Apr 13, 2017
They made this season way too short. 12 episodes is nothing to what fans are used to. We want 30-50 episode seasons with fillers and lots of laughs - not just the cliche main story arc we all knew was coming with a joke thrown in here and there. Overall this season was way too short and way too serious. If nothing else is clear about this last season it is that we are approaching the end of another great anime and they no longer have the time or no longer want to take the time to make it as fun as it was in
Jan 17, 2013
Ixion Saga DT
Despite people saying this is unoriginal. With so few episodes that even now is a wrong thing to say. The commonly said anime this is "similar" to is probably SAO because it is all people know. This anime is not trendy. It just has the bad luck of existing at the same time as the most over rated anime in history. Which is... yes... SAO. Thus far, the only tie this anime may have to SAO is extremely minimal. The MC may be in a video game. It starts off with him meeting a character in a video game and he ends up in a