TheScarletCutter's Profile
- Last Online3 hours ago
- GenderMale
- BirthdayNov 12, 2005
- LocationHyogo, Japan
- JoinedAug 16, 2023
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I got into anime when I was 7 years old and I've been watching a lot non-stop ever since. I also studied Japanese and English literature to try my best to improve and compile my thoughts together. Speaking of thoughts, I accept friend requests! But only if you ask me permission for chatting. And you may realize about my monstrous mean scores, no I don't really hate anime. I just happen to be extremely critical.
“Pain isn’t something you have to feel, it’s something you have to express.”
– Kokutou Mikiya
- 國藤 幹也
Visual Novels I've read so far!
1. Sakura no Uta -Sakura no Mori no Ue o Mau- / サクラノ詩-櫻の森の上を舞う- (10/10)
2. WHITE ALBUM2 / ホワイトアルバム2 (10/10)
3. Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ / 素晴らしき日々~不連続存在~ (10/10)
4. Fata Morgana no Yakata / ファタモルガーナの館 (9/10)
5. Mahoutsukai no Yoru / 魔法使いの夜 (9/10)
6. Himawari / ひまわり (9/10)
7. Little Busters! / リトルバスターズ!(8/10)
8. Muv-Luv Alternative / マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ (8/10)
9. Fata Morgana no Yakata -Another Episodes- / ファタモルガーナの館 -Another Episodes- (8/10)
10. Fate/stay night (7/10)
11. Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After / マブラヴ アンリミテッド ザ・デイアフター (7/10)
12. STEINS;GATE / シュタインズ・ゲート (7/10)
13. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni / ひぐらしのなく頃に (6/10)
14. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai / ひぐらしのなく頃に解 (6/10)
15. Grisaia no Kajitsu -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- / グリザイアの果実 -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- (6/10)
16. Grisaia no Meikyuu -LE LABYRINTHE DE LA GRISAIA- / グリザイアの迷宮 -LE LABYRINTHE DE LA GRISAIA- (5/10)
17. CHAOS;HEAD / カオスヘッド (5/10)
18. CHAOS;HEAD NOAH / カオスヘッド ノア(5/10)
19. CHAOS;CHILD / カオスチャイルド (5/10)
20. Muv-Luv / マブラヴ (5/10)
21. Rewrite / リライト (5/10)
22. Soukou Akki Muramasa / 装甲悪鬼村正 (5/10)
23. Grisaia no Rakuen -LE EDEN DE LA GRISAIA- / グリザイアの楽園 -LE EDEN DE LA GRISAIA- (5/10)
24. STEINS;GATE 0 / シュタインズ・ゲート・ゼロ (4/10)
25. Dangan Ronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei / ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生 (4/10)
26. Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! / 真剣で私に恋しなさい!(4/10)
27. Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~ / ディエス・イレ (4/10)
28. Super Dangan Ronpa 2 Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen / スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園 (4/10)
29. Umineko no Naku Koro ni / うみねこのなく頃に (3/10)
30. Tsukihime / 月姫 (3/10)
31. Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- / 月姫 -A piece of blue glass moon- (3/10)
32. New Dangan Ronpa V3 Minna no Koroshiai Shingakki / ニューダンガンロンパV3 みんなのコロシアイ新学期 (3/10)
33. Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru / うみねこのなく頃に散 (2/10)
34. Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! S / 真剣で私に恋しなさい!S (2/10)
35. G-senjou no Maou / G線上の魔王 (2/10)
36. Saya no Uta / 沙耶の唄 (1/10)
37. Rance / ランス (1/10) (The whole series)
38. euphoria / ユーフォリア (1/10)
Other games with stories
1. Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice / セキロ:シャドウは二度死ぬ (10/10)
2. Bloodborne / ブラッドボーン (10/10)
3. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance / メタルギアライジング リベンジ (10/10)
4. Mother 3 / マザー3 (10/10)
5. Yakuza / ヤクザ (10/10)
6. Ultrakill / ウルトラキル (9/10)
7. Dark Souls / ダークソウル (9/10)
8. Hollow Knight / ホロウ・ナイト (9/10)
9. Deltarune / デルタルーン (9/10)
10. Umamusume: Pretty Derby / ウマ娘: プリティーダービー (9/10)
11. Reverse 1999 / リバース1999 (8/10)
12. The Legend of Heroes / 英雄伝説 (8/10)
13. Blue Archive / ブルー・アーカイブ (8/10)
14. Undertale / アンダーテール (8/10)
15. Elden Ring / エルデン・リング (8/10))
16. Kirby / カービー (7/10)
17. Metal Gear Solid / メタルギアソリッド (7/10)
18. Persona 4 / ペルソナ4 (7/10)
19. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim / スカイリム (7/10)
20. Earthbound / アースバウンド (7/10)
21. Mario and Luigi / マリオとルイージ (7/10)
22. Honkai Star Rail / 本海スターレール (7/10)
23. Sonic / ソニック (6/10)
24. Mother / マザー (6/10)
25. Paper Mario / ペーパーマリオ (6/10)
26. Fate/Samurai Remnant / フェイト/サムライ レムナント (6/10)
27. Fate/Grand Order / フェイト/グランドオーダー (6/10)
28. The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors / アイドルマスター シャイニー・カラーズ (6/10)
29. The Legend of Zelda / ゼルダの伝説 (5/10)
30. Honkai Impact 3rd / 本海インパクト3位 (5/10)
31. Girls und Panzer / ガールズ&パンツァー (5/10)
32. Azur Lane / アズール・レーン (5/10)
33. Super Mario Bros / スーパーマリオブラザーズ (5/10)
34. Persona 3 / ペルソナ3 (5/10)
35. Fire Emblem / ファイアーエムブレム (5/10)
36. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven / ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 アイズ・オブ・ヘブン (4/10)
37. Tekken / 鉄拳 (4/10)
38. Persona 5 /ペルソナ5 (4/10)
39. Dead or Alive / デッド・オア・アライブ (3/10)
40. Genshin Impact / 源信インパクト (3/10)
41. Hello Neighbor / ハロー・ネイバー (1/10)
Bolded entries are what I consider to be my personal favorites (8+ rating).
And speaking of games, here are some of my favorites

As well as my favorite game characters

My favorite animals : D

I personally love these animals based on their looks as well as their overall personalities. Orcas and Yeti Crab are runner-ups, though.
Anime Stats
Days: 281.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,039
- Rewatched0
- Episodes16,867
Manga Stats
Days: 276.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries552
- Reread0
- Chapters32,791
- Volumes2,984
Anime (10)
Manga (10)
Character (10)
People (10)
Koizumi, Moeka
Mizuno, Saku
Sawano, Hiroyuki
Yamada, Naoko
Kimura, Shinji
Kajiura, Yuki
Penkin, Kevin
Sakamoto, Maaya
Nakatani, Nio
Imaishi, Hiroyuki
Company (10)
All Comments (60) Comments
You're very welcome! I really appreciate the way you were able to integrate English and Japanese (even though I barely understand any of it) into your profile description in order for you to convey your expertise and emotions in both of them.
Well, if the anime was already incredible, it should be expected that the manga is equally good :p
That's nice and I've always done notes and analysis in my head or when talking to other people rather than a legitimate review on MAL until now, it was only after I had a shift in rating philosophy from rating like most people out of enjoyment and entertainment to expanding my knowledge and understanding of the anime industry as while as writing as a whole, otherwise I wouldn't be going down the path of low mean scores lol. Short reviews are fine for a more generalistic review that talks about the factors that are most obvious but comprehensive reviews are the winner when you want to bring together deeper thoughts and themes about a piece of work, and while I'm not familiar with either of those two, it's great to learn from others on how to improve on your own reviews and opinions.
I hope you enjoy whenever you get to it! You can also ask your girlfriend what she thought since you mentioned she watched it hah. I’ve considered making reviews before but Look Back was the first time where I just went for it and began brainstorming a sound review which was nightmarish on a phone. I don’t know how people can type a review in less than an hour, it and analysis have always been something I’ve considered that you should really think deeply and carefully to get your points across. Like a haphazardly review typed in 20-ish minutes isn’t that good compared to a well thought-out review that took hours to write.
I guess my response is the same as yours now that I look at it about the review part lol. We are on MAL and the Internet after all, it is a joke but you can always say that media literacy is dying or something ahaha, though you aren’t wrong either. There are good ones out there but not as much as the bad :d
Of course :) and I totally get it, I spent three hours writing my "review" (honestly it's more of an accidental analysis) on Look Back since I equally wanted to express my love that I had from reading the one-shot and how compelled I was to get my thoughts out even if there was the chance that no one would read it. As long as you're happy with your end-product, that's what matters!
Though, most MAL reviews are kinda on the bleh side.
I took a look at it just now when typing this reply since I just drove home but I can see it has arguments that we’ve previously discussed and it looks to be like a very well thought-out and structured review, wholeheartedly agree with what you talked about in it :)
Review spotted -w- honestly I did one review and it was for the movie adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Look Back and that’s been doing oddly well, I did check out your other reviews :p