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May 18, 2023
Death Parade, what does it do right? Well the animation looks nice, some of the character designs are good. and the personal stories are somewhat interesting.
Unfortunately this anime is not very good, the premise needed more work, and the world building is all style with little substance in my opinion.
Firstly the judgment outcomes, The two options are either the void or reincarnation, with reincarnation being presented as the "good" option of the two, but really it doesn't make much sense.
Without your memories, reincarnating is a pointless exercise. How can a person learn from their mistakes if their memories are erased?
Second, the arbiters doing the judgments
are supposed to be emotionless? Specifically Ginti who shows a lot of anger, impatience, and malice towards the people he judges. Needless to say I found myself disagreeing with their assessment pretty much most of the time.
In the very first episode the man attacks his wife to the point that Decim has to restrain him, yet he is reincarnated and the woman is sent to the void?
But the poor judgments are part of the shows conflict, the narrative given to the viewer is that these judgments are obviously flawed, because they are putting people under extreme situations then punishing them for behaving badly.
Legally this is known as duress, humans who are put under extreme pressure or threat are usually considered not at fault for their actions during that time. For a few of the character in Death Parade, they are simply acting in self defense, or self preservation.
What irks me most about the show is this veneer of a larger more complex world, but it's actually just very shallow.
There is so much to do about how wrong the system is, and how terrible their methodology is for judging people, but at the end there is no change. No development or real growth. The main character is judged and sent to be reincarnated.
Funny enough after a person is judged they become a holow lifeless mannequin, It's ironic considering that the show itself is hollow and devoid of any real commentary on the human condition.
The main character Chi is a great representation of Death Parade: Pretty.. but ultimately meaningless.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 31, 2018
Are you going to get what you're looking for in this show? probably not.
You've probably heard some things about how dark and violent this show is, and you're expecting a lot of Goblin Slaying, but unfortunately it delivers only a little bit of that.
The first episode of this series fully impacts you with what you thought the show would be about, and then the rest of the series just turns into generic slice of life, fantasy.
For a show called "Goblin slayer" there is actually a LOT of time not spent slaying goblins.
In a lot of ways this show is a generic harem anime.
Art: The
art is actually really good. I give credit where credit is due. The anime looks really well made and well produced.
Story: The story is a little lame. a lot of it is slice of life harem show. The Goblin slaying actually does take a back seat to sitting with friends and discussing adventuring.
Music: The music kind of fails. A show like this needs a metal or rock song to accompany badass monster killing but it only really does that in the first episode. The rest of the series has forgettable music.
Violence: The violence is pretty watered down, not as brutal and edgy as you might have heard about this show. a lot of just stabbing things and spraying blood.
Overall I liked it, but it failed to deliver on a lot of my expectations.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 15, 2018
If you like Abstract and random shows then this is a must watch.
If you like shows with character development and a story, then you shouldn't watch this.
I dislike this show for many of the same reasons I disliked serial experiments lain. Unless you are very sensitive or creative enough to find meaning from random images, you will most likely have difficulties enjoying it. FLCL was recommended to me by friends as well as randoms and I completed it because it was very short at only 6 episodes, I also falsely believed that it would eventually make sense, spoiler alert it never did.
The Art: honestly not
to bad, and in any other show would have been considered above average. The art styles change at random throughout the series, which makes it difficult to be immersed by it. sometimes it's dark and edgy, and sometimes the characters are like wet chibi blobs melting into each other. The fight scenes looked cool, and a couple of the characters are cute, that's probably the best thing this show has to offer...
The Sound: The music for this show was one of the most hyped up elements by the people who recommend it, but it was honestly pretty lame. very repetitive J-Rock playing all the time.
Often in this show the music will be loud and bombastic while the characters are just sitting down having a somber conversation, the music will actually be many times louder than the characters talking. Overall music direction is out of place and random.
Story / Character: There is basically a very vague nonsensical story about aliens that isn't well explored or explain at all. The main character is a real drag, and painfully boring to watch, everyone around him seems to have much more going on.
The characters in this show seem like every other line was written by a different person. Everything they say is a mess of words strung together that sounds like philosophy but it makes little actual sense. The things they say seem to have ZERO relation to what they are doing or what is happening on screen. A lot of very shallow emotional metaphor with no substance.
Overall this anime was a waste of my time, and extremely disappointing.
If you liked the emotional, abstract elements of shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion or Serial Experiments lain, then you will love FLCL. So Random Japanese story telling.
If you like shows that tell a story, have consistent art design and a coherent theme give FLCL a PASS.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 7, 2017
This series can pretty be summed up with one word: Nonsense
Don't be fooled by people who tell you this is an intellectual series, or that "it gets better" because it doesn't.
Serial Experiments Lain is an underrated show, and it deserves to be.
I only finished this show because the sheer amount of randomness had me interested that it might eventually lead to an ending that made sense of it all, how dissapointed I was on episode 13...
If you enjoy still images of power lines with humming sounds, this is the show for you.
The story is extremely pretentious and nonsensical, pretty obvious that the director was cramming
as many random ideas and concepts into each episode as possible without thinking about important details like characters and plot. There is a lot of pointless pseudo philosophy with no real meaning, and "acid trip" memes, "How can you be me if i am me?" silliness.
The art is below average, there's not much action and the characters don't look very appealing. Everything is pretty bland and dated looking. and occasionally a scene might have some fluid looking animations, but more often then not it looks pretty terrible. 4/10
The sound ranges from nothing to poor. The music is pretty boring (when there is music at all) most of the show is silence, with the occasional beat in the background to build tension. In general the sound is pretty bad, you'll mostly be listening to the hum of power cables for half the show. I also recall a particularly annoying solo guitar rift that went on for half an episode, it was very rough and annoyed the hell out of me.
Characters were all garbage. not much to say. Mostly just giving the silent treatment and looking away when asked simple questions. A lot of the character behave irrationally and change randomly during the show for no real reason.
Overall I give it a 3/10. pretty terrible show, wouldn't recommend it to anybody. It was not what I expected when It was recommended to me by a friend. The show is not smart or sophisticated like people would have you believe.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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