Oguri Cap

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - BNW no Chikai
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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 2
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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Road to the Top
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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Shin Jidai no Tobira
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Uma Musume: Cinderella Gray
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Starting Gate!: Uma Musume Pretty Derby
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Uma Musume Cinderella Gray
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Member Favorites: 102

Oguri Cap (オグリキャップ)

Height: 167cm
Date of Birth: March 27
Occupation: Student

A country horse girl that always has a serious expression on her face, she is a gourmand as she is always seen eating large proportions of food. Despite her serious nature, she is quite naive, honest and not often paying much attention to the atmosphere around her. Her dedication is strong when it comes to food and races.

(Source: Uma Musume Wiki)

Voice Actors
Takayanagi, Tomoyo