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May 20, 2023
Overall, I was surprised by this series. While I expected to enjoy, I often hate this kind of time jumping plot where the MC has infinite lives. However, majority of this show hit the mark, from the character progression and relationships to the animation and battles. While the plot itself had some confusing aspects and possible plot holes, they were fairly minor in comparison to other shows that have a similar plot. The ending was satisfying conclusion, however, I felt that the stakes ended up amounting to nothing. Either way, it was probably one of the better ways for the show to conclude.
My favourite
part of the story was the protagonist Shinpei, as he wasn't an emo, Gary Stu monster but also not some idiotic guy. He had his moments, made mistakes (some stupid and some not) but his determination and relationship with Ushio was enjoyable to watch.
Happy it ended the way it did, no need for a second season, had its time, hit the mark, and left a satisfying feeling.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 17, 2023
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, the series that has a hoard of crazy fans that won't take a bad score. I personally love this series and actually think it deserves to be the number one anime of all time (even if I don't agree totally). This story of two brothers quest to find their bodies was a joy to watch.
While many would disagree, I personally view Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood as the perfect shonen anime. It had a well developed power system, a simple but inspiring message, a smart but goofy protagonist, sad backstories, an interesting villain group, just the right amount of deaths, good animation and music,
enjoyable characters (both male and female, which is rare for shonen) and overall a sometimes fun sometimes dark vibe. While I wouldn't say it excelled in anything, it did everything to a high enough degree that its hard to find obvious fault in it.
My personal favourite aspect of the series would definitely be the last act, where everything foreshadowed in the earlier chapters comes to fruition, with all characters even the side characters, having satisfactory roles and resolutions to their story. The only battle shonen couple I ever shipped was Winry and Edward, how they both developed was extremely enjoyable to watch.
The only slight weakness I would say is that they could've gone for a more deep, dark message/ story like the original anime went for. However, this could've also backfired so I believe the actual ending was good. Additionally, they should've gone into more detail at the beginning as not everyone (such as myself) had not watched the original series as they cut a lot of arcs.
I would've gave it a ten but there still had certain scenes or storylines that I wish had gotten more detail like Lust's motivations or Kimblee backstory, and Hughes :(.
Overall, as I said, it did everything a shonen should've done and did at a near perfect level in my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 17, 2023
One Piece, a series that is often viewed as being to long and convoluted by certain individuals in the community, and seen by others as the golden standard for an anime, with arguably the most fanatic fans of any anime. One Piece to me, like many others, was my gate way series and I while I believe it is very good, there are many flaws that can definitely not be overlooked.
The main pros of this series its world building, being able to introduce new exciting islands from the winter island called Drum Island to the desert kingdom of Alabasta, the world building of the different
pirate crews and countries is fascinating, and while albeit a little repetitive, still somehow keeps your attention for majority of the time. The characters themselves are also phenomenal, with some of multiple of my favourite backstories coming from this series alone, and while people may not see the conventional "big Eren like personality shift" Oda is able to subtly change their actions while still sticking to the core of their characters. To go along with a well thought out and ever evolving story, this show has remained a thrilling ride for around 25 years, however, the anime in particular has certain issues that bring down its rating.
The weakness of the One Piece anime is of course its pacing and its animation (up till Wano at least). Of course Toei had a lot to deal with as it came up every week, but the filler in between episodes and the subpar to downright bad animation made it hard to get through, particularly the Dressrosa arc. The art in the manga is pretty good but the animation was bad for decades before Wano came and made it one of the best animated shonen. Another problem is that One Piece is so long that certain parts of the series that foreshadows certain events or that give certain characters development is often forgotten, this means that a lot of details aren't remembered which allows for people to criticise, criticism that may not exist if they remembered the whole story. Of course this is a weakness as Oda did not do a good enough job at making an impression, concepts such as bounty hunters are also forgotten or extremely undeveloped.
Overall, this will always have a spot in my heart and will be one of my favourite anime, however, there are multiple weaknesses that prevent it from being the top tier.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 17, 2023
Kono Oto Tomare is one of the most enjoyable manga's I have ever read. A combination of characters, art and storytelling has created a series that drew mean into the world of traditional Japanese music and made me feel connected to fictional characters.
The main highlight of this series is the character interactions, from the enemies to lovers of Kudo and Hozuki, to the endearing relationship of Kurata and Kurusu and finally the friendships of the koto club as a whole. Each relationship have multiple instances where development occurs and feel realistic.
The only weakness is that certain parts are a bit cliche, like the basis
of Hozuki and Kudo's relationship as well as the beginning being a bit slow, but overall these are minor problems that are fixed and become strengths later on. As the slow burn romance pays off towards the end.
Overall, one of my favourite series and one that I will remember for a long time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 7, 2022
This is my first review on MAL, so pls don't kill me if its bad XD... it will have spoilers btw
Overall, I will rate it based on art, characters, story/plot, enjoyment and fights
Art: 6
The reason for this low score is not necessarily the art itself but more so the facial expressions and its impact on the series. The overall scenery of the forests and towns generally look fine, if somewhat plain, but scenes like the crystal cave or the recent snow crystals look well drawn. Its just those damn facial expressions, they look fine in conversation but the lack of expression kills a lot of
action scenes, like the tomb fight when they fighting the clones, and emotional scenes such as Sein and his brother falling arguing after his brother finds out why he was still staying in his home town.
Characters: 9
I love the characters in this series, Stark and Fern has gone through subtle changes like Stark isn't as cowardly as he was in his introduction, and Fern has begun to show her real talents. Despite most development coming from flashbacks, the hero party are really my favourite characters. Friern really shines as a likeable, powerful but flawed character, despite her lack of ability to understand emotions she tries to get to know people better (like with Fern and her birthday present/ staff) she's also really cool. Another one is Himmel, despite him seeming like the stereotypical hero, but the fact he couldn't pull the sword or how he only became a hero to prove Heiter wrong were additions that made his character more interesting. Talking about Heiter, I liked the parallels they drew with Sein and how he had to evolve to be an "adult" for Fern.
Enjoyment: 10
This is such a fun and relaxing read, while the overall theme of loneliness and companionship are deep and well intertwined, the tone is light hearted and slice of life that it all meshes really well. Everything is sort of important to the story but one of episodes of them cleaning statues or finding a flower can be just as enjoyable as them fighting demons (or even more).
Fights: 5
The fights are generally glossed over (the battle against the Weyr of dragons or the first time the go to the Northern Plateau) meaning we never get to see the main trio fight together. But even when we see them fight, I just don't feel excited, facial expressions I feel are a large reason. I always get the impression the character has something up their sleeve or are fine with being injured, but I forget their panicking they just don't really show expressions. The magic fights lacked variety and aren't great, but the hand to hand fights are worst then the magic ones. Overall, the lack of expression and fighting styles make the fight scenes boring.
Plot: 9
I love the plot, of this journey to "find heaven", the fact everything has been interconnect and intertwined have made the viewing experience so enjoyable and easy to follow. But the deep themes of how lonely she feels deep down, and how companions have really changed her, is a nice, non- depressing message of togetherness, particularly with how the past few years have been. The magic system has also been very interesting, with visualization being more of a key factor then power. In addition, the fact magic can actually evolve and is a major part of the story (Squals soul track becoming main stream) makes this magic system even more interesting and unique.
Overall, I give this an 8, this is such an enjoyable read and was filled with so many different emotions, if the fights (which are a big part of the series) and the facial expressions were improved this would be nearly a 9 or 10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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