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Nov 25, 2024
It started strong with a cool premise and interesting cast with tragic backstories. Then after episode 4 they stop going to dungeons or adventuring and the rest is pure filler. So disappointing. Who green lit this trash?
I'm not even exaggerating. Have an episode just messing around, one doing math, another gambling, another that is the backstory of some character not even in the party that is irrelevant, 3 episodes that are just a filler messing around in town looking into a rumored person, then closing out with messing around in town filler.
Despite the premise that the group would eventually one day save the world, they
waste the entire show not even starting down even in the direction of that path, making no progress whatsoever. It's just pure wasted potential.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 15, 2024
World Trigger starts pretty strong if you can get past the first couple episodes. It has good world building and all the invasion stuff is very entertaining. It does... have issues, however. And they become very apparent in seasons 2 and 3. Season 1 also has a large pointless filler arc that didn't even get dubbed that you can just skip completely: episodes 49-63.
The biggest issues are pacing and one dimensional characters. Characters also get very little progression and often end up repeating the same progression arcs over and over ad nauseam. Even when they finally seem to get over it and you're like "oh
thank god, finally!" they're soon just thrust right back into it all over again for no apparent reason.
Once you get to the mock rank battles with completely forgettable characters I hope you like it (though I don't know how you could) because that's the rest of the entire show. Just that. Over and over and over and over. And over and over and over some more. And not just this season, seasons 2 and 3 as well. Season 1 and 2 you're like "yeah okay whatever, I get it, let's move along already" but by season 3 it just serves to waste your time and piss you off.
It's like the author ran out of ideas and just started spinning their wheels. And with only 1 chapter a month with two 2 year breaks in the past 5 years it's not made much progress even on the manga side.
If Naruto had some cool war stuff very early on then immediately went into the Chūnin Exams except all the characters are replaced with Character A, Character B, nameless forgettable uninteresting one dimensional characters and they finally complete it after a dozen episodes then just have to keep redoing it for the remainder of all of Naruto repeating the same progression arcs over and over, that's pretty much World Trigger. Though that's not even a great comparison because the Chūnin Exams of Naruto were actually good and its characters weren't one dimensional and were actually interesting.
It was promising but basically squandered.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 19, 2024
Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess is very bad. Like 4/10 and that's being generous. As I watched it I thought to myself "this would require a drastic change for me to call it good" and "yeah this is definitely gonna suck."
It's pretty much a torment simulator watching someone repeatedly brutally bullied over and over for most the show, and it's painful to watch. I can't imagine anyone would enjoy that excessive segment rather than a pure sadist.
Then once you finally get past that it's an exercise in frustration just waiting for the MC to get blood to actually be worth a damn, which wouldn't
even be an issue if literally anyone bothered to tell her instead of it having to be a mysterious accident every time. Or just undoing her hypnosis conditioning, considering you're literally relying on her as your national ace in the hole secret weapon.
Instead she's a total weakling, dragged around, and brutally beaten up for no reason while you're just yelling at the screen for her to get even a single drop of blood to actually do anything useful because once she does the fights are over.
With no one even able to die all the battles are utterly meaningless. Nothing has any weight. It's an utterly stupid plot. They even introduced a plot device to get around the problem of their own creation then promptly proceed to never actually use it. Like are you serious?
The basis of there being a hikkikomori vampire princess could have been fun, but they totally bombed the execution.
The "reviews" of my friends after I watched it:
"Told you it was trashy."
"Told you it's cringe."
"It's an acquired taste."
"I've dropped countless anime like that."
"This is the biggest rubbish I have ever tried watching. I had to stop in the middle of the first episode because I could not take it."
And there you have it. It's bad bad. I can only advise giving it a hard pass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 4, 2024
Foreword: I rated season 1 6/10, season 2 3/10, and now season 3 3/10.
They were given a second chance to recover from their blundered 2nd season and failed catastrophically. It's actually... really difficult to even think of an anime with less actual plot.
It's like running a soup kitchen for orphans being the shield hero's main job now, like his stupid ass can't just hire a cook for his horde of random furry kids, and doing some weird underground gladiator fighting to get money to get even more furry slave kids. And then rehashing some crap with the other heroes already settled in previous seasons, like
everyone up and forgot about it ig, including the writer.
The other heroes are given the exact same "development" - duped by B, lost everything, becomes Shield Hero's mindless little minions. Their stories are so badly done it would've been better if it wasn't even included - and they barely were, like 1/3 of an episode. Guess they just didn't have time since they needed more time for their soup kitchen slice of life monotony.
Starting in ep 8 they rehash the already defeated dragon from that plague arc again because they're so creatively bankrupt, which concludes by 9. I was going to at least rate it a 4/10 until episode 8 showed how uncreative and lazy they became. And it comes out of nowhere in such a forced way it's a major wtf moment like the crap season 2 pulled.
With their opportunity to recover from the terrible season 2 they decided to release a season where literally nothing of any import happens. They could've condensed all of the freeing the slaves crap to a single episode and skipped the constant soup kitchen nonsense and just had him hire a cook - like one of them literally said they wanted to do. Then just get on with the actual plot to the show. This MF hasn't even developed his slave village basically at all in 9 episodes. He's not even done anything TO develop it. His idea of developing it is just buying more orphan demihuman slave children and feeding them. Like my dude WHAT are you DOING?
By the end of episode 9 there's not even another wave. In fact, there's not even the BBEG 2/4 supposed to come after the turtle that stops the waves, well alone 3/4 or 4/4. Which would indicate a further 2 seasons with literally nothing happening, at least. This show is dead. Dropped. Done. I can't even be bothered to watch the final 3 episodes. Does the phoenix even come in the final 3? Dunno, couldn't tell you. But I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.
About the only good thing about the entire season is this new little blind white tiger demihuman girl Atla. Though from some spoilers I've read they messed that up too.
It's game over, man.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 30, 2023
When I heard about the premise of this isekai I thought its very existence was shameful. Having watched 7 episodes out of sheer boredom I can confidently say that I was right. Man is this show bad.
It tries to be wholesome, which is nice I guess. But it never evolves whatsoever beyond its basic premise. It's about as dull as you'd imagine an anime about a vending machine would be.
Though let me dispel any illusions you may have: the vending machine can't move, talk, nor use magic. It's a vending machine. It can create a barrier, change the type of vending machine it
is, and change what it stocks. That's it. It has like 4 canned phrases it can say like "Hello there", "too bad", "thank you very much", and "I look forward to serving you again." That's it.
And for added context I'm a huge isekai fan. I like the vast majority of them. This just isn't it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 4, 2023
I'll keep it simple: good art, trash anime. I rated it a 4 and had to force myself to finish it. And I'm not some isekai hater - I love isekai. This is just a bad one. It has really great character designs but that's about all it has going for it. Episode 9 is also a bit of a tear jerker, so if you enjoy that you might like that episode at least.
The story's quite bad, and it's typical harem nonsense with no explanation - repeatedly. Chances are you'll be able to tell how bad the story is by the end of the first
episode. It doesn't get better. The characters are all super forgetable too. I don't remember literally any of their names and I just finished watching it. And after I finish publishing this review I'll never think about this anime again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 8, 2022
I usually love isekai. Nearly every isekai I've watched - and there have been a great many. But let me tell you... this one is trash. Bland as all hell, and the companions are supremely annoying.
I don't have a problem with overpowered isekai protagonists. In fact, I usually like them. And sure, this certainly has one. That's not why it's bad.
The story is mega lame and it goes out of its way to prevent any kind of character development. Not with the MC, not with any companions (that are largely nameless slimes with annoying voices), and the MC goes out of its way to make
any kind of connections with anyone. Even any past life stuff is lame and bland. It's like "oh, right, I always liked to work on my own." As if that's some kind of past life revelation.
The story's effectively just the OP MC going around from town to town casually solving their problems in OP fashion. There's some rando bad guy plot too, but they're so lame and forgettable you can't even be invested in any of it.
I was able to actually binge the show at least. If it was too much of a slog to even do that then it would've gotten worse than a 4. But it did at least have that going for it.
In recent season(s) there've been a lot of isekai anime about summoners/slime tamers. They've all been way better than this. I'd give this one a pass and not waste your time with it, honestly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 2, 2022
First season was 9 for me. This season's like a 3. I hated everything about it. It's one asspull after another. I hate Rishia and every scene she's in just makes me mad and she's in so many. To make it worse they take away Filo and Raphtalia for long portions leaving the shield hero with Rishia. They even made the last episode absolute filler trash random recaps irrelevant to anything. Like random side character thoughts reminiscing about things that happened this season. Not only that, most of the character development characters went through in season 1 was practically undone this season by its utter
trash writing.
There's nothing good about this season. Nothing at all. If I made this a spoiler review I'd be raging for pages and pages.
After the end of season 1 what should've happened is the shield hero going to the demi-human nation and I can tell you that's not remotely what happened. Even after learning every single nation in the world has to face the waves they all stay in the same selfish kingdom that summoned all of them like idiots. And instead of working together 3 of the heroes just go diddle themselves for the entire season rather than taking part in literally any major events whatsoever. Even after everything they went through in season 1 and knowing they need to work together. Instead they just split up like that without even giving a reason or any explanation.
They pretty much tried to recreate the betrayal and hatred and losing everything and being weak the shield hero had the first season via asspull (everyone's literally reset to level 1 with no skills), then instead of even really having to work to get strong again it's not even really explained how everyone just suddenly gets mega pumped from a few low level trash mobs, and more asspulls than is even reasonable for a single season. Hell, more asspulls than would be acceptable for a 10 season show throughout the entire course of its run. It seems to me they just set everything up to just piss the viewer off without even thinking it through how it makes no freakin' sense whatsoever.
At this point I may give a few episodes of season 3 a chance but if it's remotely as bad as this season I'm immediately dropping it and never touching it again.
For that matter if you feel like you need to watch this season because you liked the first season, don't bother. Nothing of any importance takes place in this season. One event that doesn't affect anything happens then the rest takes place in another world entirely not affecting the other one whatsoever. There's no character development. If anything there's character regression. You'd be better off just skipping this season entirely and continuing with season 3, provided it isn't as terrible as this season. Because I'll be honest... this season wasn't enjoyable. It just made me angry, in a not good way. Like outright character stupidity and asspulls. Like characters just standing around like absolute muppets while they should clearly be doing something as something incredibly important is happening right in front of them - you know the trope. It happens in so many shows and is so enraging it has you yelling at your screen for them to do something. But of course they're too stupid.
Sooo yeah. Give this season a pass and don't bother with it. It'll only upset you and ruin your memory of the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 27, 2022
Don't bother. The premise sounds alright at first but then you soon find yourself in a generic magic school anime. Though weird asspull time travel nonsense happens after that, which ironically I enjoyed more than the school stuff that took most the anime's airtime.
The major problem with this anime is that it doesn't know what it wants to be and can't even keep its own plot straight. It starts out saying that the dude reincarnates because he had no friends and everyone was terrified of him and he wanted to reincarnate so he'd be weaker so he could taste defeat just once.
None of those things
were true. Literally.
In the past we see that the guy had plenty of friends. What's more, after that initial statement, he has no interest whatsoever in being defeated. He didn't even want to be weaker considering that he trains hard in his youth to hone his new body so it's as strong as his original.
So why did this guy reincarnate exactly? Because the writer is an absolute muppet, that's why. Dude has no idea what's even going on in his own story. And you won't either.
I rated it a 5 because you can binge it at least - some anime are too exhausting for even that. But it's still trash you should avoid bothering with if you have anything else at all to watch.
The story is a dumpster fire of epic proportions. The characters are incredibly hollow, both forgettable and weird.
If you want a demon lord reincarnating in the future anime that doesn't suck then just watch The Misfit of Demon King Academy if you haven't seen it. The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest is also similar but doesn't suck, though notably that guy was just the strongest mage in the world and not a demon lord.
If you have literally nothing else to watch then, I mean... yeah whatever, do what you want. I'm not the boss of you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 25, 2022
This anime is pretty much one big ego stroking exercise and there's pretty much no actual story or plot. Pretty much the entire show is just everyone gushing over this kid and how amazing he is and how he can do all these things they've never even seen before, he even has three gods watching out for him.
I rated it a 5 but only because it's easily bingeable. I wouldn't say it's boring per se but there really is no plot. People find kid, take kid to a city, people leave. That's literally the entire plot. Everything else is just messing about like 12 episodes
of filler.
The protagonist has no real goal, is doing nothing to work towards that non-existent goal, has no real challenges to overcome, everyone loves him and is super kind to him and is friends with him. From that perspective I would understand people that think the anime is super boring.
To me it seems sort of like a fantastical fairytale trying to appeal to the super overworked office workers in Japan constantly on death marches to try to convince them if they're good little workers and try their hardest they'll be rewarded by the gods by getting isekai'd into a fantasy world with no worries where everything's perfect and they're amazing. Blegh.
Don't get me wrong I love me some completely overpowered protagonists. But at least have a freakin' story and goals and actual character development and challenges to overcome. Every character in this anime is forgettable. Know how many names of the characters I remember? None. Literally none. Not the protagonist, and not anyone else either. They're instantly forgettable. And it's not because the MC's an OP Gary Stu. Anos from Demon King Academy is too, but I really enjoyed that anime and actually remember the character - and that's just one example of animes with OP Gary Stu MC's.
To understand my rating, for me 5 is completely average. That means it's pretty meh but it's easily bingeable and has a decent enough enjoyment factor. A similar anime that isn't bingeable that I just feel absolutely exhausted trying to watch, that will get a much lower rating depending on the extent of combined factors in addition to that sad reality. In many cases I'll end up dropping them entirely if it's exhausting enough. 5 is pretty much mass produced garbage but easily consumable. You're not gonna like it all that much or even remember it or ever even think about it but it gets the job done.
Also I'll say this anime seems super predictable. I'd be really surprised if the MC doesn't end up with the cute little girl. Well, that is if it ever even gets another season. I wouldn't give it one if I were a production company, personally.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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