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Jan 3, 2025
TL ; DR : Two kids with lack of proper environment to find meaning of life feel so sad they planned to do an unalive duet. Yeah it's the same from start to end, just with some unnecessary turnarounds
This might be a first manga i read that try to spotlight what it is like being broke in Japan's High Trust Society. Nurse single mom with one stepson and one biological, crippled parent. And let's don't forget this mom tied her biological son to be a doormat of le big bad rich bully kid. Wow such hell.
Until everything changed when an idol that came
out of nowhere become some kind of savior to him. Making him losing his V-card for the first time. Then the story continues with side character doing the same things to the protag, and most of them wasted their potential.
- Reiji
Rei was a kid that gaslighted to believe that he make everyone around him suffer. Started with his mom, then Esemori, Kazu's original dad and then Chako, and lol even Gen. But why he is winning? because he don't go cry and scream at online forums, and ask, does this happen in your country? No. he found meaning in his life, by unaliving his princess gaslighter. I appreciate this writing, if only the story doesn't spin merry go round 360 and just go to the point.
- Nagi
I thought she would be left alone due to her disappearing mid story, but she end up returning again, and the author , despite time constraint actually made sense of her to have that behavior of being damsel-in-distress, because somehow, it's her fault. Good damsel in distress anyway lol.
- Sensei
You might don't win Rei weiner but at least you got my appreciation for being insane and having savior complex. I get she is crazy and desperate for sexo but she actually can act like a proper educator too by actually forcing Reiji to self-improve and go outside. And this behavior seems to be consistent with how she is with Gen, Chako, Nagi and even her evil uncle. She is a good example of how passion should be put along with professionalism.
- Chako
If anything, i wish Chako was the main heroine of this series. She basically knows Reiji's life, doesn't originally treat him like sex outlet, but just some chit chat friend. But since the main theme of this series is suffering, she got the wrecking ball attacking her life, and what consequences she got? Being Karen and tantrum after Reiji and Mom duet stab, and then forgotten, before being brought back again to give motivation quotes, 'just ask your mom to divorce your dad lmao' i don't get the point of tantrum arc anyway.
- Gen
Gaeyn, why are you? He found some sexual desires after killing Reiji's stepdad (he did nothing wrong) because his mom asked to. He realised he is aroused with this and tried to commit transition. But after that, nothing really relevant. Maybe just a showcase of how powerful mom is.
- Yuko
The aquarium, the fish, u can't go out and i will stay here, muehehehehehe. such deep. I don't get it, why she is so unique and so called evil and le bad? she is just indecisive, might be having anxiety herself. I really disappointed how she turned out in the end. REIJI U LE BAD SON, KYS. Really, what's the point of her manipulation and shit? why can't she die earlier lol.
- Esemori
I want to destroy this shithole, muehehehehehe, or Yuko despite your truly diabolic behavior of being indecisive, i still love you! the man. If only the author tried to show his twisted mind instead being 'manipulation victim' and being dying in cancer bed without acknowledging his biological son geez such a wasted potential man.
I would say, this manga fell off after the mom kid stabbing chapter. Just jump to 160s if you want to see proper conclusion. Maybe some little chapter between to see Reiji's mom role in the story
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 17, 2023
Bocchi the Rock is an exaggerated swagger of a lonely teenager
Let's be real, Bocchi isn't a relatable character, not because she is hardworking for her dreams and you don't or any positivism thing, she is just a caricature character with no real explanation on why she became anxious. This series is just riding over stereotypes to get quick cash from average anime watcher which mostly dominated by us shut in losers. The series has some good point over her character like her hardwork or her empathy, but too bad she is mostly portrayed as a shut in losers who need to be a part
of this shitty society and need an extrovert to survive.
There is another loner, her name is Yamada Ryo. She is a professional bassist, she used to be a part of the band before, but she decide to left because how she opposed mainstream market lyrics and supports songs with real idealism and genuine feelings. Unfortunately, her opinion contradicts her action. She makes Bocchi broke by loaning her money. I don’t believe introverts would do this to other introverts, they might understand fellow loner
And worse, an extroverted caricature symbolising the domination of extroverts and the importance of being an NPC in this hierarchical system of society, also exist. She is Kita Ikuyo, the girl that appeared in 3rd episode. She is your typical school thot , hanging out regularly in karaoke with fellow popular thot, drinking an expensive coffee, has million of followers in Instagram. To make it worse, she decide to join Kessoku Band. What are her motivations? I wAnT tO mEeT rYo sEnPaI, wheeze this put more stain over her character, she is already hateable enough, and this silly motivation makes me and probably some of unspooked loners like me to hate her with a burning passion. This silly motivation isn’t something realistic to trigger a character to learn guitar hard (it went more contradictive with how she can’t differ a six string bass with a regular guitar). But somehow, her character portrayed so glorious in this adaptation, compare to manga where some of her scene isn’t exaggerated, for example the scene in eps 10 where the color changed, wtf? She said she likes Ryo, and yeah I’m pretty sure Bocchi only value her good guitar playing if she is well-written, she still have stereotypical view of how annoying she is, but somehow the studio decide to go full cash cowling and stereotyping a popular trope. No, we the Union of Loners isn’t a Bajorans who need the assist of Extroverted Federation to help us surviving from Cardassian Social System. And then in Eps 12 she is ‘controlling’ Bocchi as ventriquolist, again an offensive stereotype towards us. Too bad, the fandom which dominated by naive introverts instead praising her character and shipped her with the stereotypical main character. I found it very toxic and annoying. Overall, I really want her to be incarcerated in inferno and mutilated to an endless cycle of death.
Let’s leave the negativity here. Let’s talk about other good character. Nijika is a pure goddess, she is a good person, she has some fears, she has good motivation and empathy, she is also not afraid to point bad things on other, and she smells good. The only thing I worried is will she able to develop more? I afraid her development will end after eps 8. Seika is also a good character, your typical edgy careless lass, but on behind is pretty much caring, especially to her sister. This is a really good and healthy sisterhood relationship dynamic among this incest-loving anime industry. And also there is Hiroi Kikuri, a weirdo, but she is actually a really caring character that handle introverted case well, despite having a surrealist future. Also, I should give a 10 to Bocchi’s Dad for being a really supportive Dad to his daughter. And PA-San, as a comical cameo character, she is cool and mysterious. Other aspects like art and animation without question is a magnificent work.
In conclusion,Bocchi the Rock is not a relatable show. It’s pushing extroverted political agenda to make sure all introverts force theirselves to fake their own personality to fit society feelings. this show would be better if Bocchi is more interactive to others and not straight up stereotypical character and that red haired schwein is more a sporty girl instead a silly popular girl approaching loner caricature, nah that’s not how this world works. If you are an extrovert trying to learn about introvert, yeah go watch this show, but if want something relatable DON'T. If you really want to see more relatable works, I recommend to read Boy’s Abyss.
Thank you, Self-worshipper guy out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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