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Jun 13, 2011
Durarara!! (Anime) add
Urban setting, classy yet nonconventional, great humor, jazzy soundtrack, lots of gang action and international influences. But, what makes it just hit my anime spot is the urban-folklore mix accented also in the OST. What can you want more, when you have a female version of a the Headless Rider, originating in Irish folklore riding on her metal steed through the city infested by color gangs and illegal immigrants from Russia :D
Each episode so far is narrated by a different charachter and the plot goes a bit highwire in a retrospect that brings everyone eventually together, because in Ikebukuro, nothing happens ...
Oct 13, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/219 chp)
I skipped it at first, thinking, yeah another one of those bad guy x class rep girl scenarios. BOY, WAS I WRONG TO JUDGE MANGA BY IT'S NAME :)
- Great, rough art style, the facial expressions can be murderously funny
- Lots of random, school inspired humor
- Very Dynamic, but still maintaining a balanced pace of action
+ Yankee-kun's damns, fucks and go to hell's are an enriching value :")
The Megane, Adachi is more than the megane suggest, she's like a Haruhi Suzumiya, without the supernatural factor, but still an unconventional DeusxMachina in itself. Warning: she can be unbelievably stupid (in a good way), ...
Jul 29, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/2 eps)
A hardcore fan of the manga will probably be disappointed. It's has the “overflowing cattle with boiling water” effect that Hollywood so called blockbusters have, when the director tries to squish a 700 page literary bestseller into an average movie format. So, If you haven't read at least some chapters of the manga, than these => ????
Jul 6, 2010
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/12 eps)
I was really sleepy this afternoon, but Highschool of the Dead woke me up! The animation style is really dynamic and the storyline fits in just great. I got a bit irritated by the huge boobs and shiny butts flying everywhere at one point or the other... But I'm a straight gal, hell what do I know.... However, despite the D-cups I think that the characters are developed fairly well ( for the first episode) and I'm looking forward to their further development. Lots of blood & violence, but also some drama & psychology... I wonder whats going to happen next *.*
Jun 18, 2010
Angel Beats! (Anime) add
Preliminary (11/13 eps)
It’s one of those exceptional stories that just pull You in and not knowing why You dance to the sounds of Girl’s Dead Monster guitars, protesting against the general set up of the World.. Angle Beats is a bittersweet tale, which uses the institution of school as a metaphor of life, at the same time being a symptom of living it to the fullest. From a computer soft wear programmed by an unfair God to heaven, the way does not seem to be too long. The main characters may be psychically dead, but rarely I have seen animation that was so much alive. Watch ...

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