How many times have you heard the saying that ‘The flower who blooms slowly is the best of them all’? Yeah, you are probably thinking that you might have heard it in some other ways, but, anyways, as old and boring as that saying sounds, Heartcatch is proof of that. And it takes it to another new level.
Flowers, like everything else, have a reason for being given, gifted. Heartcatch is here to explain that, and the main character’s heart seeds beautifully bloom. One thing that I will always like about Heartcatch is its creativity and experimenting with different flowers. At each episode’s end, they will
say what somebody’s heart seed says about their personality. Now that’s something to watch, with that many different things. But nevertheless, the characters and their own development are a spectrum of flowers of their own. And each has their thorn.
Story: 8 out of 10
The story is like every other Pretty Cure series’. But with a twist. Each person possesses a heart seed inside their heart. They are all connected to the Heart Tree, which watches over them. But, of course, The Desert Apostles are here to destroy that tree and to desert the entire world. Cure Moonlight, a powerful pretty cure, ends up defeated, and two tree fairies/mascots, deliver the Heart Perfume, the Transformation Item, to a girl, Tsubomi Hanasaki, who is supposed to be the new Cure and defeat the enemy.
The story is cheesy, but what the creators do with it, takes the Pretty Cure franchise to a whole new level. The pacing is pretty good, not forcing things and giving each character room to develop and understand/agonize over things the right amount of time. It has some filler since it’s Pretty Cure, but each are enjoyable and not something to be bored of. Although, Heartcatch has a more focused storyline than different seasons, so there is not that much filler in it. The comedy is also good, without moments just being randomly thrown in.
Art: 8 out of 10
The art is amazing. Extremely luscious, pastel colors are used. The characters are drawn differently from the other series, but that just makes it interesting. Their moods are portrayed very well in their face expressions and movements. They also have hair colors, clothes, according to the side they are on. If they are good, they have bright colors. If they are evil, they have dark colors. The art depends on the atmosphere, if it’s a happy scene it’s pretty vivid and bright, if it’s a dark scene it’s pretty dark. It’s very creative and it was a pretty good direction for this season.
Buildings, sceneries, towns are drawn very well and you can point out the details. As I said and will probably keep on saying, it’s very creative. Some things are pretty quirky and fun and they give you a pretty good feeling. It’s extremely vivid also.
The special effects and CG are also good. They seem much vivid than in other seasons and they just blend in with the show and its creativity naturally.
Sound: 7 out of 10
The sound is good, but that’s it. The opening theme is pretty catchy and so is the first ending theme. Characters dancing, ‘bringing it to life’ in the ending themes help out. The second ending theme is more slow and has a softer tune. It is enjoyable, regardless. The OST is cool too, with happy themes and not so happy themes. Still, as I said, it’s not the most memorable thing, but enjoyable.
Voice acting is perfect. Nana Mizuki does a great job in voicing Tsubomi and making her introverted yet quirky personality come to life. Fumie Mizusawa also does a great job in showing Erika’s lively character. Overall, the voice acting is pretty good.
Character: 8 out of 10
What Heartcatch does with it’s characters it’s amazing. Honestly, that’s it.
Tsubomi, unlike many other mahou shoujo heroines, who are clumsy, ditzy, cheerful and extroverted is weak-willed, shy, studious and introverted. That’s one of the many things that sets this show apart from Pretty Cure and probably some other magical girl shows. Tsubomi does not actually want to be a Pretty Cure. Remember the Fresh season? Love accepted her powers so fast and without any questions, but Tsubomi is the complete opposite of that. You will only hear her screaming for help and complaining in the first episodes. And she’s right . It’s not easy putting your life out on the line and getting introduced to such unreal things. What the show does with her is amazing. She says she wants to change and she does. It’s not a one episode change where it all happens and she becomes confident and stuff. It happens slowly. In the end, she not the same she was at the beginning, but she’s not also fully changed either. That is something that I find very true, that people can’t really change completely and that it takes time.
Contrasting Tsubomi and her shyness is Erika, who ironically is supposed to be the ‘blue’, water-themed character, but she is the total opposite of that. Erika is lively, confident, talkative and fun. She may come off as nosy at first but she is a great friend to Tsubomi and her other friends. And she does not change. A bit. But that’s what I love about her.
Other characters include Itsuki, the yellow cure, who is a very courageous and quirky character. Her development with some things going on with her is pretty good and in the end, you see that she has changed a lot since the beginning. Yuri, Cure Moonlight is a fallen cure, who slowly regains her pride and comes to terms with what she’s done. She seems like a strict individual, but has a good heart. Her development is nice too.
The villains are fine. There’s Sasorina who is a selfish and proud woman, who always wants to be the best. Kumojacky, a hot-blooded man who lives for fighting, but is respectable and wants a good opponent to fight. There’s also Cobraja, a narcissistic blue-haired man who has a great love for beauty. There’s also Dark Pretty Cure, who as the name implies is a Dark Pretty Cure, badass and surrounded by mystery. Things will get intense if she appears.
Overall, Heartcatch is a good magical girl series. If you want to watch a fun magic girls show, then Heartcatch is for you. It’s okay if you don’t even want to watch the whole Pretty Cure franchise, just watch Heartcatch. It’s on a whole new level. But you can always drop it, you know. Anyways, Heartcatch is the most critical acclaimed Pretty Cure season for a pretty good reason.
Jul 22, 2014
Heartcatch Precure!
How many times have you heard the saying that ‘The flower who blooms slowly is the best of them all’? Yeah, you are probably thinking that you might have heard it in some other ways, but, anyways, as old and boring as that saying sounds, Heartcatch is proof of that. And it takes it to another new level.
Flowers, like everything else, have a reason for being given, gifted. Heartcatch is here to explain that, and the main character’s heart seeds beautifully bloom. One thing that I will always like about Heartcatch is its creativity and experimenting with different flowers. At each episode’s end, they will ... |