Death Note: The anime that turned gold with just one series, this now legendary title managed to establish itself as one of the smartest and most mind-blowing examples of the hidden detective genre to ever come to both screen and paper.
This anime has fantastic elements that mark the course of events and that these are increasingly convoluted, but they are also at the service of history to make us think about our own way of shaping systems to administer justice and preserve the social order.
It obviously leads you irrevocably to position yourself against totalitarianism and to think ethically about the responsibility that it would
Oct 8, 2020
Zombieland Saga
Idols again !, but Zombie?
The concept of Zombies Idols can be very good depending on how it is handled; and that absolute ignorance about what it was about and how this anime was handled is one of the things that made it shine. First when you see the first episode, you find yourself a bit confused, because you don't really know what you are seeing, then when the story progresses, it makes "sense" and becomes hooked. Zombie Land Saga is something that nobody asked for, but that everyone loved; with its Zombie Idols concept, very well managed, with quite original situations (really, very original), with its ... Oct 2, 2020
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
What all shounen should aspire to be.
You probably heard or read good things about this anime on more than one occasion, let me tell you that they are all true, a story with a great world, mythology, well-developed cast of characters, all at the service of a well-constructed plot that is not taken anymore of the necessary time, full of epic and exciting moments, that do not treat the public as idiots, so they propose to cover deep subjects with the seriousness it deserves and all with the best animation that the Bones studio can offer. I could do a more extensive analysis but it would ... |