Mar 2, 2017
This film absolutely blew me away! It manages to achieve more in it's 1 hour run time than most high school romances do in there entire series. What's more is that it leaves you more connected to these characters than the majority of anime in general. The wispy art style works to the films benefit as it shows through the characters very expressive facial expressions as well as giving it a great beauty right from the get go. While this is shounen-ai it certainly doesn't pander to the fudanshi and fujoshi audience. In fact anybody can enjoy this film as all it is, is a
Dec 26, 2016
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
This anime is undeniably one of the cutest shows of the season with the shining star being poco himself who somehow manages to surpass his cuteness levels ever episode even when you think he has reached maximum cuteness levels. The story focuses on the theme of self-discovery as we follow souta deciding what to do with himself now that poco has entered his life. The show manages to touch the viewer and make them really feel for the characters in situations that aren't typically used. The real question I have is for myself as to why I have given it an 8 as there aren't