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Aug 1, 2023
This anime is nothing more than vampire FAN FICTION and just like most stereotypical fan fiction, it is VERY BAD. I do NOT recommend watching this. 3/10
----------------- PROS -----------------
• The premise of this story is somewhat unique. Sure, there are several other vampire anime, but it's not a very common genre compared to superheroes, romance, or slice of life.
• The action scenes are also pretty decent. It's usually fun and pretty creative, and they come regularly in almost every episode.
• The world is somewhat interesting. Steampunk Paris with Vampires and an Alternate History Storyline. The writing uses a lot of fancy words
which is... fine.
• A lot SEEMS to happen very quickly and the show jumps from beat to beat with fast pacing.
----------------- CONS -----------------
• I say "seems" because NOTHING actually happens across this anime. The characters will say that things are happening and there might be some action occurring on screen, but nothing relevant or significant to the plot is taking place.
• The world is not compelling enough to keep us interested while the characters literally do NOTHING but talk (even during action scenes). And our main character KEEPS INTRODUCING HIMSELF OVER AND OVER.
• And of course he does! Because this series CONSTANTLY introduces brand new characters each episode (sometimes multiple) who have absolutely nothing to contribute to the story or make the conflict more interesting. Our protagonists just dilly-dally from location to location, meeting new people, "saving the day" and then go home and get their blood sucked or whatever.
• Characters have no clear motivation. The story has no clear destination. There is nothing at stake. "I want to save all the vampires." Okay, cool, but why should I care about that quest?
• I hate the villain's voice, it's so goddamn annoying.
----------------- What I Wish This Anime Was -----------------
• One aspect that I personally wanted more from was the romance, surprisingly enough. I know my opening line criticizes Vanitas no Karte for being "fan fiction" but honestly, if the creator(s) want to go down that route, then they should go ALL IN rather than trying to do everything (drama, action, mystery, romance, etc.)
• The interactions between Vantias and Jeanne were actually compelling, albeit barely fleshed out. Not to mention, Noé's unspoken jealousy and homoerotic longing for Vantias from the sidelines. Between the four or five recurring characters, there was plenty of room for a full-blown soap opera to take place, while still having some of the action and mystery included.
Overall, this anime is simply not worth watching. I will check out season 2 because of its rating on MAL, but I'm not looking forward to it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 31, 2023
The first episode sucks, BUT KEEP WATCHING. If you're looking for a relatively chill anime, this one might be for you.
While the first episode is certainly boring, the rest of the series does not feel that way at all. More episodic in nature, the four central characters bring us along with their good-natured vibes and natural chemistry together. There are definitely some humorous moments and gags that are very enjoyable.
Know what you're signing up for. This is an iyashikei (peaceful lives in calming environments) slice-of-life. If that's what you're looking for, then give this a go.
-------------Random Notes---------------
Weak first episode. Fails to answer the question,
"Why are we joining the story here? What is its significance?" Definitely aims to be an iyashikei (sub-genre of slice of life) but it could be more peaceful and calm. The characters are more rambunctious than you might want.
Speaking of characters, they don't introduce a single one in-depth in the first episode. They are just four "hot" dudes with cliche archetypes and a random working lady? (srsly who dis random lady?)
There is a distinct lack of sound effects + background noise over a select few shots and/or the animation does not match the voiceover work. It's quite noticeable and when it happens it will completely take you out of the show. But it is rare.
Without a doubt, eps 6 was originally intended to be the first episode but whoever is in charge decided it was too boring as a first episode... So instead they choose another boring episode to start the series? Doesn't make sense.
Episode 8 is kinda boring.
I'll give it a 7 but probably closer to a 6 than an 8.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 29, 2023
This show can't decide if it's about lonely individuals finding each other and becoming family, or if it's just a cooking appreciation show.
Based on the premise, you'd expect that this show would focus on interpersonal relationships and the difficulty of single parenting. But, the show ends up spending a lot of time on particular dishes and making them.
This would be perfectly fine if it really focused all of its energy on the food aspect, like "Restaurant from Another World" or "Campfire Cooking in Another World" (huh a lot of food isekai...)
But even when the characters are cooking, many shots are devoted to the characters'
boring faces rather than the food. This makes the cooking to interpersonal relational aspect 50/50, rather than dominantly one or the other.
Basically, this show represents the crossroads between parenting anime (Bunny Drop, Kakushigoto, etc.) and a cooking/food anime, but doesn't do either particularly well enough to stand out.
Overall, this show is fine. If you want something a bit cute and a bit foodie, then you can give this a shot. But I would personally recommend the other anime I have mentioned over this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 26, 2023
This anime isn't really about romance. It's about not giving up on your youth.
Really pretty animation. Music is great. This show is so full of life. All of the details, right from the first episode, from the track team's belongings to the different groups of diners at the restaurant, show how thoughtful this series is in bringing forward its world before we even get to know the main character(s) who inhabit it.
The rest of my review is just going to talk about the romance aspect of this series -----
Obviously, the premise seems a little suspect. A high school girl and a 45-yo man? Upon watching
the series, however, you quickly realize that the 45-yo man actually makes this series A LOT more wholesome than some other school romance anime. Whereas other series use cliches of hormonal boys and girls as fanservice, this series keeps everything above water.
Although very enjoyable episode to episode, there's no real sense of driving direction in terms of romance or relationship. Usually, the goal of the main character in a romance is to get the attention and then get into a relationship with their love interest. Here, we get a bit of that, but we don't really feel any sense of what's at stake.
Minor spoilers: In the third episode, one of the side characters makes a move on our heroine under threat of revealing a secret (blackmail basically), and while this episode really makes you hate his guts... he never comes up again? He never returns to meddle with our main character? This is true for the other side characters as well; no one really tries to interfere with the central romance, so there's never any threat that something might go awry.
The relationship between the main character and their love interest just kind of meanders along without any clear destination. There's no back and forth of "Will they? Won't they?" In fact, the series seems to lean more towards "They won't" and position itself as a slice-of-life drama rather than a romance.
----- Overall, I would recommend it to people who want a chill, slice-of-life anime with touches of romance. But I don't think this series will blow any minds.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 23, 2023
This season has lost all sense of mortality or tension that functions as the emotional core of the Demon Slayer series.
Swordsmith Village? Very interesting. Two Hashira? Pretty cool. Another demon slayer with a double-barrel shotgun? Awesome.
But here's the thing... Tanjiro is not gonna die. This doesn't even need to be said and it's not a spoiler. He's got main character plot armor. Nezuko is not going to die. Besides her demon healing factor, she's probably the most adored character by fans.
So who does that leave? The two hashira and the swordsmith side characters that we barely get any development for before the fighting starts. My
point is that there is no emotional investment in this arc because no one ever feels really in danger or threatened.
Episode 7 onward in particular really loses interest.
lol, two different brother-related flashback character conflicts (plus a bonus flashback within a flashback within a flashback)(plus two more villain flashbacks). Drinking game: take a shot every time there is explicit exposition or a flashback. I guarantee you will get alcohol poisoning.
This season doesn't understand Tanjiro's arc does not successfully further his character development. I say successfully because the dialogue and monologue tries so hard to make it seem like Tanjiro is showing greater resolve in his quest to protect the innocent and defeat demons. But it is REALLY FORCED. "Don't bully the weak" "No u!"
Welp, I guess I'll see you guys after another month-long Tanjiro coma.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 22, 2023
This series is a MUST-WATCH if you are a fan of school romance anime. The writing is great. Extremely realistic of a cringy, wannabe edgelord middle school student who has a crush. BUT don't let that turn you away! There are no adult personalities pretending to be children here. It's all legit and actually really wholesome even with the pent-up middle-school hormones. While the most sensitive or empathetic viewers might feel some secondhand embarrassment, the situations are well thought out and resolved in memorable fashion.
This is the same studio behind Teasing Master Takagi-san and you totally feel that energy carried over here, but it is
much less dramatic. Or, rather, it is dramatic in a much more heartfelt and quiet manner. I've personally bounced off Teasing Master Takagi-san because of the one-sided Tom & Jerry dynamic and the childish pranks. But The Dangers in My Heart has captured me more than Horimiya or even Komi Can't Communicate.
I think the Komi Can't Communicate comparison is extremely apt here. But where Komi relies on whacky characters juxtaposed with an average protagonist and silent heroine, The Dangers in My Heart is truly representative of how a realistic (albeit somewhat idealized) middle school relationship would develop.
Overall, this series has seriously jumped up to be one of the greatest school romance animes of all time and you should definitely give it a shot!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 19, 2023
While the writing is slightly better than in season one, it is still not good. Chise is still getting kidnapped or whisked away every other episode for some arbitrary conflict or exposition that is resolved by her stalker daddy threatening violence only for Chise to stop him and resolve it herself.
The character designs in this series are pretty good even if the characters themselves are generic. The decision to move the setting to a magic school was a good idea except for the complete negation of character growth by having stalker daddy come with her.
Nothing happens in this series. Each episode presents the looming
threat and tension of "something bad" that could happen. But when it is revealed, whoop guess it wasn't really that bad after all. Problem resolved.
So much time is spent on the ensemble cast who were literally introduced all at once, name by name, one after another. There's no reason to care about any of them.
The world of this series would've been much better suited to one or two-off episode arcs instead of an overall plot. I mean, it kind of does this already, but very very poorly. The stories of Redcurrant (the succubus/vampire) and Joel, as well as Nevin were stand outs in Season One. But they didn't even continue that mini-story model throughout Season One, much less this Second Season.
Overall, can't recommend watching this season and I'm unsure if I would ever recommend this series as a whole upon rewatch. The curses Chise got at the end of season 1 were cool though; kinda wish they did something more with that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 17, 2023
Although the premise is cliche, the writing is actually quite good and the story beats are realistic. The conflict arises naturally in a believable way, rather than how other anime often force contrivances or jump around illogically.
This is an anime rom-com. You're gonna get all the same plot points you expect. But the characters in this story feel real because they actually have feelings. Relationships aren't just one direction, and often they're not even two directions. All of our relationships are complex and our interactions with other people are truly complicated.
This anime isn't groundbreaking and you're not going to find anything truly new here.
But what this anime does is humorously and accurately depict certain aspects of online gaming as well as the tender nurturing of two people catching feelings for each other.
The music and transitions are done well too.
lol her hair goes through her jacket
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 16, 2023
Pretty good new Shounen trying to be darker like Attack on Titan. Main character is a little bland and the special powers aren't explained. But the world around them is vibrant and unique with its Taoist and Buddhist inspirations.
For the amount of setup, I am hoping that this series gets a season 2 and then finishes there. This premise has a clear destination and is pretty direct about getting there. I haven't read the manga, but if they try to continue this story past leaving [setting of anime] then it will most certainly have lost what makes this series interesting at all.
What happens in [where
this story takes place], stays in [where this story takes place].
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 16, 2023
The 4th season of Golden Kamuy is barely a shell of the prior three seasons. With a new studio, it is very obvious that the best they can do is pay lip service to the gimmicks of previous seasons without truly understanding how to carry the plot forward in a compelling way. Golden Kamuy is a story with culture, heart, and the excitement of new discoveries. This 4th season has lost those genuine qualities and can only weakly attempt to scribble something vaguely similar on paper for viewers who don't mind.
One argument in defense of this season is that it is an attempt to flesh
out the backstories of major side characters. However, this attempt is seriously controversial as it retcons already established backstory in the prior season. Further, the pacing of these one-off episodes has seriously ground the series down to a halt as it seems to delay advancing the plot until the manga is finished.
Based on most of the reviews I've seen, most viewers enjoy this 4th season as much as the previous ones. With that in mind, I think many people will still enjoy this even with its changes. Personally, however, I hope Golden Kamuy finds its footing again next season and recaptures its original spirit of adventure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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