This series starts off really good. It was the series that I followed along with solo leveling.
Coming back to it years later I am disapointed.
The narrative has no direction. Character arcs are simply forgotten. Our kind protagonist starts torturing people, even when unneeded. The villian has no motivation.
The magic and combat system got explained at the end of the series.
It's one of the biggest messes I've read. Why are we introducing new characters. When we aren't even developing on the original cast of characters from chapter 1. Then killing them.
Aug 13, 2024
Slow build-up to perhaps some of the most incredible scenes in media history.
The fact that most reviews seem to have watched only 4 of the 8 episodes is honestly crazy given the ramp-up in this arc. As if you do that then you are effectivly kneecapping the entire point of watching this season. A season that is, as described, a training arc. As much as I would love non-stop action, it's these slow moments in anime that build up character and motivation within fights. After this season I am substantially more invested in a significant volume of the cast. This season is full of ... Jul 15, 2024
Boku no Hero Academia
A profound message
The story is a rebuke to comic book ideology. The idea of a villain is really tested as this story plays out. Unfortunately, it takes till the end for the story to provide that message. I actually study crime theory and my field is the "end of offending", so the message of this work is profoundly important: villains are created, and they can be saved. Art on another level This story, especially the later chapters are incredibly well drawn. I strongly recommend against reading on the app as the sheer detail in some of the panels is astounding. A major point that really hurt ... Feb 14, 2019
Doupo Cangqiong
Beware: god awful english translations.
The story is good, if not paced a little weird, characters abruptly appear and disappear and there aren't really any story arcs, there is a substantial overlap of plot before any one event finishes (so it feels a little unending). It feels like not a thing has been planned further than a few chapters. There is also a lot of convenient coincidences that help out the protagonist, these disable interesting storytelling: you won't be moved to tears. The art is reasonable if not a little inconsistent, beware, as of this review the official translation is at 24, its a lot ... |