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Jun 11, 2024
First and foremost, if you're easily offended and certain topics make you uncomfortable, I recommend you steer clear from this manga. It has many touchy subjects like rape, incest, BDSM, cuckholding/NTR, beastiality gender-bending, traps, shoutas/lolis Etc. Since this manga is a parody, it doesn't take these concepts very seriously. If that's a deal breaker then look elsewhere. Again, this manga is not normie friendly. The first chapter alone should filter out anyone who can't handle it.
Rosan Garten Saga is probably the most degenerate manga I've ever read, (putting aside doujins) and I love it. This manga is so goofy and absurd and yet it puts
popular battle shounens to shame. The fantastic art combined with the superb paneling, and detailed, yet easy to understand clean choreography gives for some of the best action you're going to get in this medium. Normally I hate reading manga that's not a weekly release, but the illustrator really puts his all into every single page and panel, so it's worth the wait. You have fights where the characters are literally battling with their genitals, and yet... it works. The art goes way harder than it has any business going making for some of the most fun fights I've seen in a while.
Pretty much every character is a giga degenerate, and or sexual deviant... and yet it works since every character will use their own insane style to fight, so their personalities shine through in every fight. Honestly, I don't think there's a single character I don't like. Every one of them is interesting and fun in their own way.
The story in this is pretty wacky, and not particularly deep, but that's to be expected in a parody manga, but the story goes hard when it needs to, and a lot of the characters develop in.. interesting ways. Plus, there are some great setups, and mysteries I'm pretty invested in.
Overall, this manga has been a blast to binge, and if you're a cultured individual I can whole heartily recommend it. If you're on the fence the first 3 chapters will let you know if you should continue or not
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 24, 2020
TLDR: Yes, it's worth watching. Good story, good world, good characters, with a unique look. Do yourself a favor, check it out.
I personally watched the Anime and then read the chapters from said episode right after so I could compare the two.
Story/World building: While watching this series I found myself really getting immersed into this world and thirsty to learn about it's mechanics, power system, factions, and political structure. You find yourself asking many questions about the tower and those who inhabit it constantly, that's a good thing. (They do cut a bit out but we'll get to that in a while)
Characters: The cast of
this series is just plain awesome. Even characters you don't like are still well written. The tower is a very unforgiving place and many will do whatever it takes to climb it. A lot of people allow it to corrupt them, so it can create a very toxic environment. Everyone has given up everything to be here and when some face the crippling reality that they wont be able to progress any further you truly sympathize with them even if they did do some shady things. There are no "Bad guys" here. Only those who do what they must to keep climbing.
Art/Animation: Telecom did a wonderful job at keeping the webtoon art style while still sprucing it up as an anime. It feels anime but not at the same time. i personally really like the look, it's unique.
Sound: The OP, END, and OST are all perfect they fit really well, in fact I've added the OP and END to my personal playlist. The voice actors they went with here are really well picked. You will hear many of your favorite voice actors, especially khun, Rak, and Rachel's voice actors. [SUB] The sound design is pretty good too.
Adaption: For the most part it adapts the manhwa really well. But they do kinda rush the story a bit which results in some world building, exposition, and some really good jokes getting cut. Which might be disappointing to source readers. There are particular scenes that didn't really make much sense since they cut exposition that accompanied them. If you're an anime only certain scenes will take a while to understand. They took a lot of liberties to accommodate an anime. Some good, some bad. But overall not a deal breaker.
Conclusion: So overall this was a great watch. Cruchyroll and webtoon are doing good work bringing webtoons to the anime format. This show gives off kind of a hunter x hunter feel. I'd certainly recommend watching this especially if you haven't read the webtoon. If you have read the webtoon some things might be a bit jarring, but it's worth watching. Anime only, manhwa reader's a like can enjoy this.
Thx for reading, and I hope you enjoy this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 11, 2018
TLDR:This show had some real potential but too much torture p0rn and too much cringe. If they had focused on the real comedy, the fight's, the side characters, and the romance this could've been god tier. As a result I say it's a 5. if you're willing to go through the shitty first season, for a mediocre second then it's worth a watch. Otherwise stay away. I recommend you watch kona suba for a real comedy, as for this anime, at the very least watch the funny moments on youtube.
I have seen both seasons, as such i'm reviewing it as a package.
Story: Forgettable...I just finished
it and i can barely remember the plot points. The plot is just there to get the characters from A to B. Which is fine, it's a comedy.
Characters: Most of the main cast are unlikable. The MC is funny and cool, but the 3 girls he lives with are awful. Eucliwood is okay, Haruna can be cute and funny at times, but is usually really annoying and obnoxious, and Seraphim is just a bitch...she so snobby and condescending it's not even funny. (More on them later) The side characters really make the show for me, but get very little screen time. Aikawa's best friend is super funny, yuki is a really great person, Kirara is interesting, and Kyoko is just awesome. But they get barely any time.
Comedy: Here is my biggest problem with this anime, over 80% of the jokes (especially in Season 1) are pretty much the MC getting hurt or humiliated to the point where honestly i'd call it torture p0rn. The MC is like deadpool, as he can regenerate from pretty much anything. Seraphim, and Haruna pretty much use this as an excuse to mercilessly beat him every episode. You really start to feel bad for the MC for taking these beatings on the daily...Whether it's getting pikes shoved up his anus (Not exaggerating) getting his eyes stabbed (Not exaggerating) Getting his teeth kicked in ETC... Even though it's his house, for some reason he puts up with it. If that's what you find funny then to each their own but that stuff is really dumb to me. What makes this anime funny are the interactions with the side characters. This show could have been funnier if they ditched all the torture p0rn and made more of the real comedy this anime has to offer.
Art:This one is hard because there's times where this show looks average, but times where it looks almost movie quality. But it never looks bad.
Sound:The voice actors are great and did what they could with the scripts they were given. Music doesn't stand out. Sound effects are decent.
Conclusion:(Same as TLDR) This show had some real potential but too much torture p0rn and too much cringe. If they had focused on the real comedy, the fight's, the side characters, and the romance this could've been god tier. As a result I say it's a 5. if you're willing to go through the shitty first season, for a mediocre second then it's worth a watch. Otherwise stay away. I recommend you watch kona suba for a real comedy, as for this anime, at the very least watch the funny moments on youtube.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 22, 2018
TLDR: If they focused more effort into the supporting cast, and world building instead of shoving a romance that goes nowhere down my throat it might have been pretty damn good.
Story: Had potential but the way they did it didn't sit right with me. 99% of the time I'm against spoilers...But, THIS ANIME SPOILS IT'S OWN ENDING in the first 40 seconds of the show...The whole time they try to get you invested in the female lead when we know what happens to her. There is romance between two of the main characters, that I felt was really contrived. The writer didn't let the
romance blossom and grow over time. From episode one I knew the writer would do whatever it takes to get them together. He tried so hard, their relationship came off really forced to me. Now the ending is really bad, you can have sad endings that are still good. This one is sad and terrible. We knew what was going to happen to one of the main characters, and two others just disappear. Really unsatisfying. 4/10
Art: It's slightly above average but the blood looks really good. 7/10
Sound: The music was good it fit the scenes and sounded nice. Some of the tracks really made the emotions of certain characters pop. The sound effects were average. A couple times I heard some of the stock one piece sound effects. (Not necessarily a bad thing) 8/10
Characters: Most of the interesting characters get barely any screen time, the main cast is okay, but our female lead is really boring to me. I felt bad for her but that's about it. 5/10
Enjoyment: There are honestly some scenes that were fun to watch, but I was never really invested in what was going on half the time. At times i'd even go as far as to say I was bored. 4/10
If it got a season 2 that fixed all the problems I had maybe I could like this series, but with just this season ...I don't think so. TBH I don't even understand how this anime is even ranked in the top 1,000's. Reading other peoples reviews and seeing so many 9, and 10's really blew me away after seeing it for myself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2018
TLDR: This is one of the best anime's from 2017, so go and watch it. You won't regret it. After averaging up the categories I'm giving it a 9.4/10 or 4.7/5 Stars
Story: The first Episode gives you a complete false sense of security and then rips it away right at the end.Without spoilers lets just say the school is not as it seems. The characters tackle interesting situations in a plethora of unique ways. I don't want to even go into detail since going into this show blind was such a treat. My only gripe is that some of the problems that the main character
deals with feel like they're far below his god tier intelligence. His interesting past is being foreshadowed and I can't wait to see it in S2. 8/10
Art: The animation in this Anime is really clean and detailed. The lighting is very refined and crisp. The use of high-lights and mid-tones is superb. The faces characters make are believable.The detail in the backgrounds is great too. It really pisses me off this anime didn't get nominated for best animation of the year. 10/10
Sound: The voice acting is great, the music fits the situations and sounds good. The sound effects are slightly above average. 9/10
Characters: The characters in this show are interesting. The main character is so great when something happens I can't help but wonder what he'll do next. My only gripe with him is that he's so much smarter than everyone else but lowers his grades and always holds back in general, as well as when he solves a problem he never want's the credit, so he lies and gives it to someone else. The side characters are also really good too, no bullshit tropes every one is their own person. Would go into more detail but don't want to spoil. 10/10
Enjoyment: I binged the whole show in a day...What more must be said...? 10/10
Verdict: 9.4/10 or 4.7/5 Stars
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 5, 2018
Story- Had potential but, the characters never get developed. The romance is terrible. All the girls like the MC but, are to pansy to say it. They try to give them compelling stories that i didn't care for. You feel like it's going to turn into a harem but, we don't even get that. The real story is barely explained and can be completely ignored. The ending is very cheap and unsatisfying. 4/10
Art: Meh, slightly below average not amazing, but nothing to cry over. 4/10
Sound: Don't remember a single track (Just finished it 7 minutes ago) Sound effects were average. Great voice acting. 4/10
Characters: The
only character's I found interesting were Nagi Kodachi,(Really funny and with a interesting past and Kyoutarou Kakei (Same) Every one else is to cookie cutter. Same boring tropes x10! MC's really irrelevant, comedic relief friend? Check! Super serious girl? Check! Underclassmen who are always coming onto the MC? Check! 5/10
Enjoyment: I enjoyed it at the beginning expecting it to get good later on because they kept hyping up these shepherds. Was super let down. At episode 11 was just rushing to finish this. 5/10
TLDR: Don't waste your time on this anime. Instead I recommend Trinity seven, fruit of grisaia, haganai, my teen romantic comedy or even high school dxd, if you're into this type of anime. Just STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE 4..2/10 IGN would not watch again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 28, 2018
Good: The characters are really likable. great animation, funny with an interesting story, and I enjoyed emery single episode!
Bad: There were a few characters I wish got a little more love/a bit more screen time, and the ending is one those endings. (Not finished)
Verdict: This show is really awesome. It's now one of my favorite anime's...BUT The ending is so AWFUL... They almost ruined 24 episodes worth of content with just the last minute...I can't even explain my anger after finishing the last episode. It made me regret watching the entire show for a minute. I still love the anime and can recommend it. But
again be warned, because this ending is so awful and after some research I highly doubt the show will get a season 3 and if it does, the manga ending (I've heard) is also really bad. So the only way i'd be interested in a new season, is if there will be a new anime only ending.
This anime would have been a 10/10 but the ending drops it to an 8.5 rounded up to a 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 28, 2018
Good: The characters are really likable. great animation, funny with an interesting story, and I enjoyed emery single episode!
Bad: There were a few characters I wish got a little more love/a bit more screen time, and the ending is one those endings. (Not finished)
Verdict: This show is really awesome. It's now one of my favorite anime's...BUT The ending is so AWFUL... They almost ruined 24 episodes worth of content with just the last minute...I can't even explain my anger after finishing the last episode. It made me regret watching the entire show for a minute. I still love the anime and can recommend it. But
again be warned, because this ending is so awful and after some research I highly doubt the show will get a season 3 and if it does, the manga ending (I've heard) is also really bad. So the only way i'd be interested in a new season, is if there will be a new anime only ending.
This anime would have been a 10/10 but the ending drops it to an 8.5 rounded up to a 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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