Mar 4, 2025
Kimi ni Todoke
I’m almost done watching all 3 seasons of this but it was hard to push myself through it, I seriously wonder why I didn’t just drop it. I get what the show is trying to show- our main character is deeply traumatized by how she was always treated as an outcast, “used to it” as she says, and it results in her not being able to build any connections and isolating herself even more. I get that this is a serious topic and they did really well at showcasing it realistically, but that’s the catch- it was triggering. Now I’m not the kind of person
Oct 16, 2024
I know this sounds ironic but I’m genuinely reading this for the plot-
I don’t mind the other scenes either but I am just amazed at how well written their world is, and this is the first time I ever felt that way. There’s just such an interesting dark air to it, I don’t know what to call it other than surprisingly realistic? For example these vampires have health insurance systems, they have therapy and self help groups, the way completely normal things from our lives are adjusted to vampires here is just so interesting. These aren’t the fantasy creatures that live in fancy castles and ... Jul 14, 2024
Hanhua Riji 4th Season
(Only writing this because no one else has written a review here)
Just like Su Moting says in the first few episodes, this season has far too much plot. I liked the previous seasons of this show because they were silly, and because the Chinese humor was a refreshing change. Nowadays it’s rare to actually laugh out loud at a moment in a show/movie, but this show still had me laughing plenty. BUT in this season, for some reason, the creators decided to mix in a huge chunk of lore. The entire first half of the season is fantasy war in the alternate universe. This ... |