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Nov 18, 2024
It could always be worse... That's Excatly what MF Ghost season 2 is.... WORSE
If you want more Initial D then watch Miami Guns Episode 4 which is a whole ass Parody of Initial D, with CGI cars rendered in the exact same way as Initial D season 2 and this was made in the year 2000 and its more faithful hella funny and a really good throwback to Initial D, MF Ghost IS NOT.
Season one was bad but somehow it went over a lot of peoples heads. This season is more like the later seasons of original Initial D where cars start teleporting and doing
wacky shit and Takumi's character development stopped. Then again the MC of MF Ghost never had character development he's already perfect. This is just more lame incredibly long drawn out circuit racing with way too much non-character development injected into each episode.
Like I said before watch Miami Guns Episode 4 if you what some funny as hell Initial D Parody action, don't watch MF Ghost season 1 or 2
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 9, 2024
Watched this movie last night and I must say this is not Movie quality, but I enjoyed it anyways.
Story: 7
If like me you have read light novels 12 and 13, this is adapted straight from them with no new content. The story might actually be a downgrade from the books but that is just inevitable as its shorter than what we've come to expect. Rune Craft? Ainz's antics are on full display here, and will probably get a laugh or two out of you.
Art: 6
For a movie I expected sharper visuals and more animated combat scenes however I was disappointed to see that this is
basically standard TV quality of Season 4, with some horrible angles and budget constants that are very obvious. The big final fight isn't even shown.
Characters: 6
It is Overlord with more Overlord characters, unfortunately Albedo and most of the crew only have guest appearances or do not show up at all(just like the books). With the time given the characters of which there are three mains besides Ainz and only one is well enough develop because she doesn't need to develop at all. They do not have the time to flesh out the other two characters at all both of whom have massive are very well developed and have large contributions in book 12 and 13.
Music: 5
There is no music tracks I can remember and I watched the movie not even 20 hours ago, thus I will rate the music as standard and I think there was a remix of one of the anime season openings in the credits.
Overall Thoughts: 6
This is what id classify as a TV movie forced into theatres. There's not enough here to warrant going to see movie in theatres unless your a big fan of the show. It also doesn't help that they repeated one scene three times. It's good, but its not movie theatre prices good. It lacked memorable fights, music and how this is R rated is beyond me. I think if they added a few more graphic scenes (like 10 more minutes worth)they skipped in the books this would have been a better less rushed feeling movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 20, 2024
So this is a very obscure anime. However if you like bats**t insane meme worthy anime just remember one of the female main characters shot her mom center of the forehead, then the mom had a 3 minute speech about how she was an assassin gave her daughter her favorite Mauser M19 pistol which she immediately used to shoot the butler then continued to listen to her moms last words, and the female MC was 10 and her mom was standing in between the targets at the shooting range. IMO
Art - Generic low budget late 90's early 2000's in the same vane as Eureka 7
or Neon Genesis Evangelion
Story - the is no story just ridiculous and funny as hell
Characters - They are all insane
Overall - this anime is very funny and I a crazy good time
PS: Episode 4 is literally an Initial D parody episode
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 24, 2024
So a horror of modern day Tokyo being invaded by man eating "Dragons"... I loved it up until they start trying to fight the dragons with crazy sci-fi powers and stuff.
The Manga starts of strong, real survival horror feel and all. Many Many shots of people being eaten and generally horrifying depictions of dragons that are grinning while eating people. Honestly the dragons are the real stars of this manga their design is rather far from what a dragon traditionally looks and acts like, which is for the better lest it feel like an isekai.
However near the mid point of what's translated to English, the
survival element almost all but gets dropped and the character your following is suddenly in a military style training to fight the dragons with some scifi BS. You can tell they had an initial vision but no plot when this went into production.
Overall its an interesting once over and even though its been years since i read it, i still remember those damn grinning dragons eating people.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 13, 2024
Have you ever listened to the song Digital World, by Amaranthe? How about the Nightcore version? That song literally encapsulates this anime movie.
This is a CGI anime movie about an immortal digital being becoming real, and the pains of having a physical body.
A digital girl gets a living body to find out whose screwing with digital heaven but is then immediately turned from always online to offline mode getting trapped on earth to solve a hacker issue and she meet a cool bro along the way. The story is serviceable nothing special. But the fact that this story is far more relevant now a decade
later is quite funny.
There's basically just two characters and you not only watch them grow together but also development of the female lead is amazing. She goes from basically being a uniform stuck up butt to learning about the real world and all the things cyber space deemed unnecessary.
medium budget CGI character and 2010's generic anime backgrounds.
The end track is played in someway during the movie and its just a decent Japanese song.
This is a feel good movie about understanding the world and making friend with vastly different people.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 16, 2023
Initial D inspired me to really try driving for fun and it worked!
MF Ghost inspired me to watch Initial D again because Initial D is just superior anime over MF Ghost.
MF Ghost relies to heavily on nostalgia for Initial D, and the original parts of its own are just too boring to care about. The main character in MF Ghost is entirely unrelatable, he's from another country and comes to Japan to find his dad and just happens to be an amazing driver by the way. While Initial D's main character is a high schooler who's been forced to drive deliveries for his dad and
so happened to gain skill in driving because of it, which is much more relatable. While both anime's main characters are rather bland and boring from the outside MFG's has no real drive to do anything beside find his dad while being a complete saint along the way. However our boy Takumi wants to get the girl and eventually wants to become a better driver. MFG's main characters saintly attitude is actually one of his worst traits, because he's flawless we don't get to see him grow or change in anyway so unless he's racing and advancing positions, there feels like there's little to no actual story progression. The secondary, hell even the tertiary characters of initial D have better story arc's then MFG's lead character. (except Iketani.. idiot)
Now then, if you were looking for an Initial D successor for Eurobeat and cool driving you will be sorely disappointed. This anime focuses more on the outside of car related stuff. AKA bad romance and gotta find my dad stuff. The Eurobeat music is subpar to even the least remembered songs in Initial D when it actually plays. Because MFG are sanctioned races there's always an announcer talking during driving scenes and he never shuts the hell up so we can just get car and music.
Unlike most people, I do not like the fact they use a BRZ/GR86/Toyota86/ScionFRS as the leads car of choice, for one its too on the nose. Secondly unlike the Trueno 86, which was even back then just a little old unknown domestic Japanese car. This car is a pure sports car that's still in production and has always been well known. The hero car should have been something else that's very under stated like the GR Yaris or a modern Toyota Corolla, like who the heck would expect a Yaris to compete in the same league as Ferrari's? Though hidden under the hood of a GR Yaris is 310 horsepower like 100 more horsepower than the GR86. It would have that same effect as when Takumi first drove up in his Toyota Corolla, facing off against the most well known Japanese sports cars of the 1990's.
One last note: The MF Angels, girls in tiny bikinis feel like they should all be chicks with dicks or maybe its just the character models that make them look like fem boys.
Overall your better off just rewatch Initial D and all of it's movies and specials over MF Ghost.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 19, 2022
If you take away one thing from this anime it will be its music, GIVE ME YOUR XTC! It has been over 10 years since I last saw the anime but I still remember and listen to all of the music, more specifically the Opening, Ending, and the OST Sexual Panic.
At first glance the big fucking tiddies make this anime seem like it's some ecchi trash, but then you notice that it has 24 episodes.
This Anime may have massive boobs but its characters outshine the boobah. Witchblade is 10% action 80% Characters and setting and 10% blood and death.
Witchblade is about a woman and her
daughter who after a major disaster end up as one of the few survivors. As life goes on the woman is constantly harassed by child protection as she is not able to hold a job and properly support her daughter. One day CP catches up to them and takes her away and the resulting stress (alone with some odd killer robots) brings about the Witchblade, which transforms the woman into what you see on the front cover.
This anime touches on topics that are hardly addressed in any media let alone an anime. I have not seen the show on which it is based on some I only base it on its own merits. You really feel for all of the main characters and care about them by the end.
Decent mid-2000s hand-drawn in widescreen. No CGI here baby!
All of the music in this is excellent! XTC is great! the Endings beginning makes you feel as if you are coming out of your shell in a creepy dark sense. The OST is very unique and you will know when you hear only playing in the background.
Melony is a shining example of a strong female character, not in the terms of men but as a woman, with emotional strength. You will absolutely love her daughter too who is just such a cutie, yet is also a very strong young lady.
When I watched this anime for the first time I was young and I loved it, probably the boobs and sexy fighting more than the story but I still remember the music and the two main characters all these years later fondly.
This is a good but not must-watch anime. This anime is of a higher caliber than that of modern anime that has become mainstream and standardized.
If you like Claymore/Elfen Lied/Violet Evergarden/Vivy you'll probably like this as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 11, 2022
After watching the first two episodes I was thoroughly unimpressed.
It is basically what someone would take from Metal Gear if they only heard the phrase "A weapon to surpass metal gear" and had no context of the story characters or settings.
Firstly, let's get this out of the way this is a CGI series so it's not actually an anime. Secondly, the humans move at about 10 fps while anything not human moves normally.
Thirdly, when you actually watch the action sequences they are shooting back and forth but you only ever see one side shooting, and nothing else is happening in the scene. Some shots are
well done but that is still hindered by three overall problems
A. The CGI style for this is... let's say not visually appealing
B. The story is a non-factor
C. There are no characters
Don't let the other reviewers who gave this a 7 or higher trick you, there is a reason why only 1,540~ people rated this(spoiler alert it's trash). If you want mindless action with subpar looking mechs and all the generic mediocrity I can see how you'd think this is good, but it is not, it's painfully average at best.
If you'd want to watch something similar to Obsolete watch Yukikaze, It has a story, it has, characters, it has actual battles in a realistic sense, it has everything Obsolete does not, and is visually much more appealing(aka the vehicles don't look like walking potatoes with guns).
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 4, 2022
Let's make this quick:
Magical girls from Sailormoon? Yes
Blood? Yes
Big titties? Yes
Magical girl nude transformations? Yes
The whole concept of magical girls taken seriously? Yes
Nearly zero male characters? Yes
middle and high school girls in provocative outfits? Yes
middle and high school girls who look like 19-year-olds? Yes
Cringe? Extreme
This show is 10% boobs 70% cringe at how serious everyone is trying to be when talking about magical girls and 20% action/blood. Honestly, I don't know who this is aimed for.
The Story sucks.
There are not enough boobs for people who like them.
The action and blood are not the main features since in plenty of scenes where people should be bleeding out there is no blood.
The characters are archetypes pulled right out of the dictionary.
The PTSD subplot is done in the most general and obvious way(basically all the PTSD tropes you can think of they did it)
Who cares about anything happening to the world/ character when the big battles happened before the anime?
Did I mention just how fucking cringe it is when the characters talk about magical girls being the only option with a straight super serious face? BECAUSE ITS FUCKING CRINGE!!!!
Wait there was music?
Trash forgettable anime, leave it in the bin.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 24, 2022
A must-watch anime indeed.
If you've ever dreamed of being able to delete people with your mind this anime basically explores this idea from the hero's perspective.
The anime has far too many messages that yell in your face to all subtle and too many scenes of people crying to be emotional.
The massacres and fight scenes are pretty well done and the CGI doesn't stand out too much
If it wasn't for the last episode this anime would have rated a 9 at best, but because the final episode was alluded to so early on you already knew the ending by episode 6.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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