Imagine my surprise going into this thinking it was just going to be a goofy pure hentai romp, only to find out that it had some actual depth behind it's "plot". Now to preface, this is a purely character driven story where the characters are slowly developed and through that we get to move the plot along.
It starts off with the typically infamous "only in anime" style set-up and then gradually reveals a few more layers. For a (hentai?) manga, it tries to weave in a tale of romance while also exploring the human psyche (relating to attraction & relationships) within it's story. Now I
Nov 22, 2022
The Reaper
This story has great art and a smart main character. It takes it's time to develop it's story & characters (slow start) but still manages to keep things engaging. The main problem with this series is it's "shoddy" adaptation from the novel. It has a few instances in the story where it takes a few leaps in it's story to progress the plot. However, I felt that more time could be taken to develop all of the new characters (clans) that show up. It was never really a bother until some events that happen in chapter 27. They skip some character & story development which