disability but this manga brings attention to a group of people it would normally be very difficult to understand or empathize with.
--minor spoilers below--
Story: 8 Starts a little weak but as the manga continues more and more effort was put into the entire story
As I mentioned earlier, this is a story about very real situations that people face every day. There isn’t some overwhelming threat, nor is there any grand event being built up to. The story focuses on major (and sometimes) minor events pertaining to two people just living their lives and their battle with their mind and their past. That being said, there are some situations where you have to suspend your disbelief as Asperger Syndrome (the developmental disorder that the main heroine lives with) often leads to sudden outbursts that turn violent. However for the most part this manga delivers an experience that is completely unlike anything I’ve read in a very long time if ever.
Art: 9 I’m not an artist
I can’t give a very in-depth factual analysis about every aspect of the manga but I can say with certainty that the author conveys the emotion of the characters (at least the main characters) with an incredible amount of detail which only adds to the realism of the manga itself. I didn’t give it a 10 because frankly there is better-looking manga out there.
Character: 10 If I could hand out 11s I definitely would.
The most important aspect when telling a story is the characters and Asper Girl absolutely delivers on that front. Personally, my favorite part of these characters is how well their character flaws are integrated into their personality. While Saitou is typically a very plainspoken character who is completely unafraid of hurling insults not because (usually) she harbors any ill will but because that’s precisely what she thinks. She shifts the way she speaks to people depending on how close they are or if she likes them or not. Yokoi normally acts like a very well-rounded character who just doesn’t like to speak to people but as the manga continues you see more sides to him some of them are great and some of them are… well are his fetishes. These characters, laugh and cry, they have their likes and dislikes, they get jealous and they experience pain, for all intents and purposes they very much act like real people instead of characters in a story.
I think that the part that ties all of this together is the way the main characters interact with each other. Without spoiling too much a major part of the relationship between them revolves around dealing with past trauma and figuring out new ways to make sure that they can look towards the future with hope. It’s hard because sometimes several weeks’ worth of effort can be destroyed instantly in one single event which makes the path they walk that much more perilous.
Enjoyment: 9 You gotta read through it, man
As I said, this manga is real, and sometimes that hurts its overall enjoyment. Sometimes I’d get to a part or chapter where I feel like I should take a break and I decide to get up and do something else… the only problem is that the story is so good that it draws you right back into it seconds later.
Overall: 9
There’s so much I would love to write about this manga but almost all of it dives into the realm of spoilers. I’m a big fan of shock factor manga but this something completely different, its a unique experience but it’s not completely alien, in fact, it’s more of a window into the thoughts of people that we have no way of fully understanding.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 30, 2020
Normally I only watch shows between 12 and 25 episodes which are okay but I wanted to expand my horizons. So when I heard that Ahiru No Sora was going to be 50 I immediately swore to myself that I would see the entire thing through to the end. Was it worth it? I think so, I’m a huge fan of character-driven anime especially when they relate to sports (Run With The Wind being my #1 favorite sports anime). It’s a little long but I honestly love that about that show, this way they can cram as many “TOP 10 AHIRU NO SORA SHOTS” into
one episode as they want.
Tl;dr: The show is long, the pacing is relatively slow, the art isn’t the focal point but if these things don’t really matter to you you are going to have a hell of a good time. This show focuses on character and story.
Story:8 Not exactly the most original but there’s a slight twist to it
There’s a lot I want to talk about with Ahiru No Sora but like 90% of it are massive spoilers so I’ll just say that this show focuses on character development. We really zoom in on a group of people who, for one reason or another, either get into basketball or resume their basketball career. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and it's really fun to see them grow as a team, to get better, and to become better friends. You don’t have to even know the rules to enjoy the show either, it explains any niche rules immediately so you’re not lost for too long either
Art 6: I’ma keep it 100% with you, the art is probably the lowest part of the show
The art actually started out pretty nice, a lot of work clearly went into the show. Character design was significantly different from almost anything I’ve ever seen and there was a sense of uniqueness while watching it. Animation, however, started to dip towards the middle and dropped every couple of episodes. That being said, this was on average and there were a couple of moments when the animation went up which was a little jarring towards the end because you’d have like 4-5 panning shots before someone does some crazy crossover move at around 60 frames per second.
Sound 9: I liked all the openings and endings
There really isn’t too much for me to talk about here, the openings were great, the endings were great, the… basketball sounded great. I never know what to put in the sound section because you never really run into an anime that sounds BAD.
Character 10: Character was, of course, the focal point of this anime.
Of course, I’m going to give the character section a “10” on a character-focused anime. Everyone in the show had their spotlight and was fleshed out. You can really see the group chemistry change within the group every episode either for better or for worse and everyone goes through their own character arc which was nice to see. You also see their improvements in each game after they go through their own trial. All around a good time.
Enjoyment: 7 Now this is where the 50 episode count really starts to take its toll
When it comes to the overall enjoyment, 50 episodes really starts to drag on. That being said, not being able to watch this show after watching it every week for almost a year is really a punch in the gut. I don’t know what it would be like to binge-watch it but I’m definitely going to miss this show.
Overall: 8 Loved every second of it.
One last thing, if you’re expecting a lot of anime… well don’t because there isn’t
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 30, 2020
For a lot of people, myself included, Re:Zero season 2 was their most anticipated anime of the year and for good reason, the first season was absolutely phenomenal and really pushed the boundaries of what an isekai anime was. Now, when I started to draft this review September 14th I would’ve said: “Since this season was separated into two 13 episode parts I don’t want to draw too many conclusions but this season so far is a VERY SLIGHT downgrade compared to the first season.” But that was before episode 11 and 12 hits and really annihilated my previous opinion. Re:Zero season 2 is definitely
a worthy successor to season 1, absolutely phenomenal.
Tl;Dr -- As a sequel, I have nothing but praise for the show but comparing it to its predecessor it doesn’t push the boundaries as far as the second season at first. We’re still getting that classic Subaru Suffering™ but takes quite a while for it to ramp up to the game-changer that was Re:Zero season 1.
Story: 9
Definitely the focal point of this part, there was a LOT of setup and exposition this season, more than what the entirety of the first season had. Whether or not it’ll pay off has yet to be seen but if it does it’ll be fantastic. Unfortunately, I can’t review that part since it hasn’t aired as of yet and all the exposition leaves a lot to be desired. Granted, none of it takes away from the show's core, it’s still definitely Re:Zero but there are a lot less action and cool mind games from the first season. All in All, it's nice and it pays off BIG time towards the end, but since the second part isn’t due to air until January, we can’t be too sure of the future.
Art: 8
Again, we have the same studio working on this season that worked on the last season. A lot of it's the exact same: solid animation but nothing game-changing. Since a lot of this part is dialogue there really aren’t too many parts that they CAN mess up. Although there are a couple of scenes that are REALLY impactful and you’ll know when you see them.
Sound: 7
I think this is where season 2 was hit the hardest. NOT ONLY was the opening song not as good as the first season but we lost the “WUHHEAAAHH!!” death sound from season 1 (Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!) It’s a really small change but it makes a huge difference. Everything else is pretty good though.
Character: 10
Again, just like last season Kobayashi, Yuusuke (voice actor for Subaru) HARD CARRIED the show on his back. I know its not really fair to say that about the show since every other voice actor did a splendid job but Subaru went the furthest. I am genuinely in awe of this guy’s skill in bringing such an iconic character to life.
Enjoyment: 9
Enjoyable as a sequel, which is all that really matters because I’m very confident no one is going to be watching this by itself.
Overall: 9
One small thing I wanted to mention that I don’t think I could really fit anywhere else is that the show continues RIGHT after season 1. So you won’t be forced to sit through any stupid recap episodes, it's honestly as if you’ve never stopped and I absolutely LOVE that about this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 28, 2020
Is this show the most overrated anime of all time? Is it just a bad anime adaptation? Was God of High School never actually that good? I really couldn’t tell you, all I can say is that in my opinion, GoH has been the most disappointing anime this season.
Tl;dr -- I don’t recommend you watch this show, everything about it is disappointing, the art, the characters, everything. That being said, if you take what everyone was saying about this show before it aired with a grain of salt, the webtoon was pretty good.
Story: 6 TOURNAMENT A---wait a second you call this a tournament
One of the great appeals of TOURNAMENT ARCS or TOURNAMENT shows is the idea that you don’t know who’s going to win a fight. The feeling of rooting for a certain character and watching them fight in interesting and unique ways, overcoming obstacles, and eventually winning is absolutely great and is the main reason why I love them. GoH has absolutely NONE of that, in the beginning of the anime you were absolutely certain who was going to win because there was no character balance. You had main and established characters going up against some goofy goober they introduced last episode where they had one cool moment beating up faceless extras and expected you to be excited about the fight. It’s not exciting but again, it probably doesn’t have to be, as long as the rest of the show is cool it doesn't really matter. I will admit there were about one or two decent fights, and the story wasn’t absolutely unbearable but it's a show where the characters actively bring DOWN the story instead of carrying it.
Art: 7 I won’t pretend to be a connoisseur of art but everything about the art is lacking
Good art doesn’t make an anime, there are plenty of examples of shows with pretty lackluster visuals that ended up being absolute bangers. MAPPA has already established themselves as a really good studio which makes the inconsistency of the show’s visuals even more confusing. Sometimes it's great, something it looks like trash and where it really confuses you is that you can never tell when or where the quality is going to drop so you’re occasionally either pleasantly surprised or woefully let down.
Sound: 7 ngl that opening and ending was pretty sick
There really isn’t much today about the sound, which is probably a good thing, sometimes anime will focus too much on the audio and it ends up overshadowing the animation… unfortunately as I said earlier the animation is pretty lackluster anyway so it kind of needed a really good soundtrack.
Character:6 Boring, bland, unoriginal, and horribly balanced
As I said earlier, the characters in this story are really unbalanced, the main characters will get in fights where their opponent just got HAM on them, wholloping on them from head to toe, using their final moves on them and the character barely gets hurt. They pull one of their secret moves and win, while this isn’t exactly uncommon, especially in anime, it's super repetitive in this show and really really adds to the idea that you’ll always know who’s going to win in a fight.
Enjoyment 3: Not very enjoyable, I leave every episode… at least after episode 3 thinking: “this is what everyone was excited about?”
I don’t think webtoons have a real chance in the medium of anime and not because they’re bad, people have to be excited about these webtoons for SOME reason. I feel this way because there’s too much the anime has to cram for a 12 episode anime. Tokyo Ghoul had the same issue, where the story was condensed in order to fit the entire story into something that just ended way too quickly. Maybe I’m wrong though, Noblesse is coming out soon and I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.
Overall: 6
Despite what I said earlier, I’m not against Korean Webtoons getting anime. Getting more influence is the genre of entertainment that is anime gives up an amazing opportunity for a greater range of shows that, in turn, may even bring more people to start watching anime. That being said, GoH in my opinion has NOT been a step in the correct direction, it's forced and leaves a lot to be desired. I’d recommend you skip out on this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 28, 2020
Gleipnir suffers from the “Fire Force Syndrom” where the main cast is so unbelievably stronger or smarter than the villains that you start to wonder why there’s even a conflict to begin with. I know Fire Force isn’t the first of its kind to do something like this but unlike some other shows, it's most frustrating when the concept of the show is really interesting. However, unlike Fire Force, everything else about this show also falls flat.
Tl;dr Gleipnir started out pretty promising but slowly as time went on went from “decent” to nonsensical in about 6 episodes then stayed at that level for the rest
of the journey. It MIGHT might be considered a “show that really isn’t for everyone” but I really can’t imagine a single thing that this show does that isn’t mediocre at BEST. I’d recommend you stay away from this anime.
Story: 3
I have no idea how they turned a story of a dude transforming into a mascot with superpowers boring… but they did.
Gleipnir’s story started out SUPER interesting but eventually as it slogs on you start to realize how barebone it truly is which is a trend that we see throughout the whole experience. You start to feel invested just to get dragged out of the story due to really weird coincidences, strange plot developments, or characters acting nonsensically. Characters being the biggest drawback in the anime, tearing down the story instead of lifting it up (save for one or two notable examples).
Art: 5
Probably the only “mediocre” thing about this whole show
The first three episodes were where the show was at its greatest in terms of art with smooth animation, only problem was the relatively generic character design, but a character doesn’t have to be the most unique for the show to be good. Slowly but surely, however, the animation quality started going down as the action sequences became more scarce and shorter until you’re left with almost nothing.
Sound: 5
ngl the opening was kind of a banger…
This is probably the last compliment I can give to this show and even this is a stretch, the rest of the OST is extremely forgettable and repetitive.
Character: 3
Usually, a story is held together and carried by its character which is unfortunate because almost every character in this show is completely one dimensional and is either forgotten or killed before they ever get any plot development of any kind. Almost everyone is boring and flat and it feels like the entire cast is made up entirely of background characters.
Enjoyment 1
Nothing about this show is satisfactory, conflicts end in really bizarre ways, characters that seem like they should be important die in three seconds, the story either progresses at a snail's pace or dashes by so fast you can’t even comprehend what just happened. It’s not fun to watch and it's not even that fun to make fun of.
Overall 3.4 Rounded down to 3
If I had one compliment to give this show is that it kept me watching every episode despite how much I didn’t like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 5, 2020
Baki is back reminding everyone that it is the absolute, unrefuted, number one KING of mindless fighting in anime. Fight scenes galore (although some of them were kind of short) and completely ridiculous feats of strength, speed, and skill. If you liked Baki 2018 you’re going to like Baki 2020.
Tl;dr Baki 2020 is a continuation of the Baki 2018, so much so you’d seriously wonder why there was a 2-year gap between the two seasons. It's so similar in fact it's so much alike that most of the parts of this review is ripped straight out of my last one.
--Minor spoilers below--
Story 5 Arguably its weakest point
In all honesty, I feel like I should give this a lower score, there’s honestly not much in terms of story AT ALL. But I also feel like it doesn’t really matter since the show doesn’t NEED a story either. That being said, compared to baki 2018 the surprise element is pretty much gone, they’ll match up some bozo who’s greatest feat is akin to lifting up a large rock vs the man who could probably throw cars for a living. They also buffed the main character (Baki) so much that ALMOST every fight with him in it ends in about two seconds. There was a weird side plot near the end but at the end of the day, who cares what the story is like when the action is the main focal point.
Art 7
In baki 2018, ironically enough, the still images were probably the worst part of the art in the show. It’s the exact same thing here but somehow the still shots are even worse (looking at you, Ogre), the animation stays relatively consistent (which is a feat in its own right if you look at the original manga.) but doesn’t feel like enough of an upgrade to call is “better” or “worse” than Baki 2018
Sound 10
Literally the same as Baki 2018 (again cementing the confusion on why there was a two-year gap between these different seasons). I’ll just leave this here: “part of the reason why every hit felt genuine was the sound, from fracturing bone to explosions, everything had a certain weight behind it that I really can’t properly explain”
Character 6
The characters this season feel like a huge downgrade from last season we were introduced to a couple of characters, out of about 12 of them, 7 of them were completely worthless and out of the 4 that managed not to embarrass themselves two were pitted against Baki and were annihilated in a few seconds and another two were pitted against someone else and… you guessed it, annihilated (however one of them managed to put up a decent fight). Finally, Kaku Katoh, who was one of the coolest in the season finally made an appearance, I’d probably give the “Character” tag a 5 or a 6 if it wasn’t for him. I’m just a huge fan of Kaku Kaioh lol.
Enjoyment: 8 Dumb fun
Baki is the true TOURNAMENT ARC anime and I LOVE it for that. <--Even more so since 8 episodes of this was one large TOOOOOOOURNAMENT AAAAAAARRRRCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall: I really wish I could give 7.5s but I’ll round it down to a 7
Again, there’s not much else to say except: “wow, this show is fun to watch”
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 14, 2020
“I can’t process what just happened” -Katou
Unironically this quote ripped directly from the manga is pretty much a complete description of the entire thing and for some reason I love it.
Venus Puts Fur On Me is one of those manga that confuses you just as much as it entertains, questions fly in and out of your head as you read through each page which weaves an ever-growing net of in your mind. As a warning, in order to actually be able to read and enjoy this you’ll have to be able to sit through some pretty messed up stuff and be able to leave
a bunch to the imagination, as I’ve noticed that these are the things that put people off of the most.
Minor Spoilers Below, Skip to the end for a basic tl;dr
Story 7
The story is a mess of ideas that sometimes, if you’re lucky, MIGHT make a little bit of sense, but it is worth mentioning that the manga is still being updated so these loose ends might eventually be tied up. My personal favorite parts are those little glimmers of hope, things start going well for the main character and for a brief moment (usually less than a chapter in length) it seems like the future is looking up only for it to come crashing down immediately. (It’s kind of like the good scenes in Re: Zero)
Art 8
There’s a lot to be desired, the characters are bland and generic and most of the characters look exactly like each other with small details. The largest example is between Shirosaki (main antagonist) and Aoyama which are direct copies of each other with the only change being the color of their hair. That being said I only gave it an 8 because Nanakajima’s face is 100% the best part of this entire show. His switches between villain and victim are perfectly displayed on his face.
Character 6
No one in this manga is normal, even Tanaka who seems like he has his head on straightest has a couple of problems. This is the core of the manga’s largest issue: its believability. Of course a work of fiction doesn’t need to be the most realistic thing ever but when it’s obvious that there’s almost no reason for a character to act the way they are or when the explanation is flimsy at best it serves only to pull you out of the story. I’m the kind of person that can overlook such flaws as long as the series isn’t finished and can eventually be explained but if you aren’t that kind of person you probably won’t have that good of a time.
Enjoyment 10
Despite how screwed up everything is and the manga’s blatant flaws I really can’t help but read it. It’s been a very long time since I’ve actually enjoyed theorizing about a manga. Trying to predict how a character will act and how it’ll influence the story is the best part about reading an ongoing series and for now this remains among my top 5 favorite manga of all time.
Overall 7
TL;DR I really didn’t expect to enjoy a mediocre manga as much as I did. As I said earlier there’s a lot you’re going to have to overlook and stomach in order to enjoy this manga. That being said once you get over the original shock of the first two or three chapters it really becomes a solid read that captivates your attention. I’d recommend this to the people who unironically liked “Happy Sugar Life” but didn’t think it was wild enough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 20, 2019
Human psychology and emotion are some of the most complex things anyone can study. It’s impossible to know exactly what someone thinks or feels at any particular moment and the difficulty is only increased exponentially when someone reaches middle/high school. “Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo” yo is a show that tries to give us a small glimpse into the minds of what some of these people might be thinking and how it can affect their relationships.
Tl;dr This is one of those character-driven shows that doesn’t tell a story with some overarching storyline. It throws some people into a pot and justs lets them loose. The story
is so delicate that there really isn’t much else I can say that wouldn’t be a spoiler… so spoiler warning if you read past this.
Y’know what I’ll just skip straight to the character side since that’s really the high point of the show
Character: 10 Simply superb, more on the exaggerated side but this is a work of fiction, I Don’t think anyone’s looking for REAL people in their ANIME.
Despite most characters being a bit exaggerated, all the characters have distinct personalities and really cover a large range of human emotions and identities. They get into seemingly real situations and act according to their own character. For example, a certain character begins to regret a relationship their in because their partner doesn’t care about them, a real situation that ends with real action. Of course, these situations are several times more complicated than just one sentence but the point is that the characters in this show feel like they have actual lives and we’re just peering into a small portion of it. That’s probably the most you’re going to get out of any fictional character in any form of media.
Story: 10 The characters carry the story and they carry it high.
I know I just said there wasn’t an overarching storyline but just following the literary club members live out their lives in their own relationships is really entertaining. This is probably the prime example of a “drama” anime, I’m probably annoying some people by praising the story as much as I am but this is one of those shows that you really just experience rather than watch.
Art: 9 Breathtaking visuals with extremely impressive animation
I really can’t say much but just look at the opening credits… that’ll paint you a pretty accurate picture of what the rest of show’ll give.
Sound: 8 Man do I love that opening…
As I said before “Man do I love that opening” the rest of the ost is pretty forgettable but works really well with the dialogue so you don’t really hear it but you’ll definitely be able to notice if it were missing.
Enjoyment 9… not much else to say about that
Overall: 9
This show was REALLY close to being a perfect 10 and its shortcomings doesn’t distract it from its strengths. I’d recommend this show to anyone who can stomach a little awkwardness because as anyone will tell you, high school was a REALLY awkward time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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