It’s a gag anime, which revolves around a stupid girl- Yoshiko Hanabatake, who even though is in high school acts like a ten year old monkey- both in not having common sense, being dump and craving bananas, in the metaphorical and physical way. Which is to say her mom wants to marry her to the protagonist, Akutsu Akuru, your average main character: smart, black haired, and for some resaon still friends with the dumb neighbour. In each episode we have some kind of series of events, ending in more or less funny ways.
As for the characters, one-dimensional would be the best description. Even though there
Feb 1, 2022
Hana to Hoshi
The art was really enjoyable and the story easy to understand. The characters might be a little shallow at first glance, but that's also because they do not have a lot of time to develop, although they do: overcoming some sort of flaw.
The beginning might be long, actually half of everything is spent on getting to know the characters and their problems- or rather wishes. Not having many also means that you can get to know each one of the three in detail. Personally, I really understood someone who does a sport more seriously in middle school only to come back to it casually in ... |