to be frank, according to public reviews this should’ve been way worse than it actually was.
adapting a visual novel is never an easy task to do, especially when the plot itself is fairly complex, like in this case.
on a purely technical standpoint the animations were good, the soundtrack had absolutely no business in going this hard, both in game and in anime but for my taste, reducing it to 12 episodes is kinda meh.
thoroughly enjoyed the weird camera angles, never leaving any obvious shots at anything, as well as the color palette selection, truly gives a sense of ominousness.
i really appreciated the character development of
Jun 8, 2023
like it’s precedessor, this suffers from the “too much sauce in a small jar”, meaning that there’s too much source material to be adapted in only 12 episodes.
on a technical standpoint this show was amazing, incredible graphics, blood, great voice acting, more blood and personally good character design. the soundrack was banging mega hard (takeshi abo, y’all). storyboard wise, it conveyed the mystery factor really well, to someone unfamiliar with the source material the suspended factor really be unpredictable most times, but it’s main fatal flaw was pacing. it’s not as bad as chaos;head, but still needs at least 4 more episodes (i do be aware of ... Jun 4, 2023
to be frank, C;H had the real potential of becoming a masterpiece, and it kinda did.. or did it?
i’m a massive SciAdv fan, played all the visual novels and slowly but steadily recovering them all, therefore i rate my knowledge as “fair”. As several other reviews stated, the anime adaptation and the visual novel don’t really match up like in other chapters of the series, and it’s undeniably true. although the storyline in the original visual novel was damn near perfectly paced, this anime adaptation suffered from the “too much in too little time” syndrome, a disease that sadly affects way too many titles, pressing a 50 ... May 24, 2023
Bocchi the Rock!
To be frank, as a musician and sound engineering student myself, into this mainly because of the CGDCT format, which i’m an avid consumer of, but i was pleasantly surprised by the sheer amount of detail put into every single frame of this work (well we’re talking about cloverworks, theyre known for visual details) but i really enjoyed my time watching bocchi.
lots of people compere this to k-on, and i gotta admit aside from the fact that both are about high school bands, they’re actually quite dissimilar, but if i had to chose one, i’d chose k-on, maybe it’s because it’s practically a must watch ... |