Aug 17, 2019
My initial thought on the cover was "Oh cool, the cover shows a wolf instead of a anime girl. I am craving for something new. I might as well check it."
STORY: Was a simple concept that has been done, but I was interested in what it wanted to focus on.
At first, the pacing was a bit strange where certain events suddenly happen in an unnaturally way, such as character's conflict or sudden obstacle. I did at one point found myself questioning what was the purpose of this story and why was it being told? Is this meant to a dramatic piece of our society
or is suppose to be a romantic tragedy?
So I kind of understood the people's difficulty getting through the story at first. But when the pacing and consistency start to pick up, YES YES YES, the enjoyment start to snowball into this messy yet addicting tale. Events started to tie up much better and the story started to have a focus that fulfilled its purpose of showing this concept of "What would it be like if animals have these psychological and physiological conflicts that humans constantly struggle with?"
Another fun part was its world building and how we learn about what roles certain animals have to follow as they interact with their setting. You will want to learn more about what certain struggles animals have with the nurture and genetic side of their personality, making it REALLY FUN TO READ!
ART: Was one of the first that caught my attention.
Rather than a clean outline, the manga emphasizes the details of the fur and the perspective of the setting using almost like traditional pencil-like sketches. Some people might find it a bit "messy" to read over, but when you continue to read it, you notice that it's meant to reflect the artist's outlook of nature and its natural shape.
ESPECIALLY, the way the author express these characters' emotions and their subtle facial details, I FELL IN LOVE with how sympathetic I felt towards the characters and how detailed their expressions were.
There were also still moments that were beautiful and felt so animated that made certain moments so much more impactful than I could have imagined.
CHARACTER: Was strange yet endearing
I do have to admit, my impression with the characters was the most... fluctuating?
At first, sometimes the characters were following a lot of cliche tropes of their "animal" counterparts and sometimes they would make sudden uncharacteristic decisions. Even the chemistry was quite strange and sudden at the start (in my opinion) with Regoshi and a female rabbit character.
But as the story begins to have a more consistent pacing and more purposeful event.. WOO BOY!
The character's development is amazing to read (especially Regoshi and the rabbit's relationship). You start to understand and sympathize with all these characters and you want to learn more about them. The interaction and chemistry become so much more fun and interesting to read, making you more and more in love with all these characters.
While they do sometimes have certain tonal shift that feels inconsistent to the story (like how they are happy when it should be serious), I think that just made it more realistic to how much range of emotions a human can have.
WOW! This is a ride.
I started out with questions of this story's popularity to THIS IS SO CREATIVE, FUN TO READ, AND PHILOSOPHIC WOW WOW WOW
It was at first confusing to grasp, but when I started to approach this as more of a philosophic drama/literature (like Shakespeare plays), that was meant to tell an existential crisis through animals, you start to realize the purpose and creativity of this story.
If I had to sum up this review,
Beastars, at times, makes you feel as though the characters are more human than you are, but this just makes you appreciate your humanity that much more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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