As a child Dragon Ball Z was among some of the first anime I was ever introduced to, along with the rest of the shows that aired on the toonami back in the day. I still have such fond memorizes of forcing myself to stay up on Saturday nights just to watch DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, and even Prince of Tennis of all things. So like most I got very hyped when we all learned that Dragon Ball was coming back with a new entry into the series...unfortunitly the hype didn't last as the first two arcs of the show were poor rehashes of the
last two movies. A bit of promise showed in the Universe 6 tournament, but quickly burned out mid Goku black arc and eventually died out at the tournament of power. So that's my quick run down of DBS if you don't feel like reading any more of this, but for those who wish to stay I'm gonna go arc by arc explaining my likes and dislikes of them.
Battle Of Gods & Resurrection F:
What's not to love about having your show start with a slow, unenjoyable retelling of the last two DBZ movies. honestly a lot of my gripes just come from the fact that these two arcs are a bit one the redundant side for anyone who's seen their movie counterparts. I understand that not every might have seen them but when the animation is as awful as it was for both arcs, I'M LOOKING AT YOU EPISODE 5, then why bother animating them at all. Along with Toei animations inablity to animate these arcs there was a lot of fluff added that didn't need to happen. The best example being the return of Captain Ginyu, while I'm not saying Tagoma was this super interesting character that I hated to see go, this just felt like a shameless attempt to spark some nostalgia for fans of DBZ. The fights in these two arcs just feel so lifeless compared to their movie versions, with the only on close to being as good as the movies being SSG Goku Vs Beerus. On the brighter side of things the more light hearted episodes were a treat to watch, and felt like I was watching the OG dragon ball with their emphasis on Dragon Ball's more comedic half.
Universe 6 Tournament:
Everything this arc does makes me wish the rest of the series was more like this! The world building knowledge bomb that is the fact that there are multiple universes opens the door for all sorts of possibilities, making me at first think DBS might take a more GT style story where goku and the gang would go from universe to universe meeting new allies and fighting strong new foes, but boy was I wrong. The cast of U6 charaters we are introduced to are all a treat, with the exception of Botamo and Magetta. From the hillarious duo of Champa and Vados, to they plucky young saiyan Cabba, the dirty cheat Frost, and of course my personal favorite character from all of DBS the hitman Hit. While the first matches against Botamo and Magetta were pretty much just warm ups for Goku and Vegeta the action starts to pick up with the fight of Piccolo Vs. Frost and they only get better and better with the peak being the fantastic fight of Goku Vs Hit. This fight is personally the best fight in the whole of DBS for me, it reminds us that Goku is a talented fighter who is quick to adapt to Hit's OP Time Stop ability. Though Hit is just as skilled of a fighter and still continues to put the pressure on Goku even in SSB, leading to the amazing return of the Kaioken which helps push this fight up to one of the best fights in all of Dragon Ball. Most importantly GOKU LOST A FIGHT, a rarity for Dragon Ball, which left the impression that while Goku has grown the other universes could be filled with fighters who are as strong if not even more powerful than him. Needless to say I could go on till the cows come home about how I love this arc but I'll do us all a favor and move on.
Goku Black:
So back when I watched DBZ Trunks was my favorite character, like come on the dude had a sword whats not to love. So hearing that this arc was gonna mark the return of Trunks I was pretty excited, that was until I saw that he had blue hair instead of its usual lavender color. I know this is a really nitpicky sort of thing but in scenes that have both version of trunks it's extremely annoying to see kid Trunks with the right hair color and then future Trunks has that damn blue hair color. Of course with future Trunks back that means so is the time machine, and good kami do they use and abuse that poor time machine for this arc. With there being no minions for Goku and Vegeta to fight it means all fights have to be against Goku Black and/or Zamasu so when one side is one the ropes they just jump to the present or future to stretch this arc out far too long. On top of that since these villains are as strong as they are it means Vegeta has to do a lot of jobbing to show off the strength of these foes which is a real shame since it only gets worse for Vegeta from here. The arc could have been resolved easily since Trunks learns and uses the Evil Containment Wave on Zamasu, but Goku being Goku accidentally left the seal for the container back in the present. Thankfully this blonder on Goku's part leads to the return of the mighty fusion fighter Vegito, which you quickly find out is just another nostalgia trip when he is gone almost as quickly as he came. Only to give the win to Trunk with an admittedly super cool final clash using the spirit sword, but my big grip is how is there enough people left on earth in the destroyed future to give any meaningful amount of energy to the spirit bomb turned sword. Even still that doesn't kill Zamasu and he has to get ctrl alt deleted by Zenoh because this arc has gone on for far too long. This arc could have really been better if there wasn't so much time line hopping and Vegeta jobbing.
Tournament of Power:
THIS ARC IS WHY THIS SERIES DROPPED FOR A 6 TO A 4 FOR ME! For one we already had a tournament arc two arcs ago, but more importantly this tournament was just poorly done. With this tournament being an 80 person 8 way team free for all with a 48 minute time limit, it was clear from the start that it was going to be a hot mess. We have to get introduced to 75 new fighters and 10 sets of god of destruction, angel, and supreme kai's and almost all of them are gone before we even learn the most basic things about them, and those that we do get to learn about are awful, with the exception of of the delightfully bombastic Toppo. Seeing as each universe is a team of 10 lets talk about them. Universes 9, 10, 4, 3, and the majority of 2 are irrelevant and only exist for the big players of Universes 6, 11 and 7 to beat senseless as a warm up for their later fights between these three universes. Speaking of universe 7 lets talk about our 10 fighters, while the majority of the team makes a lot of sense it's a bit odd that the human fighters are here since they are unfortunately highly out classed by many of these higher tier fighters. While Krillin and Master Roshi are given their time to shine in this tournament, one questions why Tien was included if he was only going to get eliminated in the most unceremonious way possible(see Plague of Gripes video on Tien for more info). To avoid this part of the review being me complaining about every fight I hate and just simply say that 90% of these fights are awful and only get good once the only universes left are 6, 7, and 11. unfortunately for U6 almost all of the time spent showing their fighters is spent on the highly controversial saiyan duo of Kale and Caulifla(that's a rant for another time). Once these fussed together saiyan ladies get a hot load of kamehameha to the face, we can get to the real fight Goku Vs the buff ayyy lmoa alien...I mean Jiren which was honestly a cool fight but it just dragged out way too long. OH MY KAMI DOES JIREN"S MOTIVATION SUCK. It's not like it's impossible to make a motivation like seeking power to avenge your family only become power hungry good, just look at Toguro from Yu Yu Hakusho for a perfect execution of that very same motivation. It was so powerful to see Android 17 sacrifice himself for Goku and Vegeta, but it lost all of it impact when he just suddenly shows up at the climax to help finish off Jiren and then wish back everyone that was erased as a result of the tournament. There was one redeeming factor for me this entire arc, and that was MORE FRIEZA BABY! Though no amount of screen time from my favorite DBZ villain could save this arc from being the worst thing in all of DBS for me
Obviously I didn't go too in depth with is review because lets be honest you and I both don't want to be bothered with reading some ten page long rant about how I feel DBS is alright but all of its attempts to play off DBZ nostalgia and the hot mess that was the tournament of power really made me go from liking the series to mildly annoyed with it. If it wasn't clear enough this is my first review so this probably sucks but I don't care.
Sep 6, 2018
Dragon Ball Super
As a child Dragon Ball Z was among some of the first anime I was ever introduced to, along with the rest of the shows that aired on the toonami back in the day. I still have such fond memorizes of forcing myself to stay up on Saturday nights just to watch DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, and even Prince of Tennis of all things. So like most I got very hyped when we all learned that Dragon Ball was coming back with a new entry into the series...unfortunitly the hype didn't last as the first two arcs of the show were poor rehashes of the