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Sep 26, 2019
There was same nature of anime this year called Endro, its like that anime but with better comedy.
The whole anime basically revolves around just two characters, and that is lot of burden of on those characters. They have to be funny and show chemistry between them to carry the show. Lucky for us Yuuko (as known as shamiko) and Momo are the cutest things I have laid my eyes on this whole year. The funny moments between them keep the anime fresh and want to make me come back for more, specially yuuko is so funny and cute and momo's laid-back attitude is what drives
this whole anime. There are others characters too but they for me do not come as important or are funny for the most part.
I do not know how but this anime looks visually this good and have decent animation despite its coming from the same studio who gave us abomination called OPM S2, thats right studio J.C staff is behind this anime. Maybe it looks and have best animation because director knew what was he doing and kudos to that director.
The only problem I have is that, characters talk fast, I mean really fast that I had to stop 2 times for a single sentence. I do not know why characters talk so fast, maybe budget was narrow thin or director wanted to add more into the single episode.
This anime is at core is what people call cute girls doing cute things, if you like that kind of anime then you will enjoy this one too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 20, 2019
What else I can say about this marvelous show that made me laugh and cry in the one episode, this whole series was wild emotional ride(in a good way).
Remakes are rare in any format of entertainment (except Hollywood and especially Disney), but when they happen in anime they are almost welcomed by everyone in this community.This is also a remake of former version of fruits basket which deviated from the manga completely by the end of the show, but this time around author was not swayed by the pressure and stuck to their beliefs. I am glad author was not swayed and not gave in
because this anime is pure gold.
Character designs have somewhat changed in this version but the overall aesthetic is good and matches everything in the anime. Talking about characters, fruits basket is all about characters and their development. The hardships they face and how they overcome those hardships, its done in way that you would only expect this kind of drama and development only from a Josei anime. Like I said its all about characters and mind you there are a lot of are them. Most of them are integral part of the anime and do not feel like they not belong in that scene or episode. Handling that many characters and giving them depth and proper time, its not easy(so many characters in shounen anime remain unused even though they had a lot potential), but author here knew what they were doing and did a really fine job utilizing all of her characters.
Directing is also a important part of this anime and director did his best, you can tell that by episode 24, which delivered on everything in best way possible, from emotional drama to ugliness of of certain character.
Give it a try if you like anime with heavy character development and drama and there is little bit of romance too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 11, 2019
This is your typical Shounen anime but done damn right.
The story is somewhat new in a sense and character location or setting I would say is also kind of new to me in shounen anime, I am saying this because now days shounen anime always start in a city or suburb areas. Its nice to see this anime start the story from middle of nowhere kind of setting (given this anime takes place in past, its not new but different in my opinion).
The action scenes are jaw dropping and are something you would rewind the few seconds of that scene to see again. Tanijro as
a character is also breath of fresh air in this shounen setting, because he do not have lofty goals like becoming king of pirates or something like that, he just wants to turn his sister back to human form once again and he do not rely on friendship power or activating his fourth gear on or going ssj 3, nope he trains like any other human being to earn his power. Directing on this anime is also fascinating, you can tell that director cut no corner for fight scenes(like one other anime I know, looking at you OPM S2) and he went with full force to animate those gorgeous fight scenes.
The only tiny bit problem is that occasional use of CG models of characters when they are far in the view or are fast moving, but this use of CG is ten times better than what we got for goblin slayer. When its comes to using CG studio Ufotable is leagues ahead in the competition and it shows here.
This is only anime I am enjoying, which is doing action scenes right. Give it a try you will enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 3, 2019
Mostly everyone hates back stories of characters when that given back stories do not add anything to the main story or characters or it do not gives depth to any characters involved, same is the case here. Last season also did this but second season added so much to current story and gave weight to ongoing narrative that everyone said that back story was better than main story.
This time around its not even interesting and entertaining and its just boring and its wasting SAKUGA animation. I wanted to know why Dazai is hell-bent on killing himself but no we got see back story of side
characters. Why dazai is the way he is, its unknown but it would have been great to see why he is that way.
Animation is great because its Bones and direction is okay I guess. I would say it is by the books nothing new and creative as you would expect from a Bones. Story is overall also weak.
I say watch it if you like fancy and mindless fights otherwise do not.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 30, 2019
The only thing this crossover missing is TRUCK-KUN. Jokes aside this anime is doing very good with its characters, which are from different anime, 4 different anime to be accurate.
I really like how they manage characters from different anime and how this anime has integrated them, I liked that Aqua and Ainz have bit of rivalry because Ainz is pure evil and Aqua is a Goddess. I also liking how Tanya is believing that God who she hates passionately is one of the classmates. How can I forget subaru, who thinks that he is back to his daily normal life (lets be honest
here anything is better for him than his Isekai world) .
These chibe characters get some time to before you get used to them but when you get used to them its really is a fun ride. Animation is smooth, which is always welcomed but production sure is high here, its odd because at glance this anime looks like second thought of some unknown studio but it delivers on the animation department quite well.
It have some down sides, like most of the characters do not interact with other and are there for sake of being there, which is a downer but most of the time it does a decent job here. You should watch if you want to see different characters from different anime to interact.
8/10 from me. Go give it a try and watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 1, 2019
Art comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes and this anime proves that, it uses clay motion, stop motion and real life video from camera and all kinds of different animations to make you laugh.
This anime may not be for everyone like memes because not everyone the likes same memes, that is why. Our main caste duo is prefect for this kind of anime, they are weird and shown in all kinds of animation styles and still remain funny and relevant which is not easy feat to pull in my opinion. Sometimes papuko acts weird and other times its pimimi who acts
weird, and their are times when everything is weird, from characters to the premise of the joke, but that is the beauty of this anime.
I really like how they use different animations styles to tell a joke and its unique to that animation style. This anime has its own taste and thing which is unique to it and I love that kind of taste in anime. 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 1, 2019
It rarely happens that second season of any anime tops the first season but its not the case with the Mob Psycho 100, because its clearly improves over 1st season artistically and story-wise too.
Mob Psycho 100 is lucky that its not being handled by any other studio then Bones because otherwise it might not have gotten the same treatment that its getting here, any other studio might have changed the director for the second season and all know how well that sits with anime fans. Just look at that One Punch Man's second season's PV, the anime has not been released yet but people
are freaking out at the PV because not only studio is changed but director also is changed. The thing about mob psycho 100 is that artistically its very unique and one of kind like Bakimonogatari, I am glad that it follows the art style of manga and does not shy away from its quirkiness and respects authors will and his intent. When its comes to animation studio bones knows what they are doing and god they have done a phenomenal job here, each and every frame of mob psycho 100 is masterpiece and can be looked as a drawing that can be hanged in household as a art-piece.
The anime's other unique thing is his main character Shigeo (Mob), who thinks supernatural powers are part of his daily life and does not give him any edge over anything. And that mentality is something which makes him unique in the shounen genre and which through he grows as a person. While talking about this anime we can not ignore the one person that is Reigen, he servers as a mentor to Mob, a kind of mentor he truly deserves as shown in the episode 3 of season 2. I really like that overall the show has not changed much from the first season it has just improved upon on the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 29, 2019
I went into this anime knowing nothing about it, I have not seen the earlier anime from 2000,s or read the novel, but I was quit surprised to find it intriguing and philosophical. And one thing I will say that how marvelously opening of the anime foreshadows upcoming events is is just flawless. Touka rin is the opposite off the Boogiepop, but she (spoiler alert) is the boogiepop unbeknownst to her. She not knowing that she has (spoiler alert) dual personalty disorder makes things even more interesting, because that is why we see two sides of the single person who are nothing like each-other. This
take on philosophical thoughts is nothing new but boogiepop does things this in a subtle way, things are not that grandiose and everything happens in a small town.
Animation on this anime is also something to be praised, and that animation is just beautiful too look at. And you expect nothing less from a guy who directed one punch man. There is a filter or over-lay on anime this anime, which quit catches the over-all mood of the show pretty nicely and that kind small touch is most welcome.
Its a philosophical anime but some what differs from the norm, I think you will like it if you plan to it though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 28, 2019
All these years we wanted a good harem series where all characters acted like real people not like some sluts thirsty for that precious heavenly water. And it looks our prayers have been answered.
Its delightful to see a main characters of harem series acting like a real human being for once, because I am sick of seeing aloof harem character or the ones who never get in any relationship from the dozens of girls available at his service. Futaro our main guy is more focused on getting rid of his debt then getting in any relationship but that does not mean he is insensitive to
any of the girls because of that, he really tries his best to help all the girls, be at studies or anything else, he respects their choices and recognizes their differences. Even all girls are Quintuplets but each have their own personalty and unique quirks which separates them from other. Like how Miku likes japanese history and Ichika has like acting and so on . Mine favorite is Miku no doubt.
This series only suffers from low quality animation which is weird because its done by studio Tezuka Productions, and studios Tezuka Productions is well known for the quality animation, so I do not what went wrong here in the animation department. You have to bare with some bad animation for that good story and character interactions.
Give it try its a really good anime in my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 27, 2019
Its a cute story about abandoned cat who gets adopted by a writer who lives alone, and cat who cares for her owner like a big sister. I like to say that all cats are like that but thats not true, when it comes to me specially. Because my cat never cared for anyone or anything other then food and sleep, but I still loved him a lot(my cat died few years ago, rest in piece buddy).
Subaru the main character is awkward and shy, but we later learn in the anime why he is so shy and awkward and it makes sense in the long
run. Later in the show subaru start to develop friendships with others and he really values those relationships, it really is heartwarming to see him do that. Subaru is able to do all that thanks to his cat haru, haru shows him the care and love in way he never experienced, which changes the perceptive of subaru's thinking and the way he sees people. It really is cute to see those two bond together.
The only nitpick I have with this anime is that animation itself, which is stiff sometimes and sometimes really not good to look at, then again this anime is done by a small new studio zero-G. If you look past that animation then its a moving story about a guy who learns how to value friends and relationships from a feline.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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