Oct 5, 2023
Pluto is a mystery manga series written by Naoki Urasawa and illustrated by Takashi Nagasaki. It is a reimagining of Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy, focusing on the story of Gesicht, a robot detective who investigates the mysterious deaths of seven other robots.
The manga is set in a future where robots are commonplace and have been granted equal rights to humans. However, when a series of robot murders rocks the world, Gesicht is tasked with finding the culprit. As he investigates, Gesicht uncovers a dark conspiracy that threatens to ignite a war between humans and robots.
Pluto is a masterfully crafted manga that combines elements of mystery,
science fiction, and philosophy. Urasawa's writing is intelligent and thought-provoking, exploring themes such as the nature of humanity, the role of robots in society, and the dangers of artificial intelligence.
The manga also features stunning artwork by Nagasaki. The characters are expressive and well-designed, and the action scenes are dynamic and exciting.
Overall, Pluto is a must-read for fans of manga, mystery, and science fiction. It is a well-written and beautifully illustrated story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.
Here are some of the things that I loved about Pluto:
The complex and well-developed characters. Gesicht is a particularly fascinating protagonist, and his relationship with the other characters is complex and nuanced.
The suspenseful and thrilling plot. Urasawa does a great job of keeping the reader guessing until the very end.
The thought-provoking themes. Pluto explores a number of complex themes in a way that is both intelligent and engaging.
The stunning artwork. Nagasaki's artwork is simply beautiful. The characters are expressive and well-designed, and the action scenes are dynamic and exciting.
Overall, I give Pluto a 9/10. It is a masterfully crafted manga that I highly recommend to all fans of mystery, science fiction, and philosophy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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