Are you looking for a magical girl series filled with happiness and joy? Well, then you are looking in the wrong place. I watched the opening. The word dark was pushed into the back of my mind. I watched the first episode-I didn't expect much from the anime. But later, I included Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica in my ''favorite'' list.
This whole anime starts by showing Madoka running across a dark room and seeing a girl struggling. She wakes up after being told that she can save her. But then someone transfers to their school. Madoka thinks she is the same girl in her dream. The
story is told in a slow pace, gradually showing hints that it's going to be dark. You'd need to watch every episode to understand what was going on. I think part of the reason why I gave the story a 10 is because it is not very easy to understand if you don't pay attention to the story.The thing that bothered me in this anime was that the ending didn't make much sense to me. I want to write this review without any spoilers, so I'm not going to write about what confused me. But if you watched the end, you'd see what I mean.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is very unique. First, you think it's a happy-go-lucky anime, and...SNAP! Everything changes into a dark anime with very few comedy scenes. This is also why I gave the story a 10. You can always receive a surprise from this anime. The pacing is excellent too. I was always excited to watch the next episode. The first episode is very welcoming, showing events that will continue the story. The owners of this anime planned this anime very well and carefully, so we can watch an anime filled with excitement.
The ending was very satisfying to me. There were a few plot holes, which bothered me a little, but other than that everything was explained. The ending concluded everything, but it leaves the audience would want more episodes, which is also why I gave this anime an extra point.
The art is developed by Shaft. I liked the character's ''wide face'' feature. It makes them look cute, which is needed for a magical girl anime. The director wanted you to think it was going to be a cute anime full of smiles, because of Madoka's cute and chubby face. Many people were fooled by this feature. I don't think the character's art styles are fitting for the story. If I knew what this anime was about before I watched it, I'd expect the art to be realistic, like Death Note. The witches are a totally different story, though. Some may look cute (like Charlotte) but some may look scary and gross. I think every design matches the character's personality well, like Kyouko's red hair represents her fiery personality.
The backgrounds are very well drawn. I like the backgrounds when they are fighting witches. You can tell what the witch is going to be like by looking at them. The backgrounds are usually food or plants, but there are other kinds. The transformations are also superb. Unlike animations like Mermaid Melody, the transformations are very short but still enjoyable. I like how the background in the transformations also show the magical girl's personality, like how you can see music notes in one transformation because she likes music.
The eyes of the characters look very similar, but other than that, they look very different. This did not give the plot away, because I didn't see any characters that looked very dark and scary (except for the witches). By this smart plan, you wouldn't expect anything.
The music was composed by Yuki Kajiura. The music is for dark anime, suitable for anime like Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. I would listen to the music again one day, because they are very well played. My second favorite song from this anime is the ending song. It is actually so epic that they sometimes use it in battle scenes. The ending VIDEO isn't very epic though. It only shows Madoka walking past everyone. I kind of wish they made it more interesting. However, the opening is a different story. The opening is called ''Connect,'' by ClariS. It basically shows WHAT the anime would be like if it wasn't dark. It's the biggest lie ever. So I'm not very fond of the opening, but it is still enjoyable.
The characters have special traits or their own, making them unique and different. They react to situations and events in a realistic way. The supporting cast was useful in the anime, but there were so little that I thought there weren't a supporting cast at all. I think there were too little people in the supporting cast. But still, I would remember these characters in the future because they have a special meaning for me. My favorite character is probably Kyouko. She is very headstrong, and she matches my personality. I believe the staff wanted us to like Kyouko on purpose because they want us to have a little surprise after some episodes.
The characters do not grow in age throughout the series- they grow in a special way, like how a character became wise. This usually happens in dark anime.
Other than all of that, people will like this anime because it is filled with excitement. Even non-anime fans would like this work because this anime has a special meaning for everyone- and the meanings are all different. I would re-watch this work in the future. This would still make me excited even if I know what will happen. I think re-watching would add to my enjoyment of this series becuase I would understand things I didn't understand when I first watched this. This masterpiece is so enjoyable that you would remember it for years.
I would recommend this to people who like dark anime. Do NOT judge this by the picture. This anime is not for kids-it's for matured teenagers. It's even rated R. It is darker than you can imagine. Even if it sounds girly, this anime is superb.
Jul 13, 2013
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Are you looking for a magical girl series filled with happiness and joy? Well, then you are looking in the wrong place. I watched the opening. The word dark was pushed into the back of my mind. I watched the first episode-I didn't expect much from the anime. But later, I included Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica in my ''favorite'' list.
This whole anime starts by showing Madoka running across a dark room and seeing a girl struggling. She wakes up after being told that she can save her. But then someone transfers to their school. Madoka thinks she is the same girl in her dream. The ... |