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Mar 17, 2023
What would have been a trashy ecchi anime in any other universe, turns out to be anime romance novel. What I thought would be trashy coomer bait seems to be more targeted towards girls.
It became quickly apparent to me that it was written by a woman during my viewing. This is because the show follows a general pattern of "thing happens" -> "MC compliments the maid as a result of the thing". The male MC basically just exists to compliment and make the female lead feel desired, which is what tipped me off to it being written by a woman. It's unapologetic whish fulfillment and
That's not a critique perce, but I would have enjoyed the show more if I was into that kind of stuff.
I do have my criticizms however, mainly that it's too repetitive and lacks stakes. The aforemention pattern isn't varied enough and comes of as vacuous. The show is generally devoid of any interesting conflict, which can be a good thing if you are looking for something light-hearted, but it makes the show samey as well.
I was relieved when I finally finnished it, but that might just be because I don't enjoy those kinds of stories. This anime is equivilant to one of those romance novels that your aunt/grandma reads voraciously and has enormous collection of. Its no coincidence that one of the characters is infatuated with the relationship between the two MCs, loves gossip and reads lots of romance novels.
If you are the type that enjoys those kinds of stories, you have probably already seen it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2023
Star Wars Vision has definitely warmed me up to the Star Wars setting as a medium for interesting storytelling. I overall enjoyed this more than I thought I would as I'm generally apathic to Star Wars, feeling that it's been done-to-death and too kiddy (that sentiment is still largely true for the Hollywood movies though).
Visions is not 1:1 to the canon mythos. There are a bunch of liberties taken (episode 3 taking the cake of out of the bunch). Visions is in many ways a creative exercise for the various studios involved, where they can bring unqiue ideas to the table that wouldn't necesarilly fly
for any mainline productions. Every episode is something new.
It's quiet difficult however to containt an entire arc within a 10-20 minute episode, so many of the stories feel sort of rushed at points and they tend to end on an open note, with the character embarking on some sort of journey. Some episodes felt like they would be better stories if they where 40-60 minute movies, where there's more time to organically flesh out the story beats.
A lot of the episodes are litterally medieval japan BUT IN SPACE. That may distract as its not really coherent with the style of Star Wars, but it didn't really bother me. It helps to not be overly critical of this show, even if it carries the Star Wars name and take it for what it is. A collection of unique and stylistic expressions where various studious get to wax creatively. in that respect, I adore Visions.
7/10 <3
(My favorite episodes was The Twins, T0-B1, the Elder and the Bride (jedi mommy in high heels)
Also, laser sword katanas and jedi Miaymoto Mushashi is cool, idgaf what you say nerd.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 12, 2022
I have finished reading the fifth volume of this series, the last volume to be released as of Writing this. The Isolator is an excellent series that is easy to pick up with an engaging storyline and interesting characters.
It's about a young boy named Minoru, who is one day possessed by an orb from outer space that grants him a very specific super power. The power to create an impenetrable barrier around himself. Minoru soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been possessed by these orbs, although some are driven into becoming dangerous killers by their orbs.
One of the
series strengths is its world building. Although it is set in contemporary Tokyo, there is a lot of mystique to how the various organizations that the plot centers around and how the super powers actually work. The Isolator makes a concerted effort to try and explain the various superpowers that all of the characters possess with various scientific concepts, making the fantasy somewhat grounded in reality. The powers all have rules and limitations that we discover with the characters as they progress through the story and try to defeat their enemies. Although, the story seems to go for a "villain of the volume" sort of approach it first, it quickly develops into becoming a much bigger and interesting story with various surprises.
The writing style of The Isolator is one of my favorites. It's clean and effective. It doesn't weigh itself down with overly flowery descriptions or impenetrable language. It's concise but without losing any of the flair that makes the writing come to life. It's easy to follow and engage with the story with a clear sense of how any given scene is unfolding in its exactness. It feels like you are reading an anime.
Another quality of this series is that all core concepts and characters are routinely reexplained on a per volume basis in a way that is organic and doesn't feel disruptive. This means that in theory, you could pick up any volume in the series and still feel like you can engage with the story and the characters and understand what is going. That is an amazing quality for a long-running series. Although I do recommend you start with volume 1 of course ;).
I highly recommend this series if you have never read a LN before for it's ease of access and efficient and clean writing style. <3
Note: Physical copies are usually in hardback, though I believe you can get paperback as well. It can be harder to get legal digital copies, as sites like Amazon don't have the rights to sell every volume in the series. I found it easiest to simply order physical copies.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 9, 2022
While the story itself isn't groundbreaking, the journey is what matters most. It's a relatively chill anime, though all the talking and exploring they do serves an over-arching character development. I never felt like my time was being wasted. The action is pretty well animated for what it's worth.
I do feel, however that the character development is missing some "rawness". I miss more contextualization. The plot in general could have been fleshed out better. With that said, I'm not bothered by certain things not being explained, like what D2s are exactly or where they come from or what exactly happened during the ending. Conveying mood
and the character's journey being shown can be more important than the plot being logically coherent.
In terms of criticism I think the start of the anime could have dropped the in medias res structure, as I found it didn't really add anything ultimately. I think the anime would have been better if it started chronologically.
My main criticism is that the plot feels too "short" and that the story and characters in particular could have benefited from more contextualization. I think this anime would have made a decent light novel, where there's room for a more detailed story.
In conclusion, a decent anime with good animation, character development that feels interesting and some touching moments. I'm happy I watched it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 12, 2021
This anime is snuggling up inside during a rainy day in anime form.
While I didn't quiet feel it the first few episodes, I genuienly started to warm up to this anime. It's definitely a slow-paced anime, closer to being a slice of life than an actiony isekai.
While the story is framed by this DnD party going out on raids, it's much more about character development and these party members growing up as people. Not just in ability to kill mobs, but mostly as party and how well they function as people.
Relationship and cooperation is a big theme in this anime. We see, especially the
MC, struggle to cope with incompatibility and the weight of responsibility. I felt it was endearing to see how the characters grow as the show went on.
The art is quiet good too. All the backgrounds has this acrylic water paint aesthetic. It gives the anime a serene and homie vibe. It's beautiful. The animation is decent enough.
Overall, a chill anime with a lot of charm and humanity. After finishing, I definitely feel that I've connected a lot to the humanity that this anime brings. For all it's flaws, it brings a lot of unique charm that I haven't seen anywhere before. If no season 2, I might actually pick up the novel it was based on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 29, 2021
The first episode is a trial by fire. If you can stick with it, you're in for a
very unique anime.
It's definitely not for everyone. Saying that it's dialogue heavy is not beating around the bush. You'll see a lot of positivity around this anime, that might be because most drop it by episode 1 and never look back.
Even though the anime only has 12 episodes, each episode is about an hour long, so in practice, the entire series is as long as 24 normal length episodes. Each episode thus feels packed. This feature could make it's heavy use of dialogue feel
Note: Even though each episode is an hour long, every episode has a natural break at around the 24 minute mark, where you could comfortably pause and resume later.
If you can get over the dialogue, you might actually find yourself enjoying it. I didn't find myself initially hooked by the plot, but the chemistry and character development kept me interested. The show becomes progressively more psychological towards the end, as the main characters get so much screen time together and learn about themselves. It's a character driven journey towards self-discovery with a cute romance element.
The animation is decent too, though characters mostly kind of stand still and talk a lot. Fight scenes happen in bursts, and when they do, the animation is smooth.
I like this anime but it's not for everyone. Episode 1 sucks and is an hour long. But if you are interested in a character driven romance anime (a tiny bit like Spice and Wolf) than I implore you to try and pass that first episode.
Note: you can't skip episode 1. You have to get used to the dialogue to a degree, or you'll just end up hating it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 29, 2021
wow! This anime really grew on me!
At first I didn't really feel hooked by this show. For a show this cliché and kind of "Shounenish", it has a very "slice of life" structure to the episodes and the plot. Every episode the MC and a select character from the cast just do stuff basically. They get into trouble and hijinks ensue. The bigger plot relating to the MCs, Akko's fate culminates as the show progresses.
It wasn't until episode 5 or 6 that I felt drawn and hooked to this show. From the middle point onwards I was thoroughly enjoying the ride. The characters
are memorable and grew on me and the show is pretty funny in a cartoony, slapstick way. I like the animation style that Studio Trigger is known for too, blending the anime aesthetic with a cartoony style.
in conclusion, despite it's strong "slice of life" element the show doesn't feel slow or like nothing is happening. If you stick with it, you'll find yourself going on lots of adventures with likable characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 29, 2021
It's a perfectly "aight" anime. Nothing that'll fill your imagination too much but it's not offensively bad either.
Though I think it's pretty average I did find it enjoyable enough to finish. Even though the animation, the plot and the general level of quality is where it is, I found myself smiling occasionally at what was happening. It doesn't take itself very seriously. For example, instead of using normal sound effects, the voice actors will instead make the sounds themselves sometimes.
It's a chill anime when you just wanna watch something.
It's a fair anime.
Here's a poem I wrote to better reflect my feelings on this
"Roses are red, slimes are blue
The thick elf is turning my knees into goo.
In the month of may, slimes are kept at bay
this anime made my day."
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 30, 2021
A great little movie about a former bully trying to redeem himself.
While being a simple high-school anime on the surface, there's a lot you can dissect as a character study. The characters have a lot of humanity to them and act in realistically selfish ways. It shows that underneath people's actions, people are still just people, even when you hurt someone a lot.
The story is very detailed, though the manga is even more detailed. If you choose to read the mange instead, certain characters will be fleshed out more and it'll be easier to understand their actions.
This movie had me thinking about
the characters and the events after watching it, which is a sign of a good story. I wanted to protect the deaf girl and I thoroughly enjoyed my viewing.
Instant five stars: ✰✰✰✰✰
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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