I have the highest respect for this manga, simply because of the art. I have yet to see a more realistic manga that this. The proportions and colored shading are beautiful.
The story is just as real as the artwork. It may fiction but every event could occur. The farthest it strays is getting married to someone you've only known a month.
It is a romance though and that just isn’t my cup of tea.
Dec 13, 2008
FLCL is nothing and everything, surreal drama and over the top comedy, animation and live action, deep and simple. It’s a series and in a way a movie. FLCL puts me to sleep and keeps me on the edge of my seat. FLCL is a romance sci-fi coming of age music video, but above all a masterpiece.
I can see how the style can turn people off before they finish it the first time though, but I wouldn't change it a bit for their sake. Everything in the series is put there for a reason right ... Dec 13, 2008
I love the first arc.
Story: The story wasn’t phenomenal but it served its purpose and with a villain of the week style continuity you could easily enjoy a few chapters whenever you like. Art: It was awkward to read it at first because of the unusual proportions, but after I got over that It began to shine. Tite kubo uses hatching in a way I’ve never seen in manga before. I could feel the bright, but somehow faded, colors come off its grayscale pages. Character: The characters are ... |